Chapter 1
With the speed of lightning, I dashed into the bathroom, dashed out dry and clean, grabbed my shirt and suit trouser, wore them as I blow dried my hair. Not having enough time to curl it, I just dabbed a large amount of vanilla hair cream and packed it in a sleek ponytail with my cute bangs. I grabbed my lipstick and applied a little powder.
How could I sleep through ten alarms? I know I'm being followed by bad luck but this is a different level.
'Maybe I should get an MP. One of those loud speakers and connect it to my phone.’ I thought and I bursted into laughter. It'll probably be loud enough to wake everyone in this building.
It's clear that the universe doesn't want me to have a job ever because if that wasn't the case, how the hell can I be late for my first interview after 18 rejections from different job applications?
I grabbed my heels, strapped it on, and ran out of my apartment into the Uber that I'd had half the brain to order last night before going to sleep.
I stared at my wristwatch and I was twenty minutes late. I turned to the driver and told him to break every damn traffic law in the state to get me to my appointment in record time. But after he told me that I would foot the bill of ticket or perhaps bail, I simply zipped my mouth, threw away the key and admitted the scenery with a jittery heart.
The minute he pulled up to the entrance of LIFE Hospital, I didn't even wait for him to park the car well before running out and aiming for the elevator, I was thirty minutes behind.
This was my first breakthrough after being constantly rejected 18 times. It's crazy how hard it is to get a job as a Doctor or a Nurse. In fact that was the exact reason why I had done a second degree in Nursing. So that I can work in either of them. But instead, I was slapped in the face constantly by both.
As I dashed towards the elevator, I made up my mind that I wouldn't let anything ruin my interview today but of course, I jinxed it. The elevator was full and on its way up
“ Damn it!”
That's when it clicked that I hadn't even asked the receptionist where the interview would be taking place.
I traced my steps back to the front desk and smiled at the woman guilty.
“ I was trying to call you back.” The receptionist, who had ‘Clara’ on her name tag grinned at me. Like I was an amusing little thing for her.
“ I’m sorry. I'm late for my interview that's all.” I explained.
“ I thought as much. The HR department is on the 10th floor by the way.”
My eyes widened, “ Did you just say the tenth floor?”
She nodded and clicked her perfectly manicured nails on the table.
So I'm going to have to climb the stairs of a fifteen-floor building just to get to my interview which started roughly thirty minutes ago on the teth floor? In which a floor has two stairs? I’m doomed.
“ I’m never going to make it, am I?” Unable to stop the pessimistic words from escaping my lips, my shoulders sagged.
“ I'm sure you can. Look, I was late as well for my interview.” She smiled, “ On the second day.”
My eyes widened and she laughed.
“ See, so yours isn't that bad. Don't worry girl. I’m sure you’ll ace it.”
“ Thank you Clara. My name is Belinda.” I stretched out my hand for a shake and she took it with a smile.
“ Nice to meet you Belinda. Can't wait to have you on board with us.”
I went to the staircase and pulled off the band in my hair before packing it in a messy bun, my heels were pulled off my legs and tucked nearly into my bag and I began my journey up to the HR Interview room.
By the time I got to the floor, my name was just being called and I looked like I'd been swimming in the ocean with my chest heaving like I just escaped a bull stampede.
“ Belinda Rogers!” A lady called out my name again.
“ R-ight He…re” I said, still trying to catch my breath.
She looked at me with raised eyebrows and a disgusted look.
“ You are Belinda Rogers?” She asked.
“ Yes.”
“ You don't even look presentable. Anyways come in.” She turned and walked in.
“ Bitch!” I muttered under my breath and the lady sitted by my side grinned and whispered “ That's exactly what I said.”
I smiled at her thankfully. Grateful that I had someone to support me.
“ Here take this.” She handed me a pink baby face towel and the lady beside her gave me a comb, “ Don't worry. It's new, I just bought it for today.”
“ Thank you.” I took the face towel and comb from them.I mopped the sweat off my face and combed my hair, thankful that it was still sleek with cream before I used the hair band to make it back into its original ponytail.
I grabbed my shoes, wore it and walked in. Ready to ace the interview.
But the way the judges sized me up, dented my confidence a little.
They were definitely not impressed with my sweaty look.
I answered every question correctly, gave sensible replies and made sure that everything I said was towards the betterment of the hospital.
“ Would you be willing to work overtime if there's ever a need to?”
“ Will there be an increment in my salary?” I asked.
The lady stared at me like i’d just asked for the moon “ No…I'm afriad that won't be possible.”
“ Okay, then I will only be working for the hours that I'm being paid.” I replied. After my job as a server in restaurant serving wealth ass people overtime and not getting paid but getting fired for mixing up an order, I promised never to put myself through something that low ever again.
“ Alright thank you. We’ll get back to you.”
Of course I know they would never get back to me, not after my response to working overtime. My best friend, Aria was working the night shift and won't be back till tomorrow morning. So all I had left to comfort me was rom-coms and Cheetos.
The next morning, a call woke me up from my sleep.
“ Hello?” I said, grouchy that my sleep had been disturbed.
“ Sorry, this is Glenda from LIFE Hospital. We’re calling to inform you about your interview yesterday.”
I sat up immediately, “ Yes, what about it?”
“ You passed the interview but the problem here is the job can only be given to you on a condition?”
“ Which is?”
“ Can you separate two people that have been stuck together with glue?”