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Ruby opened the door, Barbara's amazed face immediately greeted her. Barbara's mouth was wide open, she felt inferior seeing how beautiful Ruby was. Indirectly, Barbara immediately compared herself even though she had worn the best dress she owned and dressed up at the salon.

"Oh my God, you're so beautiful!" Unsparing praise came out of Barbara's mouth. Of course it is a sincere and honest compliment to see how beautiful Ruby Mirai James is now.

Ruby smiled awkwardly, she was used to hearing compliments like that from other people. But from an old friend, of course it made him a little uncomfortable.

"Shall we go now?" Ruby asked so that this awkwardness could end quickly. He walked past Barbara who was still amazed.

"Hey, Ruby!"


"What's your bra size?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I'm so jealous of yours!" he said. His eyes were focused on Ruby's cleavage which looked very seductive from beneath her dress.

Ruby smiled, she didn't know that there were women who felt jealous of the size of her breasts when she felt uncomfortable because their size was above average.

"Do I have to answer that?" He said in a joking tone.

"Hey come on, Ruby! Is that real? Or enlarged?"

"Of course it's real. Why would I enlarge it?"

"Then what size?"

"Why are you so curious?"

"Of course! If I'm a size 36A!"

"I didn't ask!"

"Hahaha..." Barbara laughed making Ruby laugh too. They walked on the side of the road while waiting for a taxi to pass by.

"If I told you, you definitely wouldn't believe it!"

"How much?"


"What? Oh my God, it turns out to be bigger than I thought! You can tempt men's eyes with the dress you wear!"

"Really? But I don't want to tease anyone. I just want to come for a while, then go home at 9!"

"9 o'clock? Really?"

"I don't know anyone there!"

"Don't know anyone? So what about Jake, Damian, Aiden and Henry? They might come. How can you say you didn't meet them?"

Ruby was silent for a moment, remembering the four of them actually made her not want to come to the reunion even more. Thinking about how they would react when they saw his extremely 'feminine' appearance like this, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep for three days because of the embarrassment.

A taxi passed in front of them, Barbara immediately waved for the taxi to stop. After telling them their destination address, the taxi drove at normal speed to one of the most luxurious five-star hotels in this city.

On the way, Ruby couldn't stop swallowing hard. His eyes couldn't leave the car window which captured the view of the road he used to pass almost every day. There was a strange longing and it was hard for him to understand.

When the taxi arrived in front of the hotel building, his heart beat faster. His body was shaking, he tried to hide his face by looking down. Beside him, Barbara took his hand affectionately and confidently.

After entering the hall where the reunion was held, the atmosphere of a real reunion began to feel. Dozens of people filled the room, some sat while enjoying a dedicated meal, some chatted while showing off their wealth, some joked with each other reminiscing about their school days.

Ruby didn't know where her four friends were or could be said to be her former friends. He wished he didn't meet them now because he wasn't ready yet.

"Oh my, there are so many people coming. Where are the students from our previous class? Oh, they're over there! Ruby, come on!" Barbara said as she withdrew her hand.

"Ah n-no, Barbara! I-I'll just be here-"

"What are you saying? They'll be happy to meet you!"

"I wasn't with you until graduation, therefore I don't deserve to-"

"What are you saying? Ruby, come on! Oh that's Damian, right? Damian...!" The reckless Barbara immediately called Damian who was standing a few steps in front of them holding a glass of wine.

"Oh my God, I'm dead!" Ruby thought. He was really scared to the point of wanting to run away from this place. However, Barbara, who acted on her own accord, immediately forcibly pulled her hand towards Damian and their friends who had gathered.

Damian turned his head when he saw Barbara waving at him. Beside him, Aiden also turned his head while watching the woman walking towards them with a different reaction.

"Hi Damian, hi Aiden. You two still remember me, right?" Barbara asked confidently. She smiled seductively at the two men who looked confused and stared at each other.

"Who are you? Do we know you?" Aiden asked. Hearing Aiden's deep voice, Ruby shuddered. Cold sweat began to flow down his body. And like a fool, he refused to lift his face.

"Y-you don't remember me? I'm Barbara Atkins, in 11th grade we were in the same group when we were camping with Ruby." He said while smiling broadly.

Damian smiled, he didn't want to complicate things and assumed that he still remembered Barbara Atkins Atkinson. Meanwhile, Aiden threw a sharp gaze not only at Barbara, but also at Ruby, who was still looking down in fear.

"I remember you. How are you, Barbara?" Damian asked kindly. Like tit for tat, Barbara immediately responded to the question of the handsome man standing in front of her.

"My news is good. Thank goodness you still remember me. Then you two must still remember Ruby, right?"

"Ruby? What do you mean?" Aiden asked sarcastically. His tone sounded very cold and the cup didn't immediately invite the people around them to pay attention to them.

Two men wearing neat suits came over to Aiden and Damian after hearing Ruby's name being mentioned.

"What is this?" Asked the blue-eyed man with charming blonde hair. Three minutes ago, this man was surrounded by many people, not only women, but also men. It is clear to see that he is a very important and prominent person here. Meanwhile, the man with dark brown hair and brown eyes who was standing next to him looked calmer and calmer.

However, they both have a special interest when other people talk about Ruby, even if they only mention her name.

"It's nothing, Henry!" Damian said. But Henry didn't immediately think so. He immediately showed his arrogance.

"What's your business with Ruby?" Henry asked. His eyes were much colder and scarier than Aiden's. This made Barbara, who didn't know what her mistake was, just freeze.

"I-I just wanted to say that-"

"Excuse me!" Just before Barbara finished her sentence. Ruby hurriedly left before it was discovered that she was here.

"Wait...!" Henry exclaimed calling her. Ruby immediately stopped in her tracks. Her body was shaking, she didn't know what she should do and was this really a normal reaction when meeting an old friend again?

"Who are you?" Henry asked. He frowned as if he was suspecting something. As the CEO of a well-known company, he thought that he had the power to call anyone as he pleased.

"This smell, no way-" Jacob thought

Ruby stopped in her tracks, nervously turned around and slowly raised her face while almost everyone in the room was watching her.

When her face was clearly visible, Henry, Jacob, Damian and Aiden's eyes widened. They were stunned, unable to believe what they saw. Meanwhile, Ruby, who had been caught off guard, knew that there was nothing she could do apart from saying hello nervously.

"Hey guys, how are you?"

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