The Auction


We approached the other people since we were still standing near the entrance door, but without holding any kind of dialogue, just went to the reserved, fitting room style that existed in the room and began our transformation.

Pamela had oriented us to bring with us an outfit that would make us as sensual as possible, but not lingerie, as Mariana and I feared it would, so we took advantage of the fact that I worked at a gala costume rental store and selected magnificent and sexy dresses.

The one I chose was red and matched my olive skin beautifully, as did my eyes. I was of medium height and my body was full of curves, my legs were shapely and were visible through the slit in the skirt of the dress and my breasts were full and perky, which were perfectly enhanced by the generous neckline of the dress.

Mariana began to make me up when the first people started to be called up. The great majority were women, but there were also men, and they were all called before the two of us.

"Very beautiful friend of mine!" Mariana said as I finished my make-up, trying to look calm, but she was not.

"You also look very beautiful, Mari." I also pretended not to care.

Pamela arrived at that moment and made a discreet sign, asking us to accompany her again. She called two other girls who were also in the same room as us.

We were taken to a discreet door at the end of another corridor, different from the one we had entered, and there the decoration was darker, in shades of dark brown and beige.

"You should wait for me here." She said, coming through the door and leaving us to wait for her. "Put these on, please.”

We were each given a mask, just like the ones worn at a masquerade ball, and waited for her return in silence. Nobody said anything, the anxiety about what was about to happen had taken over us.

Soon Pamela returned, opened the door, and asked us to go through it, and we entered what seemed to be a stage.

I looked around and everything was quite dark, and you couldn't see the people there.

Despite this, I noticed that there were tables scattered all over the place, except for the stage where we were standing. The stage, unlike the rest of what seemed to be a hall, was completely lit up, highlighting us, but still the lights were diffuse.

"We have four girls here willing to offer something of value in exchange for the right amount," Pamela spoke into a microphone. "So, who will give the most? " She asked, flashing a beaming smile.”

She then called one of the girls and introduced her as "Spring", Mari was introduced as "Winter", the other as "Autumn" and I was "Summer". She opened the auction with the Winter girl, and the suggested amount soon went sky-high.

So it was with the three before me, and they all got something around three hundred thousand reais.

I was even more anxious for my turn to come because it was a lot of money for me, and it would be possible to do so much with that amount that I didn't think of anything else, I forgot any nervousness and just waited for my moment.

This moment came and with each bid, my heart beat faster and faster. I was already feeling bad, so nervous when I realized that a dispute had begun between two men for me!

As I had been in that environment for a while, my vision got used to it and I could see more things and realized that every time one of them, the one wearing a light blue long" sleeved shirt with a darker tie, made a bid, the other, a man wearing a dark gray suit with a red tie, increased the amount, going ahead.

The amount had already reached five hundred thousand reais, and my breathing was following the rhythm of my heartbeat.

"Five hundred and fifty." The man in the blue shirt shouted in a decisive tone that sent a shiver down my spine, which made me feel dismayed.

"I give six hundred." Then the guy in the suit and tie spoke up.

It took me a while to believe what was happening. They were talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars as if it were something trivial. To me, it was a lot of money!

Even if I pay the percentage that the club established, corresponding to ten percent of the value, I would still have a lot of money.

"One Million Reais." The man in the blue shirt said this and looked at the other man, looking very determined.

I looked from one to the other, the shivering feeling making me weak. What had I gotten myself into?

"One million Reais. Can I have more?" Pamela asked, looking at everyone.

In front of the silence that had formed, Pamela closed the auction and instructed the "winners" to look for her in the management office to make the respective payments and receive their "well".

"One million Reais! ”

I was amazed at the amount I had managed to achieve. It was enough money to do something perfect for my family. I could start a business, I wouldn't have to work so far away from home. There were so many possibilities!

I knew that I still needed to fulfill my part of the bargain and that it would not be easy, but I would hold my breath and just think about the money.  That amount wouldn't make me rich, but it would make my life a lot easier, and this fact alone made me euphoric.

"You are going to win a million Reais, the friend!" Mari whispered in my ear as she hugged me happily.

"You have three hundred thousand, Mari!" I squeezed her in my arms.

"I'm very happy, Vi. We will be able to open our clothing store exclusively designed by me. ”

"Yes, It will be wonderful.”

"Come this way, girls," Pamela called us.

We needed to move away from each other, and we looked at each other with understanding, for it was time to face what we had made ourselves available for, and we each went in the direction indicated by Pamela.

"Each one of you will stay in the bedroom named after the station you represent.”

"Now comes the hardest part," Mari commented, faking a shudder.

"We will think all the time about the money we will get and the plans we have, and everything will go by very fast," I said to try to calm my friend down.

But I intended to act that way, and it was with this thought that I entered the bedroom that had the word "Summer" on the door.

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