Chapter Six

(Naomi's P. O. V.)

My legs froze for a minute as I tried to fathom what was happening. Why was I the first person called? Alex would never allow me to be sold or would he?

A hand hit the door and I jumped out of my thoughts. "I'm sure that you're not deaf are you?"

As if free from bounds, my legs finally moved. The girl I hugged earlier stared at me with pity and fear in her eyes. I was going to be sold. I was leaving this place that I had become very familiar with and it was really baffling.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Now, go to that room. Marcella would prepare you. We can't have you looking shabby. Your buyer is not a pauper." The man sneered at me.

Well, these men were horrible people and they would do whatever they liked just to feel good and most importantly make money. I had gone past the point of caring if they had a conscience. It must have been seared a long time ago and I didn't have time to worry about them one bit.

Marcella turned to inspect me from head to toe and she clicked her tongue. "You won't do. We need you to look prim and proper." She looked at her assistant, Donna. " Pass me the comb, she looks rabid." She said and I was a bit annoyed but decided that she was just saying her bit.

I moved toward the chair that she used in the beautification. " I don't know if you have been giving the orientation but these men don't like people who defy them. I know that you're strong-willed and act like you know everything but that's not going to work for you this time around." She advised me. Well, it was more of a threat than anything else.

"Great, so I would rather you comport yourself so that you don't find yourself back in this hell hole that you detest so much. Alex would chew you up and spit you out. You know how he can be." She warned.

This only aggravated my fear and I kept staring at her softly. I was known for keeping quiet but hey still felt threatened by my silence. I was used to their assumptions already so I didn't bother to correct her. "I think this is better. Don't you think so?" She asked Donna.

"I think she looks decent. The master would be pleased."

It was one thing for one to know that people were suffering, it was another thing to be complacent with it as long as they could get money. She patted my hair down and rolled the tips of my curls.

"The better we make you presentable, the more our money would be," Marcella said, not even minding that I was present.

"Okay, good then. Let's see what we can do with this." She stared at my bruised body. "Get me that oil. It should be able to conceal these bruises. Why would you allow yourself to be bruised?" She scolded me.

See when I said that certain people were foolish? I knew what I was saying. " Now you might be rejected. What am I even saying? I certainly won't want to buy someone like you. You're damaged goods."

They could say all they wanted because gone were the days when I felt very sad about many things but right now, I was fine with whatever they thought. I had seen many horrible things in the space of a few years. Her insults didn't matter anymore.

"Good girl." She said as she rubbed the oil over my body touching my sensitive parts. I couldn't even get angry because Alex had done worse. " You look sweet though." She said and rolled my nipples in her hand moaning from the contact.

I only stared at her. " Ma'am, it'll soon be time." Donna said, stopping her from continuing her violation. She glared at Marcella but I stared at them impassively.

It was her business. "Quickly don that dress." She ordered and my eyes followed her fingers. It rested on a flimsy dress that wasn't supposed to be called a dress. It was lace. Chantilly. But this was made in such a way that my whole body was exposed.

I wasn't new to this so I walked towards the rack. Red. I should have known. " You would pair it with those pumps, we need you to make millions for us." She said.

Oh, lest I forgot to add. She was Alex's sidepiece. He spoiled her silly and pumped money into her business. She was also a bisexual and didn't hide it. She slept with many girls after Alex was done with her. They were able to flourish together.

After donning the dress. I was without any underwear. She clicked her tongue again and walked toward me. " Something is incomplete." She muttered and ran her hands against my breast trailing slowly to my privates.

She couldn't help but slip a finger in and I gulped. She sighed. " You're wet already, how's that even possible?" She asked. " You need underwear to tease those men. I wish I could have you before you leave." She said she went down on me.

Donna gasped. Well, I took everything in without flinching. She used the panties to wipe me clean before patting my ass. "Good, you can now go." She said.

I left her room and marched towards the area I was hearing the sounds from. People were clapping as a man spoke from the microphone.

A few men stood in front of the curtain. They were probably bodyguards. I knew that this was a big event and many powerful people would be assembled here so they needed protection.

A man whistled as I walked by and tapped my ass. "Damn, that's massive baby." He said.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the room. The hall fell silent as soon as I walked in but I didn't feel any emotion. I had locked them and thrown away the keys so their opinions didn't matter.

Alex glared at me for entering at the wrong time but I didn't care. I just wanted to be sold so I could find a way to escape. If I remained here, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere and that was very terrible.

"So, we would soon be calling all the girls on stage, you can pick your choice. The rules remain." An ominous silence stretched over the hall. "Remember that the highest bidder goes home with any woman of their choice." He reminded them.

"Hmm, I think this is getting interesting." Alex said, diffusing the tension as many girls began to walk out of the room. My heart broke for that young girl who was undergoing trauma as we spoke. I saw the expression crack as she strutted toward me. She was unfortunate to be picked. She should still be worrying about how to turn in her assignments to her teacher not being groomed.

She sighed in relief when she saw me and I smiled softly at her. Cheers began to pour in as more girls piled on the stage. After performing a headcount, I discovered that we were almost fifty.

"Alright, this is what we have been waiting for." There was a small interception by a drummer and I rolled my eyes at the ridiculousness.

"We would be starting with number one." Alex announced and the lady raised her card, strutted down the podium, bending and doing all sorts just to tease the godforsaken men.

"Two thousand!" Someone shouted. It wasn't bad. She was probably twenty two years old. Her goods were still in prime condition.

"Five thousand!"

The bidding continued until Alex called again. " Fifteen thousand, going, sold." He said and the lady walked down the stage toward her bidder.

It was so shameful that the man tapped her ass and pulled her down for a kiss. They had already started necking.

The auction was a long process and I tuned out of the conversation. It was degrading as long as I was concerned.

It was until they got to my turn. I didn't hear anything until someone tapped me.

I walked to the center of the stage and there was silence in the room. " A thousand!"

That was fair.

"Two thousand!" Another man called. He was chubby like Alex. Holy hell, I didn't want to be sold but I certainly didn't want to be tied down to an unattractive man. It was very degrading.

"Three thousand!" Another man called. My eyes narrowed at the potbellied man. I guess I was in for bad luck today. All of them had meaty fingers that I was sure would plunder my body.

"Seven thousand!"

"Eleven thousand!"

"Fifty thousand!"

Okay, the vibe had been restored to the room. This was more than what I expected. I mean I would never have thought that they would bid so high for me. I glanced at Alex and saw that he was smiling. He was already smiling to the bank in his subconscious.

"Hundred thousand!"

I was tired of looking at the various men that were probably trying to buy me. That lass was staring at me with apprehension in her eyes. I could also relate to it. We didn't know who would end up buying us and it meant that our fate was decided.

"Two hundred thousand!"

Alex glanced at me, probably wondering what I did to be able to get this favor or whatnot.

"Three hundred thousand!"

Okay, this man was still manageable. He wasn't that old and he was still a bit presentable to look at. I think they should just stop here so that I don't have to fall into the wrong hands.

"Four hundred thousand!"

"Five hundred thousand!" A man shouted and the room went silent. I grimaced when I stared at this man. He looked ruthless. This man was going to regret the day I was born all in the name of sex. I guess no one was willing to spend more on a whore.

Alex grinned. "Is there anyone else ready to bid for her?" He asked.

No one answered for a minute and I sighed in resignation. I had moved from one person to another wicked fellow. I guess I was doomed from childbirth. There was nothing I could do and I had to take things like that.

"Is that the last bidder? Going for five hundred thousand! Going, going,"

"Seven hundred thousand!"

My head whipped in that direction and I saw a quite handsome man sitting on my left. He also seemed ruthless. I guess I was destined to be with either of them. What was I even thinking? No sane person would be here bidding for girls except they were also perverted like Alex.

"Seven-fifty thousand!" A woman called and I rolled my eyes. It was only the breast that made me know that she was a woman. Every part of her screamed male. I'd be damned!

"Are we all in agreement with that? Seven-fifty thousand? Going, going,..."

"Eight hundred thousand!"

Whoa, I guess I smeared myself with good luck today.

"I think that's the end for today! Sold for eight hundred thousand!" He said and I sighed, ready to move towards my bidder.

"Wait. A million dollars." A man said. His voice reverberated through the hall.

My mouth fell open in shock and everyone turned to the direction of the voice.

A young man wearing shades stared at me and I was a bit intrigued. He couldn't be more than thirty years old. How could he afford such a huge amount of money?

"Do you want to contest the price?"

"One point five million." The first man called again.

"Two million dollars." This young man called again.

" Two point five."

"Three million."

"Three point five."

"Ten million." The man said and I stilled. Goodness me! I was doomed.

"Great, I guess it's decided then."

"Going, going..." Alex drawled, hoping that the first man would bid higher.


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