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Chapter 1 Betrayal

In the middle of the night, Evelyn Taylor woke up with a headache and thirst.

Tonight, she was especially happy.

After successfully creating the perfume she had been working on for a long time, First Love, she would finally win the competition tomorrow night. After that, she and Liam Scott's wedding plans would be set in motion.

They had known each other for five years and been in a relationship for three since college.

Evelyn had devoted herself to studying perfumery, forsaking all else, and ultimately helped Liam develop his company.

A bright future was on the horizon, so she had a few extra drinks at night.

Evelyn rubbed her forehead, searching for water, but strange noises emanated from the adjacent room.

She lived alone in this rented apartment. Though Liam occasionally stayed over, he always slept in a separate room. Upon hearing the noises, Evelyn couldn't shake the worry that he might be unwell.

However, as she approached, she heard a woman's voice.

"Liam, will Evelyn hear us like this?"

"Isn't this exciting, babe? Don't worry. I put something in her drink to make sure she sleeps until tomorrow."

Although the man's voice was accompanied by heavy breathing, Evelyn could definitely tell it was Liam's voice.

Evelyn felt her heart turn cold. Over the years, she had often suffered from insomnia due to her research and had developed immunity to sleeping pills.

"After I win the award for the new perfume tomorrow, I will be a senior perfumer. My position in this industry will be solid. At that time, I will have plenty of investments, and it won't be a problem to hire as many people as I want. What is Evelyn compared to that?"

Standing at the door, Evelyn clenched her fists. She had already recognized that it was Vivian Reed's voice.

Vivian, Evelyn's good friend from college, had an ambiguous relationship with Evelyn's fiancé.

Evelyn had heard some rumors about them but stubbornly chose to trust them. However, reality had dealt her a vicious blow.

"Babe, I even used your name for the company. You know how much… I love you! I just used Evelyn. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have changed her formula during the rookie competition."

"I won't allow you to mention her name. Tell me, do you truly love me or her?"

Vivian's once-soft voice now dragged on as she spoke. Her voice was seductive, but Evelyn found it particularly grating.

Evelyn gritted her teeth and widened her eyes, as if trying to see through the door to catch a glimpse of the couple.

"I, of you!..."

The ensuing sounds were simply nauseating as Evelyn's palms bled while she restrained the urge to rush in. She never anticipated that her wholehearted devotion would yield such a result.

Three years ago, Evelyn had soared to fame in a local perfume blending competition. At the time, she received numerous invitations, including one from the Seraphian Group, a major company seeking to hire her. However, she declined all offers to focus on supporting Liam, who was just launching his own business.

Two years later, during another significant competition, a problem arose with the perfume. She was ridiculed as a "scentless perfumer." Perplexed by what had gone wrong, Evelyn found solace in Liam's unwavering support. He graciously allowed her to work behind the scenes while Vivian handled all the competitions and public appearances.

Evelyn had been under the impression they were supporting each other and growing together. Yet,t in reality, she was being used.

Liam had named the company Liavian Perfumes. He had explained that Liavian had a good meaning, and Evelyn had naively believed it to be true. Little did she know that Liavian was actually a combination of Vivian and Liam's names.

While Liam expressed his love for Vivian, Evelyn was filled with determination. She was truly foolish!

Evelyn's anger eventually turned into calmness. She spent a sleepless night and only heard them leave as dawn approached.

She immediately got up and started searching, finally finding that embossed business card.

Three years ago, Samuel Whitman, the CEO of the Seraphian Group, had personally given her a business card. She didn't know if his phone number had changed.

Gripping her phone tightly, Evelyn felt nervous as the call connected. "Mr. Whitman, this is Evelyn Taylor."

Hearing the other party hadn't hung up on her, she quickly continued, "We met at the perfume blending competition three years ago, and you even gave me one of your—"

"I remember."

A deep male voice came through. Those simple two words surprisingly relieved her nervousness.

"I have a business opportunity that you might be interested in."

After a brief silence, Samuel spoke in a deep voice, "Come to my office tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. to discuss."

Listening to the other end seemingly about to hang up, Evelyn hurriedly interrupted, "Wait, Mr. Whitman. Tomorrow might be too late. Can we do it today? Also, the office might not be convenient. Can we meet somewhere else?"

She was anxious and speaking quickly, unable to contain her worry.

The Seraphian Group held a two-thirds share in the entire domestic cosmetics and skincare industry, not to mention the breadth of their operations and their substantial capital backing.

And as the CEO of the Seraphian Group, Samuel was a legend in the business world. It was already rare for him to agree to meet Evelyn, let alone for her to make demands.

But she had no other choice.

The new product launch and perfume competition were scheduled to kick off tonight. Waiting until tomorrow to discuss would be too late. Additionally, visiting the company would draw attention and disrupt her plans.

Evelyn tightened her grip on her phone, feeling cautious. She had decided to take a gamble.

There was a three-minute silence. Just as Evelyn began to fear rejection, Samuel spoke up, "Okay. Thirty minutes later, at the café on Arcadio Street."

"Thank you—"

Before Evelyn could finish speaking, she heard him add, "Remember to bring your identification documents."


Samuel's response was to hang up the phone immediately.

Taking a moment to compose herself, Evelyn doubted if she had misheard, but she didn't have time to think about it.

She quickly changed clothes, tidied up, and headed out.

Fortunately, Arcadio Street wasn't far from her. She arrived on time and was about to enter the cafe when someone stopped her.

"Ms. Taylor?"

The person directly called out her name, but Evelyn didn't recognize them.

"Mr. Whitman is waiting for you." He gestured for her to follow, and Evelyn looked in the direction he pointed to see a black luxury car parked by the side of the road.

She understood instantly.

Without hesitation, she walked toward the car.

The driver opened the door from the outside. Evelyn couldn't see clearly through the window, but she caught a glimpse of two long legs and shiny leather shoes.

Evelyn bent down and got into the car. It was cold inside, causing her to shiver before she lifted her gaze to look at the other person. "Mr. Whitman, I..."

"Get to the point."

Samuel's reply was still concise and cold.

Evelyn stopped speaking and finally saw his face.

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