Chapter Five

(Naomi's P. O. V.)

I stood there confused and shocked about the flood of girls that suddenly rushed into the showers, not able to reason what was going on.

There were like a hundred girls of all ages in here, if not more, and all naked.

I just stood there, unable to move due to fear that I would perhaps hit someone or something.

I knew that I had to ask someone, or else I wouldn't know how to move, or what to do next. Nothing made any sense, and it wasn't an all that wonderful feeling to be caught unaware by your surroundings.

"Hey, please excuse me..." I asked, trying to call the attention of a girl with long dark brown locks and beautiful large green eyes.

She had to be a few years younger than me, perhaps seventeen or so. She had scars on her back and arms, most of them terribly fresh, the rest slightly starting to fade away. Looking at her carefully, I knew that I had recognized her from somewhere, for her face looked so familiar to me.

That is when I realized that she was the girl whom her, and her brother had been brutally beaten up earlier today. My heart ached and squeezed for her again, remembering how she had been dragged around like a goddamn rag doll by a toddler, and tattered up for defending herself.

She looked tired, beyond tired in fact. Trails of dried up tears were like ghosts on her cheeks, barely seen unless someone looked properly.

The girl turned to me, her gaze very timid, barely able to look me straight in the eye, and keep the eye contact. She had to be new. .

"What's the matter? How may I help you?" She responded, her voice inaudible unless you strained your ability to hear.

Her head hung low, her eyes were frantic. It was obvious that she was terribly nervous and wary of every single soul within this confinement.

My heart bled a little more for the girl, going out and trying to connect to hers, in a bid to tell the beautiful teenager that she wasn't alone here. Though it might seem that she was, and the situations and events might prove to oppose my theory, she wasn't alone. I would be with her as much as I could. That's the least that I could do.

She was still too young to be going through such a terrible thing. Nobody deserved to be bought, sold, and used like objects whenever the monsters of the world got bored, or too rich that they no longer knew what to do with all the money that they had.

"Sweetheart, please do you have any idea on what is going on? Why is everyone suddenly in the bathroom stalls?" I questioned her, carefulness to keep my voice never getting out of my conscious mind.

Tears formed in her eyes after I had asked my question, which confused me terribly, at least ten times more. Why was she crying? What had happened? Was it that terrible, what was to come?

Panic rose within me, mixing with the raw fear that I felt coursing through my veins. My heart beat picked up to a point where it raced wildly in my chest like I was running a marathon. All the worst things that could happen passed through my mind, each more dreadful than the other.

"We..." She trailed off, as if the ability to complete her sentence had totally left her.

My patience was growing thinner by second, and though I kept on repeating to myself in my mind to cut the poor young girl some slack, I also wanted to understand what was going on terribly. The urge only got stronger; there was just so long that I could hold on.

"We?..." I equally trailed off in extreme curiousity, prompting her to proceed with what she was trying to say.

She closed her eyes for a second, and exhaled loudly from her mouth, nearly looking as if she was trying to calm her raging nerves down.

"We are going to be sold Tonight. We were directed to take a shower, and after that we would be prepared for the auction tonight."

By the end of her last sentence, she had tears running down her face rapidly, the speed reminding me of two Rivers that flowed through fields during a raging storm.

My heart further broke for the poor girl. She is scared, I thought to myself. She was probably feeling like there was absolutely no way out now, and that she would be bought by some ruthless bastard. I couldn't reassure her that such would not happen, neither could I say anything to calm her down. I didn't know how to, considering most of the so called customers that Alex got, were terribly rich lunatics, who seek to spread more evil in the world through their mere existence.

She reminded me of the younger version of myself; so fearful and broken by the world. I wouldn't wish it for anyone, what we went through. Not even my worst enemy.

Unable to form any words of comfort and solace, I collected the young girl in my arms, hugging her to reassure her that I was there. Though I wasn't sure of the future and what it held, there was one thing that I was sure of. No matter how far I went away from here, if I survived I would make sure to find her and save her too. That was a silent oath I had taken to myself, not only for this girl, but for everyone who was a prisoner in here.

Her body tensed up for a moment, and she just stood there motionlessly, caution in every move of hers.

But then, she hugged me back, and sighed deeply. Her hot tears met my skin, and for the first time in years, I felt a strong emotion other than hate towards another person.

Just then, someone screamed my serial number.

"Zero Seven Nine!"

How could this be possible? I thought no one would even think of buying me? This wasn't what I was expecting.

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