
We both lay tired on my queen-sized bed. Last night was the craziest night of my life, and I am sure it was the same for Maxwell. We had made love the whole night and since today was Sunday, there was no need to hurry to leave the bed.

I woke up from my side of the bed and rolled over to Maxwell's side. I placed myself gently on his body and stared at his handsome face.

I could not believe my luck.

"How did I do it?" I asked myself.

"How did I get to lay with someone this handsome?" I thought to myself. I wanted to believe it was a dream, but the soreness in my clit proved otherwise.

I slowly planted little kisses on Maxwell's face and moved my lips down his neck and chest area. I caught one of his stiff nipples and suck gently at it.

"Hmm." I thought to myself. "Delicious."

"Oh, what a beautiful way to wake up." I heard him say. I looked at him and met his gaze. He had fully woken up, and he was smiling down at me.

I gave him a little smile. "I'm sorry," I said. "I did not mean to wake you up, I just could not resist." I rolled off his body.

"Ohh!! Why did you stop? I actually did love it." He pulled me back to himself.

I blushed and hid my face. I was still a little shy after everything that had happened between us.

"What plans do you have for today?"


"Yes, you. What do you have set out for today?" He asked me again.

"Erm. My roommates will be back anytime soon." I said without thinking.

"Oh!" Maxwell said, jumping off the bed.

"I didn't mean that," I said, trying to remedy the situation.

"No it doesn't matter, I have to go now. We'll talk later, OK. Tomorrow maybe, at work." He walked to the door.

"Maxwell, I enjoyed it," I said to him as he was about to leave my room.

He looked back at me and reached for my hands to kiss it. "I enjoyed it too." He planted a kiss on the back of my palms.

He then walked out of my apartment, not looking back.

I, too, covered myself fully with my blanket and went back to bed.

"Was that Mr Maxwell I saw leaving this apartment?" Screamed Liz, my roomie.

"Wait, Mr Maxwell came here?" Asked Molly.

"Oh sure he did. He was that young and handsome man that we met in our apartment, our apartment Molly!" Screamed Liz with excitement.

"Impossible!" Screamed Molly too.

"How come he was here? Liz, are you sure about this?"

"Of course. I know I have met him only once, but I can never forget that face and build, I must say."

"Girl, you better say something." Said Molly as she climbed my bed and tapped my legs. "Wake up girl, say something. What was Mr handsome doing here in our apartment?" Molly pulled the blanket away from my body.

They both gasped to see my naked body.

" Are you naked?" They both gasped in unison.

"Ermm. Don't get any more ideas, OK." I said, defending myself.

"Girl, was he here?" Asked Liz again.

"Yeah." I said, feeling really embarrassed.

"Now, before we kill you, spill everything that has happened here, "said Molly. They both jumped on my bed laughing, waiting for me to start talking.

"Oh please." I pleaded, equally laughing. "I have not slept since last night."

"Oh really! So you did have sex," Molly said.

"I told you," Liz said to her.

Liz and Molly were two of my roommates and also my very good friends. We had known each other for years.

"Well, he was here, I admit, and we had sex, and it was beautiful," I said and they both screamed in excitement.

"And don't ask for details." I had to shut Molly. "Because I wouldn't give it, but it was really beautiful, okay, and I loved it."

"Awnnn." They both chorused.

"You know I'm happy for you." It was Molly again. She was the most talkative of the group.

"And I wish this for Ann."

"Molly!" Liz called. "Why are you like this?" She asked.

"Please leave my Ann alone," I said, laughing.

"Why am I hearing my name?" We turned towards my door and saw Ann standing there.

She was wearing a knee-length sky-blue top with pure white leggings. She also put on all-star sneakers. She had her eyeglasses on, as she always did.

Ann walked into the room, towards us, and pulled off her sneakers.

"What have I done this time?"

We all stared at her, unable to talk. I reached for my blanket and covered my naked body.

"Why's nobody saying anything?" Ann said, hoping to go into bed to meet us.

"Welcome Ann, we were talking about how we would love you to be laid just like our friend here Ella." That was Molly again the walkie-talkie.

Ann opened her mouth dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"

"Ermm Ann. It's not exactly true. Molly wants to drag us into this. She alone was the one talking about you getting laid, not me, not Ella." Liz was scratching her head.

"Does it matter? Why don't we just tell her the truth?" Molly started again.

"Molly!" Screamed all three of us.

We are four best friends and roommates. I, Liz, the most mature, Molly the carefree one and the walkie talkie and Ann the Nerd.

Molly always teased Ann about her conservative attitude towards life.

She always told her that she needed more men in her life.

I agree with that, but I always avoid saying that in Ann's presence, but that was not Molly. She said whatever she wanted to say to whoever she wanted to say it to.

"What the hell are you girls talking about? Who got laid?" asked Ann.

"She.." Molly and Liz pointed to me.

I watched as Molly and Liz narrated my whole story again to Ann and, all three of them giggling away. I fell back to my bed and muttered to myself.

"How on earth do I know these girls..."

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