Chapter 5


“You heard me.”

“Of course I did, Mr Callahan. But I don't think you heard yourself.”

“Call me John. You've seen me naked already.” I crossed my arms and she huffed.

“That makes no difference, I see naked men all–”

“Then you have no problem with administering the ointment.”

“Why can't you do it? It's something you can–”

“I can't see the burns, what if I miss a spot?” I raised an eyebrow. She's so fun to watch. She took in a deep breath and released, trying to keep her anger in control.

I've been told I had a talent for getting under people's skin. But her's is so refreshing.

“You have guards, don't you? Call them.”

“And have them lose their respect for me, doubt it.”

“I'm sure they've seen worse and still respect you.” Yep! She didn't mean to say that out loud because she slapped her palm over her mouth, and her eyes widened in horror. “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to–”

“Yes, you did. You just didn't mean for me to hear it.” I leaned closer to her so that our faces were close.

God, she smelt so flowery.

“I’m not allowing any of my guard to apply the ointment on me. You're a doctor and well-versed in situations like this. And I don't want anyone thinking I'm into bl.”

“For the love of sweet mojitos, it's ointment! You don't need a degree to apply ointment. And being tagged as gay is worse than being tagged as a pedophile.”

“The answer to both would have been ‘’yes’ except that you're not a child.”

She narrowed her eyes “ How would you know? You're like what? 30? That's pretty old to me.”

“30? Don't you follow the tabloids?” I asked. I was sure everyone knew everything about my life more than I did. Not with the reporters chasing me around like bees.

“Nope. I'm too busy job hunting to have time for silly things like tabloids.”

I grinned, like an actual grin for the first time that week. “And yet you knew who I was before I told you.”

“Mr. Callahan–”


“John. It's not rocket science, your face is plastered everywhere. There's no way I wouldn't recognize you okay? I just don't stalk your life like those crazy girl fans of yours.” Her lips puckered to a small pout.

“ I have better things to do.”

“ H, of course. Well the quicker you apply the ointment, the faster you get back to your job.”

She facepalmed herself and I smiled. She's so expressive.

“Why are you being so difficult? it's just ointment and if you really feel you can't apply it just because you can't see all the burn areas, just stand in front of a mirror.”

“Yeah, because I like standing in front of mirrors admiring my naked di–”

“OKAY! I'll do it.”

“I thought as much.”

I walked towards the bed as she began murmuring, probably giving herself some self-motivation.

But as she turned around and her eyes landed on my naked crotch, she shut her eyes and yelled.

“Good Lord. What is wrong with you?”

“What? Don't I have to be naked for you to apply it?” Amusement dripped in my tone.

“Yes, but some heads-up would be nice.”

“For someone who sees naked men all day, you're not been very discreet.” I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t…Nevermind.” She slowly walks to me, going on her knees, and fuck me if that sight didn't do something to me.

“Like what you see?” I winked at her, her cheeks turning red.

“Shut up. You're so annoying in person.” She muttered.

“I get that a lot.”

She was struggling to open the lid and I asked “Do you need my help?”

“No, thank you.”

Definitely the most honest and normal reply from her all day.

When she looked up and her lips were directly in line with the tip of my hardness, I lost all sense of reasoning.

An image of her, naked as touching me wafted through my head. Her soft clammy hands holding–

Okay! That's enough.

“I’ll apply it now.”

My body jerked at the touch of her cold hands.

“Stay still. You're distracting me.”

I looked down to see her eyes narrowed in concentration as she focused on getting the ointment everywhere. She scooped some more and rubbed them deep into my skin, my head dropped back at the pressure.

Why didn't I just do it myself? Because I didn't want her to leave quickly.

And now, I've set myself up for disaster.

I pried my eyes away from her and glued it to the door, every second of every minute was torture. I had to bite down on my lips to keep from moaning.

She'll think I'm a pervert. Hell, I asked her to help with the ointment and she called me a pedophile!

Don't think, John! Don't think of the pressure of her hands on the spot you desperately want it.

It's crazy how she's not touching me but yet I'm reacting to her more than I've ever reacted to any woman after my disease.

Why can she arouse me like this? Is it because she's a doctor and knows all the right spots?



“What!” She sounded frustrated.

I looked at her but she was still focused on my laps, “Be quick.”

“I will if you just shut up.”

The only woman to talk to me in such a rude manner.

“I’m almost done. I just have to get to the ones in between your laps. How did that even get there?”

And then she set me on a climactic journey.

Her fingers scraped my balls and I released a loud moan.

“Does it hu–?”

My seed sprayed everywhere as I wanked myself harder.

“Fuck!” I moaned, this was the strongest of all my releases.

When I came down from my high, my legs too weak to hold me up, I finally looked at Belinda and there she was, dripping in white.

Uh oh!

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