Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

"MAY I know the name of the lord that was asking me to dance with him? As we all know, we cannot dance with a stranger," Becca joked before the stranger was smiling at her. He took her hand before he kissed her knuckles. Becca felt butterflies in her stomach as she sucked on her breath as the lord was looking at her.

With his sharp blue orbs.

"Lord Niklaus Dragomir, at your service, milady. And may I ask your name now that you know mine?" Niklaus asked her before Becca smiled at him.

"Lady Rebecca Davis but you can call me Becca, my lord," she said as she curtsied to him. Niklaus smiled.

"Call me Nick then," he replied as Becca was arching her eyebrow.

Again, her tutor would roll in their sleep at the lack of etiquette that Becca was showing.

"Isn't your name Niklaus?" She said before Niklaus chuckled.

"Shall we?" Niklaus said as he was offering his hand to Becca. She looked at it before she took it. Electrics were inside her veins before the butterflies intensified.

What is wrong with me, she mused before Niklaus guided her to the dance floor. The crowd was parting around them before Niklaus was putting his hand on her lower back and the other was gripping her hand.

"Do you know how to dance?" He asked before Becca scoffed.

One more lack of manner.

"Of course, do you think I was raised in a barn?" Becca asked Niklaus before he chuckled. Then, they were dancing off. The musicians were playing the soft waltz on strings quartet as Becca and Niklaus were sweeping off their feet to the music.

"Do you always have people coming up to you and asking you for a dance after their conversation?" Niklaus asked Becca before she sighed.

"No, they would usually cower away and I was left to my own devices," she said as she was glaring at the lord in front of her. "Unlike someone that I know tonight," she mumbled before Niklaus laughed.

His throaty voice was stirring something inside Becca as she wished that Niklaus would be staying with her throughout the night.

Wait, what?

"Hmm, I am glad to hear it. It seems that I was not offended by your words, my dear,"

"Do not call me 'my dear'. We barely know each other," Becca said as they were twirling and moving across the dance floor the dim light from the gaslights was making Niklaus' blonde hair look like a halo on his head.

"Well, you might want to think about that because," Niklaus said before he moved his mouth to Becca's left ear as he whispered, "you never knew what the future holds, my dear," he said before the music ended.

Becca heard her mother's voice.

"Darling, what are you doing there?" Lady Georgia asked Becca as she turned to look at her mother. Lady Georgia was looking at Becca before she smiled at her mother.

"Nothing, Mama, I was just—"

"Oh, we have been searching for you, Your Grace. It's a good thing that we found you with our daughter nonetheless," Becca's mother said before Becca was turning to look at Niklaus. He was smiling before her father was greeting Niklaus with his formal name. Becca paled after that realization.

"Your Grace, we are honored to be invited to the young queen's ball. You have outdone yourself again, Your Grace," her father regarded Niklaus as Becca was blinking her eyes. Wait, Your Grace was reserved for Duke of Belikov, which means Niklaus was—

"My pleasure and please enjoy the ball. I have to go now," Niklaus said as he turned to look at Becca who paled after his formal title was being called out by her father.

"I hope to see you again, my dear," Niklaus said before he kissed Becca's hand and went away. Her mother was gasping before Becca groaned inwardly. This is indeed the worst decision that I have come to the ball, Becca mused before she looked at the retreating figure Duke of Belikov.

“DID you enjoy my little show?" Niklaus asked Ian as he was standing on the balcony again. He was sipping on the blood-laced wine before Ian chuckled.

"I have seen something much more entertaining than that," his friend said before Niklaus chuckled.

"Well, the lady in question did not know who I was until her parents came along to greet me with my title," Niklaus said before Ian arched his eyebrow at him.

"What are you planning, Nick?" Ian asked Niklaus before he turned to regard his friend. Niklaus smirked.

"Something that will put the Higher Court and the young queen off my back," Niklaus said as he was looking at the family that he was determined to snatch the last daughter of Lord Matthew Davis for his gain.

Lady Rebecca Davis, you shall be my bride when the time comes, Niklaus mused to himself as he was enjoying the sight of his future bride being smothered by her mother.

BECCA was sighing as she was taking the coat that the servant was giving to her. Becca put it on before she walked out into the cold air as Becca was looking at her parents. Her father, bless his soul, has stopped her mother from asking too many questions.

Becca was thankful for that but she did not think that would stop Lady Georgia from getting the answer that she wanted. Their carriage arrived before the footman opened the door of the carriage.

Becca bit her lower lips. She was gathering her skirts into her hands. She still could feel the warmth that she gathered from dancing with one lord named Niklaus. Perhaps she should herself in check if she wanted to get out of the marriage mart without taking an interest with anyone.

She looked at her parents. Her father was smiling adoringly to her mother Becca ached inside her chest. She wished that she could have those adoring eyes from her husband-to-be.

However, with the prospect of marriage that Lady Georgia had put upon Becca, it would be impossible to find someone that was willing to love her for who she was.

Was I that horrible? Am I not like my sisters who managed to find someone that can love them wholeheartedly? My life is doomed from the start, she mused as Becca stepped forward into the unknown after meeting one mysterious Lord Niklaus Dragomir that will haunt her dreams with his blue eyes and fair hair after that night.

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