When life gives you a second chance, will you grab it or let it slip away?.



“Nurse Simmons, you can go ahead and stitch him up,he's good to go;send him up to his room.”

“ Yes Dr Pierce”. God today was a hectic day. Two surgeries and a full ER. I pulled my scrubs off and headed back to the temporary office. My beeper started going off. I checked it and it was another one. I started running. I grabbed my bag and coat and left. It would take me fifteen minutes to get to the private hospital. I grabbed my phone and called ahead.

“ This is Dr Pierce. I need Neurosurgeon intern Bryan Dennings. Dr Mitchell from pediatrics. Er Nurse Lanie Montgomery and Er Nurse Shannon Payton to scrub in for the surgery. Have them prep the patient and wait for me and also have the patient's file ready. ETA ten minutes ”.

“Dr Pierce. this is Lanie Montgomery, We're ready, there's swelling and bleeding in the patient's brain”.

“Seven minutes”. I ended the call and floored it. I made it in record time. I rushed through the emergency door and the first thing I saw was him. I wasn't expecting to see him standing there along with his entire family. I could see the looks of confusion and shock. However, I was a doctor and I had a patient. I rushed past them and handed my bag to Sam. I grabbed the chart from Lanie. The minute I saw the name of the patient,I knew I had to do whatever it took to save his life.

“Let's go,Have the interns go to the viewing gallery,they may learn something. Also if the family of the patient wishes to”. I said running to the OR. I sterilized my hands and wore my scrubs,I waited on the others. Grayson was already on the OR table. The minute he saw me he smiled.

“God damn Kenzie,You look good, Do me a favor if I stay alive make sure you make me look good.” I knew everything said would be heard in the viewing gallery.

“I need you to stop talking and be quiet MrPaul, or you'll make it're not going to die. I need you alive so I can make your life miserable. I'll make sure you look good. I've got you ”.


“Bryan” I looked at him ,he knew what to do. Within a few minutes Grayson was out. I checked his Reports.

“Remove this section of hair only. Bryan you can explain to the interns what is going on”.

“Kenzie, He's there ”. Zara said quietly. I didn't have to look up to know he was there. Grayson was his best friend, they were like brothers and he would always be there for him. Him being here wasn't My problem.

“I know but I am not interested in him at the moment “.

“Finished Dr Pierce.” Lanie said.


I began making an incision on the left side of his head. I was so focused on what I was doing ,I zoned out everything except what was needed. It took us eight hours but it was done. The swelling and bleeding had stopped and he would have minimal scarring. I looked up into the viewing gallery.

“Any questions?”.

“Dr Pierce, most surgeons would open the entire skull structure,why didn't you?”.

I looked at him , Timothy,he was an intern that I truly didn't appreciate.

“Why Give a patient more scars than necessary ? ,why give a patient a longer recovery time?. If a surgeon is capable, and confident that they can perform a surgery with minimal damage to the patient without breaking any rules then by all means they can accomplish it”.

I didn't look at him but I could feel his eyes on me. “Have the patient sent up to the VIP ward on the third floor. Lanie.Shannon you will be the nurses on call and also two interns of your choice”.

“Yes Dr Pierce”.

After they left, I was in the OR. Once alone I looked up to make sure they were gone, he was gone. I sat on the table and let out a breath. When Zara walked in she came over and sat next to me.

“How Did you feel when you saw him?”She asked out loud.

“Honestly, Nothing. No hate ,no anger,not sadness, loss,love,nothing Zara.The minute I left all those emotions died“.

She stood up and looked at me.

“It's impossible not to run into him or any of his family .Will you be able to do it? ,see them ?”.

I looked at her “Yes Zara. I don't hate him ,any of them for that matter of fact. I'm just heartbroken that he ordered me to never speak to Cynthia ever again . I'll deal with it , there isn't any other choice but to deal with it”.

“Okay, I'm heading back up to pediatrics, I'll see you at the bar tonight?”.


I watched as she danced her way out of the OR. When I was sure she was gone. I let everything go, That's when the trembling started and the first tear fell. I couldn't help but sob quietly, seeing him took me back. Back to five years ago. I pulled the necklace I had hidden under my shirt and held it in my hands. He had given this to me, This was all I had left of that time.

After my mini breakdown, I stood up and went to the sink. I washed my face and pulled the scrubs off and headed to my office. I sat going over Grayson's File , checking over everything,when I heard a knock on the door.

“Yes” , the door opened and she walked in. Jasmine Dupree was the last person I wanted to see.I wanted nothing to do with her or him. She took a seat opposite me and smiled.

“I didn't expect you to return to Ardwell McKenzie, guess you achieved your dreams of being a doctor. I think it's best if you left Ardwell. Darius doesn't need or want you around. You did enough damage already. You hurt him enough, it took a long time but he's moved on. We're engaged and planning our wedding,and you being her Will just mess with his head so I think it's best for you to leave”. She had that same smirk on her face.

I stood up and walked to the door .

“Get out“. I said looking at her. She took her Time standing up .

“Just stay away from Darius , don't hurt him again” , she said as she walked out the door. I slammed it shut behind her. I sat at my desk with my head down. He moved on , I couldn't help but laugh, here I was struggling to get over him and he moved on. I didn't hear the door opening. It wasn't until I heard the door close that I looked up when he walked in. His green eyes have always been intimidating. He sat in the chair and kept looking at me. I needed to put a distance between me and all of them.I braced myself for it and spoke.I wasn't sure I could speak but I had to.

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