Read with BonusRead with Bonus

The fun is over


I glanced at Jennifer and smiled as I realized that we had just had sex with each other, something completely unexpected considering we had been friends for several years and there had never been any romantic tension between us before. But it had been very interesting, and I had to admit that it was delightful the way we had just had fun with the guys from the group.

"Shall we take a shower?" Matteo invited me, holding my hand and helping me up from the carpet where I was lying.

"Great idea," I agreed, still feeling a bit embarrassed.

The embarrassment grew even more when, at that exact moment, the door to the living room opened, and Johnny walked in, looking at us with a questioning gaze and an intrigued smile on his lips.

"It seems like you guys had a little party without me," he commented in a mocking tone. "That really saddens me."

"I thought you were having fun with your little friend," Jennifer retorted in a disgruntled tone, clearly showing jealousy.

I didn't intend to stay there amid the tension that had settled in the room. I looked at Matteo, who seemed to understand my message, and we walked together towards his room, as it was better to leave the two of them alone to talk.

"You can sleep with us again, Benny," Matteo suggested jokingly. "You don't mind sharing the bed with our friend again, do you, Isa?"

"No," I agreed, understanding that Matteo wanted to get Benny out of the living room too.

"I'll take you up on the offer. But first, I'll take a shower in the other suite while our friends chat."

We all left the living room, and while Benny went to get his things and took his shower, Matteo and I went to his bathroom. Despite always being shy, something had changed during that carnival, and except for the moment in the living room with Johnny's arrival, I didn't feel ashamed to express my desires to Matteo.

We took a shower together, a rather long one, and we took advantage of that time under the shower to kiss and exchange some caresses just between us. I couldn't get enough of him, and I felt my heart becoming more and more involved with Matteo.

Quite sometime later, when we returned to the room, Benny was already in bed, completely asleep. I went to my suitcase, intending to grab a discreet nightgown since I would be sleeping once again between two handsome and delicious men, but Matteo stopped me with a gesture.

"You don't need to wear anything," he said, approaching me and embracing me. "I like sleeping with our bare skins touching."

"But..." I tried to argue, thinking of Benny's presence.

"Relax, Isa," he said and kissed me on the lips, distracting me. "Benny won't do anything to you that you don't want," he whispered in my ear.

I felt that shiver down my spine again, excitement building at the thought of being with two men entirely at my disposal. Matteo continued to kiss me, and then we lay down on one of the empty sides of the immense bed. After some time just enjoying each other's company, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Another morning where I woke up feeling a warm and pleasant body wrapped around me, and I thought that could become a delightful habit even after we returned to our hometown.

"Good morning," Matteo whispered in my ear, already kissing my neck and then licking my ear, putting the lobe in his mouth, igniting passion within me.

"Good... morning," I responded with difficulty, feeling my whole body respond to Matteo's lips.

I opened my eyes when his mouth traveled down my bare back, and I saw Benny watching us with a gaze full of desire. Before I could say anything, he closed the distance between our mouths and kissed me without any delicacy.

"Aaah!" I moaned in surprise.

"It's going to be good... you'll see," Matteo spoke again close to my ear.

I couldn't say anything, if I even needed to say anything, because at that moment Matteo held me tightly in his embrace and rubbed his cock between my buttocks, and I realized he was already fully hard.

"Oh!" I moaned unintentionally, closing my eyes with pleasure as his member pressed against my wet slit, already becoming aroused.

"Are you ready for me?" Matteo whispered in my ear, making back-and-forth movements, his cock grazing my folds and driving me crazy with desire.

With my lips parted from Benny's, I opened my eyes and only then realized that I was completely naked between the two men. While Matteo held me from behind, pressing his hard member between my legs, Benny looked at me, or rather at my pussy, coming closer and closer to me.

"Do you want him inside you too?" Matteo asked, speaking low but audible enough for Benny to hear too.

Him too? I looked at Benny, imagining he was completely naked under the sheet, and my pussy throbbed again, just at the thought of having those two men inside me at the same time.

"I don't know..." I said unsurely.

I had already had anal sex and it had been quite painful. I figured that doing it with someone else inside my pussy would hurt even more and decided to refuse, even though the memory of Benny with Jennifer had ignited my curiosity. I didn't feel safe doing something so daring at that moment.

I pulled away from Matteo's body, with an apologetic look in my eyes, facing him directly, turning my back to Benny.

"I know you want this, but I'm not ready..." I confessed, feeling nervous.

It was clear from Matteo's face the disappointment with my refusal. His expression changed completely, and to my surprise, Matteo moved away abruptly, getting up from the bed without further explanation.

"Are you upset with me?" I asked the obvious.

"No, of course not," he blatantly lied. "It's your right, if you don't want to give yourself to me and Benny, that's fine. No one here is going to force you."

Matteo didn't even wait for any response to his statement, heading into the bathroom and closing the door with more force than necessary. The fun seemed to have ended, I concluded when Benny also got up from the bed, heading to the bedroom door and leaving without further words.

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