
After he left,I just sat there. I understand why Cynthia was worried. The minute he walked in I was shocked and stunned by the way he looked. He was a handsome man ,He had tattoos from where I could see. He was wearing a suit and tie,his face was unreadable and he looked cold and distant, his Aura said he wasn't someone to be trifled with. I know many women would want to be with him especially with his status. However I wasn't sure how long this would last. I wasn't going to get caught up with my feelings. No feelings should be involved or then everything would be out in the open.

I was sitting there when Marlene came over.

“Is everything okay Ms Pierce?”.

“Yes,Thank you, I'm just waiting for my friend to drop my stuff off. The entire situation is new to me so I am a bit unsure how to proceed. I am sorry if I sounded rude to you earlier, It wasn't my intention and I am sorry if you were hurt. It is just I've never been addressed that way or been put in this position before”. I said holding my hands together in order for the trembling not to be seen.

“What position, being married to a rich man, you'll get used to it dear and I'm not offended“. She said smiling.

“Thank you and no not being married but being Respected. You don't need to do anything for me Marlene.My laundry,my room,my food I'll take care of myself. I'm not used to having someone do these things for me, I spend most of my time studying so if I am here you will rarely see me”. I said quietly.

“And that is okay, you'll do it until you ease into someone doing it for you" .she said tapping my hands.

Just then I saw Zara walking in.

“Your friend is here, I'll bring some more drinks and snacks,"she said standing up.

“Thank you Marlene”.

Zara came over and sat next to me, holding my hands. She already knew I was trembling.

“It's okay. Whenever and when you're ready to get out just say it and Cynthia will understand. I know why you're doing this and I understand. If you ever need me I'll always be here for you" . She said quietly.

“Thank you Zara. If I didn't have you and Cynthia I don't know….”. I trailed off

“And you'll never have to find out. We'll be late for class“. She said smiling.

I stood up and walked to where I thought the kitchen was. I found Marlene humming away.


“Yes Ms?”.

“I will be heading out. I have classes today. Umm my bags are in the living room I'm not sure”.

“You go ahead, I'll take care of it, don't worry”, She replied smiling.

“Thank you. May I have your number, Incase there's an emergency or”. I said.

“Didn't he give you his number? Lord I swear that boy needs a whopping ” ,she said. She gave me her number and all his numbers including the house numbers. I said goodbye to her and left. When we stepped out of the house a man was standing there.

“Mrs Cirano,my name is Zach, I'm your security detail. I just needed to introduce myself so you should not be scared if you see me around “. He said plainly. He handed me a paper. I guess it was his number.

“My number Mrs Cirano. If you need help don't hesitate to call“.

“Okay and thank you. Please refer to me as Ms Pierce, not Mrs Cirano. That is fine with me. I'm heading off to med school now ”. I said calmly.

“Very well Ms , I'll be behind at a safe distance “. He said walking to his car. Zara and I looked at each other. On the drive she was chatting.

“So billionaire husband, Bodyguards,Mrs Cirano?”. She said laughing.

“You know I don't want all of this” ,I said sadly.

“I know babe ,but maybe this is what you need”. She answered, grabbing my hand.

I didn't know how to feel about all of this, I couldn't put it into perspective. My personal life has always been chaotic but when it came to studies that was the one thing I was Sure about. In med school I could truly be myself. I would put it out of my mind. I didn't have to see him or Converse with him ,it would be like having a roommate. A roommate that could never see me naked even in anything other than the clothes I wear. I didn't want questions being asked. Cynthia and Zara knew and that was enough. I just have to keep to myself and stay out of his way and he would stay out of mine. Exam's were coming up and I had a lot to study.

It's been two months since I've been in that house, Been married to him and true to his words I never saw him. Marlene was the only one I saw and the security. One morning a few weeks later,As I was leaving, Marlene stopped me to let me know he left an envelope for me. She handed it to me. When I opened it,there was a credit card inside, with a note that said. “It's yours“. I didn't want it or need it. I was sure if I gave it back it would cause a problem so I took it up to my room and left it in the dresser.

Zara and I have been pushing it by putting in more hours studying. We were in the library one afternoon. It wasn't until my neck started paining that I looked up.

“Zara, It's dark out. What time is it?”.

She looked at me then grabbed her phone. “Crap it's one in the morning,We have an early class.”she replied, rubbing her shoulders.

“Well as we're already here might as well stay”, I said, taking a sip of my now cold coffee.

“Let's get coffee ”. She said, smiling.

For some reason I never told him I would be here overnight,but he knew. I guess Zach was always reporting to him, it never bothered me because if I wasn't home this was the only place I would be.


The last two months I haven't seen her but I knew exactly what she was up to. Zach gave me a detailed report once a week. Ruddy hasn't found anything on her. No parents on file, nothing. Everything he found is about her from the age of eighteen years old. Nothing before then and it's bothering me. I told him to keep looking. I left her a credit card but it hasn't been used. Which had me thinking again.

I asked the old woman and all she said was 'It's hers to tell'. That meant I wasn't getting any information from her, I'll only get it from McKenzie. Zach has reported to me that she and Ms Zara Mitchell have been spending many nights in the library of the med school pulling all-nighters. He verified it was just the two of them. He even reported that her male colleague stayed away from her. And it makes me wonder what exactly was going on with her.

She didn't leave the med school to go anywhere,the only other place she goes is the coffee shop and that's it. What kind of twenty year old just studies and doesn't go out?. Just that one friend, she doesn't go shopping either because if she did Zach would have said so. She's living life as a hermit or was she hiding something.

I had a lunch meeting one Friday and was leaving the restaurant. Jameson's daughter had come for the meeting,she would be around a lot. We had just stepped out of the restaurant and were heading back to the office when I saw her. Zach was behind her. Ciana was standing next to me .

“Sir”, I heard Ruddy.

“I know” ,I said, he was letting me know she was there. Ciana kept talking about something or the other ,I wasn't too interested in what she was saying. This was the first time I had seen her out in public, Ms Mitchell was beside her. She walked past me as if I was a stranger. She didn't even acknowledge me. Zach nodded at me.

”So Mr Cirano shall we have dinner tonight and discuss the project further?”.

I zoned back in when I heard her.

“Mr Paul will join you, unfortunately I have other plans“. I said feeling a bit unsure.

Yes we were married,No one knows because that's the way I want it.So why the fuck do I feel bad because she walked past me. I headed back to the office and called Zach.

“Where is she ?”.

“Sir she and Ms Mitchell went to the hospital,she has a class there. They were at lunch and heading back to classes when you saw her”. He said

“How long has she been studying downtown?” , I asked.

“Today is the first day… sir excuse me she's heading towards me….”.

I couldn't hear anything,but I heard him saying yes and no.

“Sorry sir. The young Missus just informed me that she would be doing studies downtown for the next two weeks. She said I should let you know“. He said.

“Good ” ,I said, ending the call.

I pulled up her number and texted her .

“Why did you ignore me?” , I have no idea Why the Fuck that pissed me off.I was a damn grown man and I was pissed because she ignored me. She replied instantly.

“I'm sorry Mr Cirano. The public doesn't know we are married and we have no reason to speak to each other in public. If it bothers you I'll make sure not to cross your path in public”.

I threw the phone down onto my desk. What the Fuck was wrong with me. I can't blame her, it's not even her fault. She had a point. Why would she speak to me in public? We don't know each other. I grabbed the phone and replied.

“It's fine. I'll be returning late this evening”.

“Okay Mr Cirano ”.

That was it ? No questions,why ,where ,who. What the fuck was happening here. She had no interest in this marriage, neither did I so Why the Fuck was this bugging me so much.

I pushed that aside and completed my work. It was going on to nine when Grayson joined me in my office.

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