Read with BonusRead with Bonus

First Impression

It's useless to avoid my supervision. Even though he rejected my offer to help carry his groceries, I would go ahead as long as it made me look like a good woman in his eyes.

"B-Boss, let me bring it! You seem to be having a hard time, hehe..." I mean I want to be a super understanding partner, I feel like I'm more someone who has hidden intentions in every kindness.

"No need! I can carry my own shopping. You'd better think about your suitcase that you left in front of the apartment!" He said as he walked away with a cold expression on his face that was difficult to understand.

"Ah... damn! I forgot my suitcase." I shouted as I ran helter-skelter towards my poor suitcase.

I immediately opened it and checked the contents, nothing was missing, everything was still intact as when I left it an hour ago.

" tired! My feet hurt so much from walking all day. But it's okay, at least I have a chance to survive." I muttered with fiery enthusiasm.

I pulled my suitcase as I ran towards the apartment and followed the man. He got into the elevator, I hurriedly followed before the elevator doors closed.

"Thank you! Huh, actually I'm really tired, but I'm happy because I finally got a place to live." I said, trying to engage him in conversation to avoid an awkward atmosphere, because it was just the two of us in this elevator.

But he didn't budge at all, facing forward without showing any reaction. Because of his attitude, I felt stupid for talking alone.

"At least respect the person who talks to you, bro." I'm annoyed. If he wasn't the savior angel who had given me a glimmer of hope to survive in this city, maybe I would have wiped his face with my shoe.

If it's quiet like this, I definitely can't hold back the urge to pass gas. But, how do I do it? At least someone got into the elevator so no one noticed.

"D-damn, I can't stand it! Why isn't anyone coming in? On every floor, the elevator doors keep opening. But why is no one coming in?" The sound of my heart struggled because of the urge that felt stronger in my stomach.

Everyone in this world must have experienced it, those moments when there is wind blowing in your stomach as if looking for a way out and there are two solutions to free them, by burping or farting.

"Ah...either way, I can't hold it in anymore!" I thought. Cold sweat started to flow down my forehead, my eyes focused on the numbers that appeared above the elevator doors.

"One more floor! Yes, just one more floor that way I can free-"


The sound of the wind was quite soft, but could still be heard clearly. I froze, unable to see the man's reaction. An unpleasant smell began to smell, the smell of boiled eggs that I ate a few hours ago. It smells really bad.

"Ah...I'd better die. How about this?" My mind screamed. I don't think I can see his face, he must have noticed.

My eyes glanced at him, he remained calm as if nothing had happened or the smell of rotten eggs filled this elevator. I don't know whether he didn't realize it or he was just pretending so I wouldn't feel embarrassed.


The elevator door opened wide, the man whose name I didn't know immediately stepped out carrying his shopping package. I couldn't help but let him walk a little further.

"Huhuhu...stupid! What did I do? You stupid! It's nothing to give such an embarrassing impression like that!" Really, I really want to cry and fall free now.

"What are you doing? This is the room!" He exclaimed, standing in front of the door to apartment number 25.

"O-okay!" I said as I walked after him.

I went inside the place where I would stay. Honestly, this place is very nice, not much different from what it looks like from the outside. It's cool, the floors and all the furniture look new. Apart from that, I didn't think that a three-bedroom apartment was quite spacious.

"Wow... that's great! Where is my room?"

"Over there! Near the kitchen. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, I don't mind at all. I can sleep anywhere, hehe..."


"Umm...but I don't know your name yet! I'm Jenni, Jennifer Everdeen." I said while extending my hand to shake.

He stared at me for a moment, without any meaningful expression. But he seemed reluctant to shake hands with me. Do I look disgusting?

"Jacob." The answer was short.

"Oh...Jacob, huh? Well then, nice to meet you. Please cooperate!"

"Yes, excuse me." He stepped and entered one of the rooms adjacent to the living room.

"Okay, then I have to go to my room too!"

I opened the door to the room next to the kitchen. This room is not very big, but very nice and neat. There is a bed, wardrobe and a table.

I remembered something, I don't know how many bathrooms and toilets there are in this apartment. If there's only one, that means I have to share the bathroom with him.

" comfortable. Finally I can lie down too!" I muttered as I lay down on the soft and comfortable bed.

"Do I take a shower before going to bed? I feel like I'm sweating."

I got out of bed, grabbed a towel and walked out of the room. Next to the laundry room, there was a door that I assumed was the bathroom door and when I approached, I could hear the sound of water coming from the shower.

"Is he taking a shower?"

My head started thinking about something strange. Considering Jacob's strong arms, it is clear that he has an athletic and sexy body. Without realizing it, I looked around, hoping there weren't any surveillance cameras.

"Yes, it's safe. But how can I peek?"

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