Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2: Encounter


At that moment I felt like time stopped. I was so mesmerized that I didn’t even notice when she stood up and waved her hands in front of me. “Hello!? Can I help you with something?” she asked with an attitude. “My bad. I’m CJ. What’s your name?” I asked her. “Why do you care CJ?” she emphasized my name. “I’ve never seen you before and was curious. Also, you have beautiful hair and eyes” I responded. It seems I caught her by surprise with my statement. “Umm, my name is Alexia, but everyone calls me Lexy” she responded with blushed cheeks.


I was stunned by how honest he seemed saying that about me, that I forgot to answer for a moment. “Umm, my name is Alexia, but everyone calls me Lexy” I responded with blushed cheeks. I never felt that before. There is something about him that I just can’t put my finger on. “Lexy. I like it.” he said with a smirk. Wow why did he say my name like that. “So, Lexy. Why are you out here by yourself?” “Why do you care what I’m doing with my time?” I respond with sarcasm.

He chuckles at my response. Wow, he sounds so good laughing. What’s wrong with me?! “Do you mind if I join you?” he asked. “And if, umm, if I say no?” I said stuttering. “Then I guess I’ll just go and not bother you.” He responded with a smirk. As he started to turn, I said loudly “Wait!!” I don’t know what came over me, but I didn’t want him to go. “You can keep me company for now.” I said with a small smirk. He sat on the grass across from me. “How long you been here?” he asked. “We moved here 6 months ago. What’s your story?” I asked with curiosity. “I was born here. I’m son of the BETAS.” He responded nonchalantly.

“Quick question?” he asked with a smirk. “What are you doing on Saturday?” “Why you ask?” I respond with sass. “Well, is my 18th birthday and my parents are throwing a huge party. I would like to invite you if you don’t mind joining me.” He sounded shy as he asked. “Sure. I love a good party.” Why did I say yes? I don’t even know him. “I’ll pick you up at 9pm.” I was about to respond when he’s phone when off. As he answered his phone, I tried to continue reading my book. But I couldn't get the thought of ‘did I just get a date?’

I was lost in my thoughts, that I didn’t notice when he stood up and left. All I saw was him waving as he walked off. As I picked my book back up, I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and it was his number with a note ‘Call me, so I can have your number.’ I have never blushed so hard. I bet I looked like a tomato.

I don't know what came over me with him. I couldn't help but look his way. I put his number in my phone and attempted to continue to read my book. As the rest of the day went by I couldn't get CJ out of my thoughts. I started to feel a bit hot but didn't give it much thought. It was a bit of a hot day. I grabbed a water bottle and kept on with my day.


While having a nice conversation with Lexy, I got a call from one of the guys in the team. While on the call I noticed she was back to reading her book. I knew my call would take a while, so I pulled out a piece of paper and pen and wrote my number down. I left it where i was sitting and walked away. I went to the gym to see what happened with the guys, but next thing I knew they dropped the buckets of water while they cheered early happy birthdays. Couldn't ask for a better band of brothers.

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