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Chapter 2

LADY Rebecca Davis, also known as Becca by her friends and families, closed the book that she was currently reading about the history of her home country, Niapachad Island; from the perspective of The Origins. The author was anonymous but the book was published for public usage as she did remember reading it when she was being tutored by one of the greatest minds on the island.

"What a boring life I had," she said as she was looking out the window of her library. She lived in Royal Molftus, a home for most of the gentry, Higher or Lesser, of Niapachad Island if they did not move to their country homes. There was not much going on when you were not in charge of the land.

Becca sighed before she got up from the couch that she was sitting at the window of the quiet library at her house. Her mother's touch on the décor was immaculate.

She can see that it was on purpose for the couch to be sitting next to the window for the maximum lighting as her mother knew that she would love to be there and just read her books.

"Becca, are you in here, darling?" Her mother, Lady Georgia Davis, called after her daughter before she stepped into the library that Becca loved to spend her time here.

Lady Georgia was known to be the diamond of the rough when she debuted on her 18th birthday and had caught the attention of the aristocrats but her decision to marry Becca's father, Lord Matthew Davis had quite stirred the Gossipers of the scandal.

But regardless of the scandal to her name, Lady Georgia was as beautiful as she was even after she gave birth to three beautiful daughters; the eldest two had been married after their debut and it was the youngest turn to search for the perfect match.

"What are you doing lying around here? We have a ball to attend in three hours. Why are you not ready yet?" Her mother asked her before Becca sighed.

"I don't think that I would need a lot of time to be presentable, Mama. Besides, the gentry would not try to woo me after all. They would be looking for someone who is extroverted and has a sweet smile. Me? Opposite of all that," she said as Becca was looking at her mother.

Lady Georgia sighed. She was already giving up on this daughter of hers as she was the last remaining unmarried woman of the Davis. Lady Georgia did not know what was wrong with Becca.

Her daughter was smart but Becca would rather spend some time in the library than mingling with the lords that would attend the ball that they were invited to. Lady Georgia would sometimes find that Becca was sitting in the corner with her nose inside the book that she would bring with her.

She was fed up with her daughter, this one.

"I don't see why you would not catch the eyes of one of the lords. I mean, your sisters—"

"Do not compare me with my sisters, Mama. You know well why," Becca said as she was getting up from the couch. She went to the bookshelves before putting the history book of Niapachad Island back in its place on the shelves before she picked up her skirt and went out of the library.

"Becca, wait," her mother called after her as Becca was increasing her speed but failed when her mother was standing in front of her. Becca sighed inwardly, wishing that her mother would just leave her alone, although her face showed nothing of the sort.

"I cannot believe that I have to put up with all this, Mama," Becca said as she was looking at her mother. "Do you think I want to spend my time with a husband that I can barely know? Not on my watch," Becca said as she was staring at her mother. Lady Georgia sighed.

"But it will do you good, darling. You can advance in society," she pleaded as Becca rolled her eyes.

"Of course, that would help you as well," she mumbled before Lady Georgia glared at her.

"You think I want to take advantage of your husband's status? Your father has more reputation than we could ever imagine and we are—"

"What if my husband will be much more of a higher status? Perhaps someone from the Higher Court?" Becca taunted her mother before Lady Georgia harrumphed and left the room. Becca smirked before her mother stopped and turned to look at her again.

"You will be attending to the ball and that's final," Lady Georgia stated before she left Becca all alone. She groaned before she was sitting on the couch again. Her skirts rustled before Becca was thinking of an idea to get out of this engagement. Then, she smiled.

"If you want me to attend the ball to find a husband desperately, Mama, I will but on my terms," Becca said before she gathered her skirts and went to her room to prepare for the night's entertainment.

This will be so much fun for me. I wonder if the polite society would be scowling upon my overzealous effort to be a part of them. Perhaps not, Becca mused as she opened the wardrobe in her bathing chambers.

Her ladies maids were waiting upon her to choose the most outrageous ensemble that she could ever wear to a ball, especially a ball that was celebrated upon the young queen’s honour.

However, she would not deter from her plan in order for her to be a part of the polite society that would never truly accept her for who she was. Perhaps Becca was meant for something more.

Something much, much more…

“My lady, if I may,” said one of the maids that were attending to her. Becca turned. She looked at the young maid who was curtsied before her. She arched her eyebrow.

“Yes? What is it on your mind?” she asked as Becca scanned her wardrobe. There was so many things that she needed to decide before the time for their departure. Becca sighed. Her hands were running through the gowns that she had in her wardrobe but nothing met the criteria that she was looking for.

“I have something that you are looking for, my lady. If you would like to have this suggestion, we would like to prepare the gown for you,” replied the maid. Becca crossed her arms over her chest. She arched her eyebrow again before smirking.

“Well… what do you have in mind?” she asked. The maid blushed.

“This, my lady,” the maid held a gown in front of Becca.

Becca gasped as her hand flew to her mouth. She blinked a few times. Then, she stepped forward and touched the organza that covered the bodice of the gown. Becca nodded in approval.

“Now this is something I would love to wear to the ball,” she said as Becca waved her hands dismissively so that her ladies in waiting will prepare her for the ball that night.

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