Ch. 1 - Oh Daddy-2
Jee-min entered soon after. He was a slender Korean man of average height with flawless, blond-dyed hair. He had a phlegmatic expression on his face, making his features even more attractive, as his dark monolid eyes flickered back and forth between Dominic and myself.
"You called for me, boss?" Jee-min asked.
"You're her personal bodyguard! You're supposed to keep me informed of everything she does! Why the hell did you allow her to do this?" Dominic asked in annoyance, gesturing to my purple hair.
Jee-min's eyes suddenly widened in realisation, "Aw Shit! I only saw the colour after her hair was rinsed out. She told me that you were okay with it!"
"And you believed her?" Dominic's face contorted in disbelief.
"Come on boss, you know what she's like! She barely listens to me as it is..." Jee-min sighed in frustration as he ran a hand through his hair.
Shaking his head, Dominic muttered, "Get out, I'll deal with you in a minute."
I watched as Jee-min gave me a pointed stare, letting me know that he would get his revenge on me during training. The thought made me cringe.
Shit, I was in for it later.
Even though the Korean was of average height and build, he was as deadly as they came with his fists, as well as with any weapon that he could get his hands on.
This was one of the reasons that Dominic had chosen Jee-min to watch over me, as opposed to one of the other larger men. Seeing as he was the same height as me and had a youthful appearance, the unassuming man blended into crowds effortlessly. This made it easier for him to watch over me as he could pass for a university student and would follow me around to every class.
Let me tell you, that could really be annoying at times!
As I looked back at Jee-min, my eyes conveyed a silent apology. I tried to put on my cutest sad face, in an attempt to manipulate him. But Jee-min knew me too well and his frown only deepened as he closed the door behind him.
Immediately changing my face into a smile, I turned my attention back to the striking man standing in my bedroom.
Biting my bottom lip in a brief pout, I asked again, trying to get my voice to sound as innocent as possible, "So... What do you think?"
Dominic's favourite colour was purple and I had done this as a tribute to him.
The mafia boss could never stay angry at me; no one really could for that matter, and I used that to my advantage. They did not call me the 'Master Manipulator' for nothing. I should be ashamed at the way I schemed my way to get things, but it was be a useful skill to have. Especially if I had plans of joining Dominic's organisation.
"It looks nice," he replied, as he ran his gloveless hand through my long hair, "however, I'm not sure how the dean of your faculty will take it, seeing as you have that photo shoot for the university magazine coming up. You know how uptight that man can be."
Shrugging, I let go of his arm and walked towards the portable rack where my designer birthday outfit hung, still hidden in its black garment bag. My fingers played with the zipper as I pursed my lips.
Turning back to face him, I said, "Don't worry, Mr. Thompson is afraid of you, he won't say anything. Besides, Blaire dyes her hair all the time and she's on the cover of the current Humanities faculty brochure!"
"Jade..." his voice disapproving.
Even with his tone, I could see in his eyes that he was a little proud of me. I was never one to be easily daunted.
"What have I told you about intimidating other people?" Dominic asked before he went on to say, "I don't want you acting like a gangster. As for Ms. Harris, that girl is such a bad influence!"
"How many times have I told you, just call her Blaire, she isn't one of your mafia associates. As for being a bad influence... Really Dom? This coming from the biggest crime boss in the city?" I retorted, a frown forming on my brow as I added, "As for acting like a gangster, I'm just trying to fit in. I mean, you let Quin join your mafia, and he didn't even need to go to university as a requirement! Why are the rules different for me? I'm as much a part of this organization as everyone else in this house!"
Audibly groaning, he replied, "Because he's a man. I don't want you getting hurt."
With my hands on my hips, I argued, "I'm more than capable of taking care of myself! I know my way around a gun, plus Jee-min has been teaching me to fight since I was nine!" I paused to go into a Wing Chun stance before I relaxed and continued, "Besides, Raeni is the head of the Jamaican Mafia and she's as badass as any of the other leaders! You have no problem doing deals with her and she's a woman, why am I different?"
Sighing deeply, he took a moment before he spoke, "First of all, Ms. Dixon is a real adult. Just because you turn nineteen tomorrow doesn't mean you're ready for such things! Secondly, while you might be good at Kung-Fu and using a gun, you aren't bulletproof!" Dominic's hand moved to gently caress my cheek. I almost purred as I felt his fingers against my skin. Not being able to help myself, I leaned into his touch, wanting more.
It was a big deal to be touched by Dominic Calvetti's bare hands.
You see, he never touched anyone unless he had his gloves on. And even then, he was still specific about where he put his hands.
Dominic was very particular that way, even more so where touching him was concerned. Many people thought that it may have been because he had mysophobia, and that he had a fear of germs and an obsession with cleanliness.
However, in reality, it was an unfortunate consequence of the trauma of his past, and as a result, no one was allowed to touch the mafia boss.
Well, no one except me.
I was the only one who Dominic ever allowed to touch the bare skin of his hands and face.
Of course, such actions mostly took place in a private setting, which is why I thought that he had a soft spot where I was concerned. I never knew why he allowed me to, but I never questioned it.
His deep voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"I don't know what I would do if you ever got hurt. Can't you just stay safe and hidden?" Dominic urged with a dazzling smile while pulling his hand away.
My mood immediately changed, and without thinking, I lashed out. "No!" I said as I suddenly kicked his shin before turning my back on him and stalking towards the window. Pressing my forehead against the glass, I muttered, "Perhaps I really should just move out..."
Though I could, we both knew that I would not.
I suddenly felt his hands on my shoulders. Dominic roughly turned me around to face him, a deep grumble started low in his throat as he dragged me away from the window and pushed me up against the nearest wall. His blue eyes darkened as both his palms smacked the solid surface on either side of my head simultaneously.
"Careful..." Dominic sternly warned before asking, "What have I told you about those temper tantrums, hmmm? And if you want to move out, I cannot stop you, you are free to do as you please, but don't expect me to leave you unprotected."
Rolling my eyes at him, I said, "I don't need you; I can take care of myself."
I knew that I was being rude and ungrateful, but sometimes I really just could not help what came out of my mouth. My tongue was reckless and I often took advantage of the fact that I was the only person who could talk to Dominic in this manner.
Although, I had to admit that I sometimes overstepped my boundaries, and when I did, he never failed to reinforce who was in charge. After all, I knew the rules, but sometimes I needed reminding.
Smiling darkly, his nostrils flared as he looked down at me.
As his blue gaze infiltrated mine, I admired the rage that I saw smouldering within his penetrating stare. Dominic's angry eyes always held a strange power over me. I silently hoped that perhaps one day he would let me experience the torrent that I knew resided within him.
It was hard to ignore this electric pull that I suddenly felt whenever I was near Dominic. The feeling was new and it scared me, but I had always been fascinated by dangerous things.
Perhaps that was why I was finding myself looking at Dominic in a new way.
I was attracted to his chaos. I supposed one might say that I was a bit messed up in the head, but then again, who would not be, given what I had gone through as a child.
With him standing so close to me, I bit my bottom lip, trying my best to stifle the moan that threatened to escape.
Dominic was about to say something when his mobile phone suddenly rang.