Chapter 4

Athena's POV

‘Athena…’ calls a soft spoken voice once I slowly come too, having surrendered myself too the darkness once my uncle and cousin had left me all alone.

“Huh?” I mumble, still groggy from yesterdays event.

‘Athena? Are you okay?’ asks the voice as it slowly gets clearer, allowing me to finally figure out who it was that was trying to speak to me.

'A-Artemis?' I ask, unsure if I was hearing things right, as my wolf should have still been sleeping all thanks to the wolfsbane that my uncle had injected into me prior to his sick fun.

‘Yes my sweet child, it is me, I’m so sorry I wasn’t strong enough to help you’ cries Artemis as she begins to whine and whimper, upset by the fact that she had failed at protecting me.

'B-But how? You should still be asleep' I say to her not fully understanding the situation. 'I thought you were asleep till morning, that’s usually how it goes when they inject us with wolfsbane.'

‘Athena… it is morning, we’ve been down in the basement all night. I’ve been slowly tending to your wounds once your family's Omega had come down to wash and bathe you of all the blood and remove the gag’ answers Artemis.

'Impossible' I tell her. 'I would have felt it if someone else had tried to touch me.'

‘Not if you're unconscious, we’ve been down here all night long while chained to that blasted support beam once our uncle and cousin had their fill of us’ whispers Artemis sadly, wishing it wasn't true.

Frowning, I attempt to move my arms, only to realize that my arms had gone numb which meant that my entire family had left me down there without so much as freeing us. Angered by that thought, do I begin to squirm, attempting to move my arms as a wave of frustration finally hits, the basement door opening and the sound of feet moving to greet us as they begin making their way down the basement steps.

“Oh Athena” calls a voice I knew all too well, and after last night's events one I would forever fear until I was far gone from this pack. “Time to wake up dear sweet Athena” purrs the voice as they slowly approach me, my blue eyes slowly rising to meet those of my uncle’s green ones. The sound of his voice making me wince, not liking what was about to happen if I did not comply.

“Morning Uncle” I ground out, my mouth still sore from the gag, as it had been still within my mouth the night before and only recently been removed, Artemis growling as I do, pissed that he had hurt us when he was supposed to be family and our protector.

“That’s my good little girl” smirks Collin as his eyes begin to roam over me, shivers running through me as he eyes me up and down before speaking once more. “Don’t forget, you're helping Diana and Brian with the Ball today, so if I hear anything less than that we’ll be right back here understand?”

Nodding my head I try to keep my thoughts to myself. “Words Athena” growls Collin who didn’t like it when I didn’t use my words.

“Yes… Uncle” I mumble, my head kept low as I feel him move to undo my cuffs. Once freed do I gently lower my arms, now trying to rub feeling back into them as my wounds healed all thanks to Artemis.

“Good, now get dressed. Diana and Brian are both waiting for you over at the pack house, so get a move on” then with that he quickly turns and walks away, allowing me to dress in silence as I move to see what new clothes had been laid out for me, as my old ones were torn up all thanks to Brian and his knife.

“Our family’s Omega must have brought these'' I whisper, now moving to throw on the clothes which consisted of black cotton panties, a t-shirt bra, a light blue tank top, black denim shorts and a pair of black canvas shoes.

Upon finishing, do I quickly fix my hair before racing up the basement stairs not wanting my Uncle to change his mind, as I move to make a mad dash for the pack house and to where the Mating Ball would be held in just two days.

-Pack House-

“Where is the Bitch?” screams Diana who didn’t want to be there, having wanted to spend the day with Jacob, but to her surprise, her parents were making her be there just like Brian.

“Relax, Father just mindlinked me and said that he just released her from the basement, so she should be here shortly” replies Brian who also didn’t want to be there but knew they had to as they had to keep tabs on Athena for their Father.

“You know, I don’t understand why Mother and Father brought her here in the first place. It’s not like Mom and Luna Selene were actual sisters, the Alpha should have just let the Rogues kill her” huffs Diana, aware of how their relationship worked except for Athena herself.

“Because.. The Alpha couldn’t bare to see her die at the hands of Rogues, even though Luna Selene and our Mother were only half sisters, the Alpha knew that if anything had happened to them that Athena would be loved by her family, too bad for them they can’t seem to find her other uncles” smirks Brian, as he too knew of Athena’s family and the lone fact that her Father was a triplet and his other two brother’s were both part of different packs except no one knew which pack leaving Athena at the mercy of theirs.

“Hopefully they decide to stay gone for good, because if word ever got out on how badly we’ve been treating Athena, those uncles of hers would rip us to pieces” states Diana unaware that Athena was listening in on them from the safety of the shadows.

Half sister, Uncles… Who? What? Where? Come my scattered thoughts. I didn’t even know I had other relatives, but again I really don’t remember much of my childhood nor of that night when everything happened, it’s like a part of me went missing as well.

‘Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out together’ replies Artemis as if sensing Athena’s worry.

‘And if we can’t? Am I truly stuck here? The Alpha doesn’t even know what goes on with us, so how am I supposed to survive this if we can’t figure it out?’ I ask her, my mind racing.

‘Sweetheart, you worry too much, for now let’s just focus on the Mating Ball okay. Because something tells me that we’ll find our second chance mate there’ purrs Artemis who was getting excited by the thought of finding our new mate.

‘Mate?’ I blink, trying to remember what it felt like to have a mate.

‘Yes, now go, before your wicked cousins get you into more trouble’ mutters Artemis as she tries to usher me out into the ballroom before Diana and Brian could really do some damage.

Taking that as my cue, I quickly move to enter the room. “HERE! Sorry I’m late” I shout as I slowly approach the pair.

“FINALLY! We’ve been waiting for you for over an hour” frowns Diana, unaware that Athena had heard the whole conversation between them just now.

“Sorry, I was.. Detained” I whisper, knowing that they both knew that I was stuck down inside the basement the night before and were suddenly acting as if I was late by choice.

“Yes, Yes, we know. Now then, Mother and Father said you have to help us or else they'll be consequences” remarks Brian as he looks between the girls, knowing that Diana could easily flake out on Athena when she wanted to.

“I know,” I say. “What shall I be doing first?”

“HA! You? You’ll be helping the Omega’s with the food and beverages if lucky, but for now, you get to help with the decorations” scoffs Diana who was now pointing to boxes filled with all sorts of decore.

Grimacing, I turn to look at where Diana was pointing and pale. ‘How am I supposed to do all that?’ I say to Artemis my eyes noticing all sorts of lights and banners along with miscellaneous things.

‘Don’t panic’ says Artemis, who knew of my sudden discomfort.

‘But -’

‘No buts... we have to do this’ and with that Artemis closes her side of the link.

Sighing, I slowly make my way over to the boxes only to see what it was, thankful that it didn’t look terrible. Turning, I move to look back at my cousins before speaking. “Will you both help me?”

“Us? Heavens no, we have our own tasks to do, this is yours and it better be completed by dinner time otherwise father will be notified” says Diana with a smirk, she and Brian walking away, now leaving me to tackle the ballroom by myself.

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