Chapter 9


I finally, FINALLY get through Friday, and I'm taking my time packing up just to give Logan an extra minute or two to come with me… or not. I don't have to worry about that eventuality because his shadow darkens my desk again. What a nice, wide, shadow his nice, wide shoulders cast. I finish packing up at warp speed, ready to get the day over with and be with Logan. He smirks a little at my obvious haste, but with a date already planned, I think it’s ok for him to be aware I like him. “So, how was your day? Any big, important meetings?” I ask him, half teasing. He was vague about what he does before and I try not to feel like I’m fishing.

“Well, every meeting should be important, but this was my most important one today.” Sweet, and still vague. I’ll try again later, I suppose. We’ll have a later, after all.

“I’m flattered! I suppose you’re here to walk me home again? I hope it’s not out of anxiety- I like hanging out with you but I really can take care of myself. Besides, I made a furry friend this morning that walked me to work. I might get a big ol’ dog to walk me back and forth to places.” I hope this whole thing isn’t some misguided hero complex. Though, I’m not sure how a date would fit into that. I still can’t get over it. Not only do I have a date on Saturday, but he’s inhumanly hot. Wild, wild, wild.

“I promise, it’s not. I do actually want to spend time with you. I had fun yesterday. I bet we’ll have fun tomorrow, too. Besides, you said both of your brothers were protective- shouldn’t you be used to it by now, little rose?” He asks, teasingly. It’s so nice to have someone joke about my brothers instead of seeing them as roadblocks to our relationship. It makes me think they would get along… Whoa, a little early to be thinking about that, Emory girl! Nobody has mentioned anything long term yet, and for good reason. We’ll see how Saturday goes before I start thinking crazy- though we’ve gotten along so well up until now, I can’t see what could change between now and then.

“Little Rose? Because of my hair?” Better than Red, I suppose, though still not very imaginative. Of course, he doesn’t know me well enough for anything imaginative, yet.

“I was thinking more of the blush on your cheeks, but your hair works, too.” Ugh, even worse. I feel my face get hot as if to prove his stupid point.

“Very flattering, Logan. Thank you ever so much for the compliment.” I deadpan. He outright laughs, throws his head back and everything. He tugs on a lock of my hair as he defends himself.

“I think it’s adorable, Little Rose. At least you know you have great circulation! Now tell me about this dog you met-” He’s still chuckling to himself as he opens the door to the apartment building for me. He wrinkles his nose at the smell. I can’t blame him. I’m used to it by now -which is its own special form of horrifying- and I still hate it. The hallways always smell like some combination of unwashed armpit, weed, and cheap vodka. It’s like a frat house’s washed-up older brother.

“Now you understand why I keep perfume in my bag. I’m so paranoid I’ll start smelling like this place before I can finish saving to get out of here.” My designer heel addiction has really been kicking my ass in this respect.

“I’m not going to lie, it’s pretty terrible. Where are you looking to go after here? Have your eye on anywhere? It’s a big city, after all.” Honestly, the place outside of Central Park that I want most is so far out of my price range that all I can do is put it on my vision board and try to manifest it through hopes and dreams alone.

“There’s a place about three blocks closer to work that I’m looking at. It’s to the south of the building so I won’t have to worry about the sun in my eyes coming or going, and the shorter walk will be so nice. It’ll probably be another three months or so before I have the deposit and first two months’ rent saved without absolutely wiping out my savings, but that’s not so long.” Logan looks relieved that I have a plan to get out, but nods philosophically as I mention my timeframe. I’m glad he’s a thinker- not just a pretty face.

“Depends on your perspective, I suppose. I know I’ve had days that have seemed like years but every birthday feels like it comes earlier and earlier after the last one. Time can be strange.” I don’t know anybody who couldn’t relate to that.

“Well, on that cheerful note, I should… get inside.” I’ll see him tomorrow, do not invite him up. Don’t do it, Emory. I’ll see him tomorrow and I can invite him in after that. Don’t make it weird! God, I doubt he could ever be weird. He’s so smooth, he would just… slide… right… in… I feel my face heating, among other things. Logan heaves a deep inhale and a sigh.

“I’ll let you go. But Emory? You could never smell like this place. You sweeten up everywhere you are, Little Rose. I’ll pick you up tomorrow night.” He gives me a chaste kiss on the lips and then the forehead before he turns to walk away. I’m both disappointed he didn’t ignore my obvious hints to give me more and rendered an absolute puddle at the sweetness of the gesture. I turn and hurry to my apartment, lock the door with emphasis in memory of our last walking home conversation, and run to my room to grab my battery operated boyfriend. I have to get some of this tension out or I’ll be up all night frustrated before our date. If I don’t watch myself, I’ll end up jumping him on the ride there.

Once I get comfortable, I turn the vibration on and get down to work. I’m sadly used to taking care of business myself. Not for much longer! I catch myself wondering how things would go if I actually did go home with Logan on a first date. Does it still count as a first date? Or was that today? Will he be good? He has a swagger about him that makes me think he will be. I just hope I can keep up. The way we kissed the first time just about had me combusting, so I know the chemistry is there. It’s while I’m thinking about that kiss that my thighs start to shake, my back arches, and I can’t stop a loud moan of Logan’s name as I climax. Hopefully that takes enough of the edge off, I think to myself. But as I put the vibrator away, I can feel that it wasn't nearly enough.

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