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Chapter 5: A Secret


The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon when I woke up, with Ana's image etched into my mind.

Her angelic face, her piercing gaze, her soft and melodious voice, it was impossible to deny the attraction I felt for her, but it was my duty to keep my distance, especially because of the secrets I keep.

I was her bodyguard, not her lover.

"Come on, Dante, you can do this," I encouraged myself.

I dressed silently and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, energizing me for the day ahead.

Ana emerged from her room with a sleepy smile.

"Good morning, Dante," she said with a hoarse voice.

"Good morning, Ana," I replied without looking at her too much, and handed her a cup of coffee.

We sat at the table and drank our coffee in silence, watching the city wake up through the window.

Ana sighed deeply.

"I'm exhausted today."

"At least the wound looks better."

She thought it was just a scratch, but they had to stitch that wound up. Her uncle almost had a heart attack when he saw her in that state. It's a miracle I still have my job.

"It hurts a little, you know? But I'd rather not think about it. I feel like this whole situation is consuming me."

I felt a pang of pain in my chest seeing her like this. I guess that's the price you pay when you spend a lot of time with someone. Suddenly, their pain feels like your own.

I wanted to do something to help her.

"Ana, I want you to forget about everything today. About the mafia, about Paolo, about your father's death, everything."

My blood boiled at the thought that Paolo could desire her as much as I did.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" she asked incredulously.

"I'm going to take you to a special place. We'll do something different."

"Does your salary cover this kind of activity?" she joked.

"I want to do it for you, not for the money or because it's my job. I know you're worth it."

We finished our coffee and left the house. We got into my car and I headed towards the secret destination I had in mind. Ana looked at me curiously, not knowing where I was taking her.

"I hope you're not kidnapping me."

"I would think twice about that, to be honest."

"Right," she smiled tiredly. "I have an entire army of mobsters who will kill you as soon as you lay a hand on me."

"I'm glad you know the power you have as the leader of the mafia."

We drove for a while, until we reached a small coastal town. The sea sparkled in the sun, and the cool breeze caressed our faces.

Ana gasped at the beauty of the place.

"It's beautiful." It was the first genuine smile I had seen on her face today.

"I know," I replied with satisfaction. "I thought you could use some fresh air and peace and quiet."

We walked along the beach, collecting seashells and playing in the waves. Ana laughed like a child, and her joy was contagious. For a moment, we forgot all our problems.

We were just two people enjoying the beauty of the world.

At sunset, we sat on the sand and watched the sun go down. The colors in the sky were incredible, and the atmosphere was magical.

Ana leaned on my shoulder and sighed.

"Thank you for this, Dante," she said softly. "I really needed this."

I smiled at her and stroked her hair, allowing myself to let my guard down around her just this once, breaking down the boundaries and barriers between us.

"I would do anything for you, Ana," I replied sincerely.

I realized that my feelings for Ana were more than just physical attraction. And although I couldn't confess my feelings to her, it was enough for me to be by her side. Protecting her, taking care of her, making her happy.

That was my purpose in life.

"I'm afraid it's time to go back. Your uncle will fire me for sure if I don't bring you back safe and sound."

"You sound like a boyfriend worried about his girlfriend's curfew."

"Maybe I could be."

I waited for her reaction, something to give me the impression that I had no chance with her, but the way her smile widened told me otherwise.

When we returned to the mansion, Ana said goodbye to me at the door.

"Thanks for today, Dante," she said softly. "I had a great time."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. That was the plan."

I watched her go inside, feeling a mixture of satisfaction and sadness. Satisfaction for making her happy, and sadness for not being able to be by her side the way she deserved.

I turned and walked to my car, my mind occupied by contradictory thoughts. I was starting to worry about my feelings for Ana. I couldn't allow myself to feel that way, not when my plans were different and not now when I should only focus on protecting her. And that meant keeping my distance.

Suddenly, a voice pulled me out of my thoughts.


I turned around and saw Marco, Ana's uncle, standing behind me. The seriousness with which he looked at me made me feel like he could perceive all my sins just by looking at me.

"Marco, what are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you. It's important. I'm sure you'll want to hear it."

I felt uncomfortable. Marco was a dangerous man, but like me, a man full of secrets. Him wanting to talk to me couldn't be anything good.

"Go ahead, what do you want to talk about?"

"Dante, I know you have a secret. People like you can't hide their darkness for long. Tell me, how do you think you're going to handle my niece being the kind of person you are?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked with feigned innocence.

"Don't waste my time, I know you're in love with Ana."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I couldn't let this go any further. I have to follow my instructions. Don't get romantically involved with my boss's niece. Marco laughed, as if my answer had been the best joke of the year.

"Don't lie to me, Dante. It's plain to see. I wonder how Ana will take the news when she finds out the kind of person you are."

"She's not surrounded by saints. She's the new leader of the mafia. I think she knows what kind of people she's dealing with."

"Wow, you really love her, don't you?"

I clenched my fists, not knowing what to say. Marco was right.

"And she loves you," Marco said with a malicious smile.

I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Did Ana love me too? It was impossible.

"It's not possible."

"It's more than possible, and I can help you be together."

I stared at him, unable to believe what I was hearing.

"I don't understand."

"It's simple. I want what's best for Ana too. And if that means her being with you, then I'm willing to help you."

I didn't know what to think. Marco was a dangerous man, and I couldn't trust him, but he was also the only person who could help me be with Ana.

"Let me think about it."

"Alright, take your time. But don't take too long. Time is running out against us."


Marco turned and walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I felt confused, disoriented, and full of doubts.

Was I doing the right thing? Was it right to fall in love with Ana? And was it even more right to accept Marco's help?

I didn't have answers to those questions. The only thing I knew was that I had to make a decision, and that decision had to be the right one.

I decided to go for a walk when I got a message. I had a duty to fulfill.

I found myself in a lonely alley, about to commit an act that filled me with repugnance. In my right hand I held a thick, heavy yellow envelope.

Its contents were a secret that could destroy a person. And I was about to deliver it to an enemy.

I couldn't fail. The lives of many people depended on me. I approached the corner of the alley, where a hooded figure waited for me in silence.

"Here it is," I said, handing him the envelope.

The hooded figure took it without saying a word. He felt it with his fingers, making sure its contents were intact.

"Is everything here?"

"Yes," I replied in a whisper.

The hooded figure put the envelope in his briefcase and looked at me with his cold, piercing eyes.

"You've done well, Dante," he said. "Now, go and don't look back."

I turned and walked away, feeling a mixture of nausea and relief. I had fulfilled my mission. I felt like a traitor.

I walked the desolate streets, aimlessly. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Suddenly, a sharp sound ripped through the silence of the night.

A gunshot. I turned around and saw a figure fall to the ground, inert.

It was the hooded figure. Someone had shot him in the back. I ran to him, not knowing what to do. I knelt down next to him and took his pulse.

He was dead.

I looked around, searching for the killer, but there was no one. I was alone, with a dead man at my feet and a secret that could destroy everything.

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