Chapter 3
Kaya’s POV.
“What do you mean the house will be taken away from me?” I asked the messenger.
“Well...it is a pack tradition. I hope you understand?” The messenger said and I stared at him with open mouth.
Understand? “Understand what? That my house is begging taken away from me because of some stupid tradition? Where is the so-called tradition expecting me to live?” I asked, my voice raw with emotion.
“I think that question should be directed at the alpha and not me for I am just a simple messenger and all I say is what I was told to say.” The messenger said and bowed his head.
“I apologize for my outburst. I did not mean to come out so rude or anything like that. I am in a lot of pain. and I am overwhelmed.” I said.
“I can totally understand your situation.” The messenger said.
“The alpha demands that you present yourself to him, so you can talk about the house and other possible topics that need to be discussed on.” The messenger said.
“The alpha wants to see me? Is he demanding that I leave my home right away? Is he trying to scare me out of my own home? What if I don’t?” A voice in my head asked.
“Well, I do not know what would happen, but I advise you against that.” The messenger said.
“This way please.” He added and we began waking back to the alpha’s palace.
“Are you nervous?” The messenger asked as we walked.
“I am not nervous. I am just worried what my life would be like now that I am an orphan. I feel so open and exposed, my parents have always been the ones protecting me. I do not have a wolf yet and my age mates are always teasing and making fun of me. Every time my dad is the one who steps up for me, now that he is gone... who will do that” I asked, my lips quavering.
“Now you must do that my dear. You must stand up from yourself and warn the bullies go back off. Do not let anyone step over you, they do not have the right to do that. It is your life and whether you have a wolf or not, you should get a chance to live it the way you.” The messenger wolf said, his voice calm and soothing.
“It is hard... trust me several times I have tried to do something about it, but every single time they end up pushing the me to the ground. They even told me that I can never have a mate.” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
“Now that is bad, do not see yourself from their eyes okay dear? You are unique just the way you and I am sure a very pretty Wolf like you can never be a lone wolf. You will find a mate and that too a very powerful one.” The messenger encouraged, gently squeezing my shoulders.
“I hope so.” I said, my face downcast and my eyes gray with sadness.
“The alpha will have pity on you, and I am sure the palace has more then enough room to house you.” The messenger said and opened the door to the alpha’s throne room.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to gather myself.
“Go in.” The messenger wolf said, his voice low.
I nodded and no sooner had I taken my first step in, did I hear a loud scream.
“Stop!” A place guard said and stood in front of me.
Towering me with his huge body.
“Sorry.” I whimpered and closed my eyes.
“Who are you and what business do you have with the alpha?” The guard asked, his voice echoing around the walls.
“I ...I am Kaya- “I was cut short by the sound of footsteps.
“Let her in, the alpha has been expecting her.” A voice said, coming from behind me.
I turned around and saw the most handsome young man I have ever set my eyes on, his beautiful eyes seemed to suck my soul away from me. I felt like my world stopped the minute I saw his angelic face; my heart was beating so like I was sure the guard can hear it.
“Greetings.” I said and bowed my head.
“Why the formality? We are almost the same age. Call me Lucian.” The alpha’s only son, Lucian said.
“No my prince, I can not do that. For you are the son of the alpha. The next alpha of DireClaw pack, I can not do that sir.” I said, my head still bowed.
I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, and I flinched.
“Can you please stop calling me sir, you make me feel old.” Lucian said and his laughter filled the hallway.
“Lucian, Kaya. I have been expecting you.” A deep voice said.
“Greetings alpha.” I said and bowed my head.
“You must be Kaya. Come in, I have been expecting you.” Alpha Silas said and stepped into his throne room.
Clutching the hem of my dress tightly, I could not help but feel threatened.
“Kaya, I assume the sad news has reached you.” The alpha began, his voice was kind and filled with compassion.
“Yes my alpha.” I managed to say, despite the tightness of my throat.
“Please accept my condolences. They will forever be remembered in the heart of all the members of this great pack. Their patriotic acts will never go unnoticed.” The alpha spoke and they were murmurs from his advisors.
“Thank you alpha. But I do have a request. Please hear your humble servant out.” I said, my voice breaking with tears.
I knew what I was about to do is unheard of in the pack. I was about to take a drastic step, but I was desperate right now.
It was a do or die affair.
“What if your request? If it is appropriate, then I will grant it.” The alpha said.
“Can I keep my parents’ house?” I asked and the tension in the air suddenly grew ten times thicker.