Chapter 1

**Hi all just to let you know this is the second book in the series. the first book is called Saving Megan. If you go to my profile you will be able to answer it. **

“I don’t know anymore,” Logan says, looking at Stephanie.

“I do,” she says with a small smile. “It’s time for you to let me go and for you to move on,”

“You make it sound so easy,” he states and wheels up to her in his wheelchair. “I love you, but” he nibbles his bottom lip and looks down at his lap.

“I know you love me, but you love her too. In a way, you’ve moved on. You just haven’t let go of me yet,” she states, looking up at the ceiling. “Can I see her?” she asks.

“She’s still in a coma,” Logan mutters.

“She won’t die,” Stephanie says, smiling at him. “She hasn’t gone through all that to die right at the last minute,”

“I know,”

“You don’t; you think she’s going to die,” Stephanie pauses, “if she dies, you’ll go off track, and that’s what I’m scared of and probably Eric and Lynn are scared too,”

“I’ll be fine; I’ll deal with it properly this time,”

“See, you do think she’ll die,” she says, chuckling slightly. He sighs and rakes his hand through his hair.

“No I think the doctors are right and it could be months or years before she wakes up and even then she may have no memory,” he retorts.

“Ah, you’re scared of her forgetting about you, the man that saved her.”

“Whatever,” he grunts, “I need to go,” he says, wheeling backwards.

“You can pull the plug on me once I’ve met her,” Stephanie says with a smile on her face before Logan leaves the room.

“Whatever Steph,” he mumbles to himself.

Logan has been in hospital for two weeks now. He is still in a bad way, not that he is letting on. The doctors want to keep him in for a while as he cannot move his leg.

Eric stands behind him and starts to push him down the corridor.

“How is she?” Eric asks, referring to Stephanie.

“Same as always,” he mumbles.

Eric sighs and stays silent, Logan hasn’t been in the best of moods since he woke. Everyone knows Logan has been beating himself up about Megan but didn’t truly know how much. Logan blames himself for not being there on time, for not doing something sooner. He didn’t understand how people could say he saved her when really he didn’t. He let her go home to that cruel man everyday not ever saying a word to anyone about his suspicions.

“I’m sorry,” Eric says, suddenly breaking the silence.

“What for?”

“For not believing you, I mean I did sort of believe you, when she was in hospital but she’s been bullied before so I just figured the story that she told us was true, because girls can be mean and it was believable,” he says quietly. “So I’m sorry, Lynn and I should have believed you.”

Logan stays quiet and rests his head on his hand while Eric takes him back to the room he is staying in.

“Oh you’re back,” Lynn greets “how is she?” she asks.

“Same as always,” Logan says and wheels himself to Megan’s bed. He takes her hand and relaxes in the chair. Julie sits opposite him looking at her best friend then at him.

“Melanie says she’s going to come by after school,” she states. Logan doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t really care, he just wants Megan to be ok and to pull through. Julie sighs and looks at Lynn and Eric to see they were picking their jackets up.

“We are going to go home for a bit, we'll bring you some more clothes Logan,” Lynn says, earning a small mumble of an Ok from Logan. She sighs and walks out with her husband not far behind.

“Her dad is-”

“He is not her dad,” Logan snaps, cutting Julie off.

“Well he’s apparently awake,” she says slowly, trying desperately to make it not sound bad.

“Funny how he’s ok while his daughter is fighting for her own life because of him,” he growled “arsehole.”

“He wants to see her.”

“What!” he snaps, turning to look at her.

“I don’t fully know if they’ll let him but apparently he’s begging to see her and keeps asking if she’s ok,” she informed. “They are apparently thinking about letting him see her from the outside and then hopefully he’ll co-operate with them,”

“They’re fucking insane right?” he asks.

“I don’t know, it's just what I’ve heard” she says truthfully.

He sighs and links his fingers with Megan’s. He hated seeing her like this, she had a tube down her throat to help her breath, wires coming from both hands one for morphine the other had fluids. A wire coming from her nose that was taped onto her right cheek for her feeding, everything annoyed him and everything made his fear become more and more real. The doctors told him there was nothing they could do, all they had to do was wait and hope.

“Yeah well now everyone knows,”he states.

“True. I’m going I have a lot of homework and my English sub is crap at explaining things, good job there’s only a few days left till we break for Christmas.” she says and walked out of the room.

“Yeah good job,” Logan muttered and kissed Megan’s hand.

A few days later

“I never knew he was you know,” Julie says, crossing her legs on the chair she was sitting on.

First her fingers, second her arm and the nurse takes the tube from her throat. Third, her head moved from side to side and then stopped looking straight forward, her eyes still closed.

“Turn the light down,” she heard someone say.

The smell of disinfectant filled her nostrils, almost burning the inside. The smell was so strong. Comfort isn’t what she would describe what she was feeling beneath her; it was more hard but acceptable comfort. The feelings inside her were pain and pain, nothing but pain.

“W...where?” she tried to speak but it hurt to do that also. She heard someone shush her and fear crept in as who that would be. No wonder she felt pain he had done as much as he could do to her last night or what she thought was last night.

Her eyes slowly opened and the first thing she saw was white just bright white. She closed her eyes and moved her head to the side and opened them again to see a dimmed light on what seemed to be on a white

bedside table.

She tried again “W...where am I?” she asks to whoever was in the room. She knew it wasn’t her room, she didn’t need to have clear vision to realise that. She looked back up at the ceiling gulping down trying to relieve some of the pain. No one heard her, she hardly heard herself talk.

“Megan,” someone says. She looked around blinking trying to stop her blurred vision.

“Yeah,” she says, sounding like a faint whisper.

“Do you know where you are?” the voice asked again.

“No” she cried and squeezed her eyes shut “I want to go home,” she cried.

“Maybe we should leave this until she’s up properly?” the woman says but it sounded like she had said it to someone else. Megan groaned and turned her head from side to side. “It’s ok Megan, we'll give you some morphine for the pain,” the voice sounded again. Water slowly seeped out of Megan’s closed eyelids and fell down the side of her face. “It’s ok,” the woman says but this time put her hand on her head and stroked her forehead with her thumb. After a minute or so Megan went quiet and the tears stopped and her mind went into a dreamless state once more.

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