Ch. 6 - Solace In Pain


It was around mid-afternoon the next day when I finally awoke with a splitting headache.

After Dominic had stormed off and left the club last night, I had not felt like partying anymore. Even though Blaire and the others repeatedly objected, I ignored them for a while and sat in a corner and drank until I all but passed out, hoping to numb the stinging pain of rejection that was coursing through me.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake?" Quintin chuckled softly, leaning against the headboard on the other side of my bed. Grumbling, I rubbed my eyes, trying to protect myself against the harsh light that peeked through the blinds, "I rather go back to sleep."

"Here, take these," he handed me some pills and a bottle of water then asked, "still feeling shitty about last night I assume?"

"No shit Sherlock..." I frowned after drinking some water.

"Sorry J," Quintin hugged me, "come on, it's your birthday, you've already slept most of the day away. Come, go shower and get dressed, we have things to do."

"I'm not going to dinner, I'm staying in my room," I pouted as I pulled my purple pillow pet to my chest.

I loved that fluffy Hippo like you would not believe. I have had him for as long as I could remember. It had been a gift from Quintin, and I had given him a googly-eyed sloth in return. It was something to protect us from our nightmares. Of course, it did not really work, but the sentiment had brought the both of us immense comfort nonetheless.

Shaking his head with a sad smile, he said, "Don't be like that, Jade."

"No, I'm serious, Quin. I rather just curl up with Harvey the Hippo if you don't mind. My ego is bruised enough as it is, and I don't know if I'll be able to refrain from throwing myself at Dom again. I just seem to lose all selfcontrol when he's around lately..." I confessed, then whined, "Ugh, what the hell is wrong with me?"

"Nothing's wrong with you!" Sighing heavily, Quintin relented, "Alright, we can always dine in then. Want me to stay and keep you company for now?"

"It's okay, I think I just need some alone time," I replied before asking, "Is Blaire safe? In my drunken haze I believe I hyped her up and encouraged her to go home with James."

"I'll call and check in. I still can't believe she went home with him," Quintin's nose scrunched up a bit.

"Well, she's had her eyes on him for months..." I chortled half-heartedly,

"At least one of us is getting to fuck the one we want. Of all the mafia bosses, I had to be attracted to the one who had morals, which is ironic, given his vicious reputation."

"Well, even monsters need love, right?" Quintin said more to himself.

"If they allow themselves to be..." I commented sourly.

Kissing my forehead, Quintin got up from the bed and tucked me back in.

He told me to call on him if I needed anything, and with one last reassuring hug, he left my room and exhaled deeply, leaving the door slightly ajar.

As I lay in bed, I could briefly see him and Jee-min talking, and I gripped the sheets tighter around me as I listened to them. The concern in their tone tore away at me slightly as my heart began to race at their hushed words."How's she doing?" Jee-min asked as he lounged on a nearby chair.

"Not good, I'm gonna talk to the boss about it," Quintin said.

"I'll confess, I never know what to do when she gets like this. It's easier to deal with her when she's being a brat," Jee-min admitted.

Quintin's eyebrows furrowed a bit, "Yea, obnoxious overbearing Jade is predictable. It's when she gets quiet that we need to be worried."

Running a hand over his face as he inwardly groaned, Jee-min agreed,"Most definitely."

As their voices faded away, I turned to lay on my back and moaned softly.

I wondered if they forgot that I could hear them. Though I suppose they wanted to let me know how worried they were, hoping that it would help deter me from whatever devious plan they assumed I was concocting.

A dry chuckle escaped me. I suppose I really was a sadist, getting off on their pain, knowing how worried they were about me.

Even though I had been seeing the same therapist for the last seven years and taking the necessary medications that had been prescribed, sometimes I still gave in to behaviour that I knew was wrong.

Given the trauma that I had experienced as a child while living with Enzo, I had a lot of emotions that I did not understand how to deal with, such as distress, fear, helplessness, guilt, shame, and of course my personal favourite, anger.

I was later diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD as well as anxiety.

During my early adolescent years, I would often resort to cutting myself on my upper thighs as a way to deal with all the overwhelming thoughts that often threatened to take over my mind. The first time I did it, I had been eleven years old, and I had not done it to fatally harm myself.

The pain, it gave me comfort. However, I soon realised that it also helped me to focus and put things in perspective as it became my strange addiction.

Though in some twisted way, I had to confess that I liked how the cuts looked.

I enjoyed seeing the blood and would feel a bit sad when the wounds started to heal, which would lead me to 'freshen them up' by cutting once again.

Of course, I knew how irrational it sounded, but at the time, it felt perfectly reasonable to me.

As a young teen, I seemed to be almost obsessed, as it was something that only I knew about. It was the one thing that no one knew about me, not even Quintin, even though he had suspected something.

Clearly, the act had been my own way of having some control over my life. I had no control over being abandoned as a child. I had no control when my virginity had been taken from me. I felt like I did not have control over anything, but these physical wounds were something I did have control over and that gave me a feeling of euphoria.

But eventually, even the high that I got from cutting did not help with the voices in my head. Thankfully, by the age of sixteen, with the new medication that I was given, such voices that often made themselves visibly present, seemed to appear less and less as time went on.

As a result, I had not cut myself in over two years.

This was due to the fact that the last time I did it, I had accidentally cut too deep, and as a result, my secret, after all those years, had finally been revealed.

To say that Dominic was livid would be an understatement. I do not think that I had ever seen him so angry. Although the use of the word angry might be incorrect. I felt as though he had been afraid, and it seemed as though anger was the only way he could express himself.

It was the one and only time that I had ever truly been afraid of him.

Since then, everyone had been on high alert, always keeping an eye on me. I hated that they felt as though they needed to walk on eggshells around me and handle me with care.

I appreciated that they never openly brought up the incident in front of me.

Or how they told me that it was okay to make mistakes and to have bad days, Dominic and the others' support meant a lot to me. However, the fact that they assumed that I would resort to doing such things every time I felt troubled really hurt my feelings.

Then again, I only had myself to blame.

It was obvious that I would just have to show them that I was not that same Jade anymore, and that I had changed where that was concerned. I just hoped that they would be able to trust me fully once again.

After all, it was like my therapist said, mental health is not a destination, but a process.

It was true though, for I felt like those dark moments made me stronger. Or perhaps I already had such a strength within me and my experiences simply verified it.

Letting out a deep sigh, I turned onto my side once more and hugged Harvey the Hippo to me.

It was clear from the pain that I was feeling from Dominic's rejection, that I needed to admit to myself that I really did like him more than I thought. At this point, I did not care when my love for him began to change, all I knew was that right now, in this moment, I did not see him as an older brother.

I saw him as a man, one whom I wanted to be mine. As I thought about last night and the way he held me in his office, I tortured myself, wondering if his reaction to me was based on him being his usual protective self or if there was something more to it.

A part of me felt that his response was based on jealousy. After all, why would he have a problem with me dancing on Aleksandr? Maybe the same thing was happening to Dominic. Perhaps he too, was suddenly feeling a growing attraction towards me. Of course, it would be hard to get him to admit such a thing. But then again, maybe he felt nothing towards me.

Sighing, I reminisced about the first day I had ever laid eyes on him.

'After hearing the loud exchanges of gunfire, coupled with the screams of those who had fallen, Dominic and Vincent had blasted open the door to Enzo's master bedroom, their guns pointed at the mafia underboss.

Enzo had been shirtless, holding a gun tightly to Quintin's head, while I had obediently sat at his feet. I had seen the way Dominic had looked at the man. He had been out for blood.

"Let the boy go Enzo, there's no way out of this," Dominic had said as he had aimed his gun, his gloved hand tightening around the weapon.

The lean dark-haired man had laughed, "That's where you're wrong you freak. If you kill me, you kill them both."

"Only a coward uses an innocent as a shield," Dominic had replied in abhorrence, as he had glanced between Quintin and myself.

As our eyes met, I had stared openly up at him.

Dominic had expected to see fear in my eyes. However, what he saw could almost be described as adoration, towards him. After all, it was the first time that I had felt that Quintin and I had a chance of escaping Enzo.

I had been unable to take my eyes off of the pale stranger with the bright silvery white hair. He had worn a dark purple pinstripe suit with a white shirt and matching purple tie. To me, he had looked like an angel, for in that moment, he was my salvation.

My posture had been straight and rigid as I had continued to sit quietly at Enzo's feet. I silently obeyed him without question as he had threatened to kill Quintin.

Up to this point, we had been living with Enzo for a little over two years, and our time with him had been nothing but a nightmare. Through our shared anguish, Quintin and I had created a strong relationship and had done our best to protect each other.

Shifting slightly, I had moved closer to Enzo. I slowly wrapped my small arms around his calf as though hugging him, while pressing my fingers into the material of his trousers.

"See! They don't fear me, they love m–ah!" Enzo's screamed in surprise as I had bit harshly into his calf.

I wished that I had a bigger mouth and sharper teeth. In that moment, I had envisioned that I was a shark, and I had bitten him as hard as I could, until I tasted his blood.

Dominic did not hesitate, and as the man released his hold on Quintin, he had pulled the trigger and blew Enzo's head straight off.

"Damn, she's got a mouth on her!" Vincent had commented on my bite as he had holstered his guns. With a friendly smile he approached us, "Are you two alright? It's safe now."

Quintin had silently nodded, while I had given him a toothy smile as I stood, wiping my mouth. I had all but ran towards Dominic and immediately hugged his right leg tightly as I rested my head against his

thigh and closed my eyes.

With a relaxed sigh, I had replied to Vincent's question, "I am now."

The gesture had shocked Dominic as he stood transfixed momentarily.

Clearing his throat, he ran his free gloved hand through his silver white hair.

"What do you want do with her, boss?" Vincent asked with a straight face, noting how I had held on to Dominic.

"Please don't send us away Sir, take us with you, please!" I begged; my eyes now open as I looked up at Dominic.

Growling to himself, he had looked over to Vincent, whose small smirk died immediately as he felt his boss' glare on him.

"Take them to the car," Dominic said gruffly.

As Quintin and I had left with Dominic and Vincent, we watched through the car's back glass as Enzo's building erupted in flames. Dominic had burnt everything, destroying our old life while simultaneously giving us a new one.'

As the memory faded, I reopened my eyes. I remembered Dominic telling me that he did not know why he had felt the need to take care of us.

Typically, any minors that were found on their raids were taken care of. The younger children were often sent to orphanages, while the older ones, in particular the boys, were given an opportunity to join them. However, he knew that he could not have separated me from Quintin.

The rest, as they say, was history. I never allowed myself to think about what would have happened to us if Dominic and Vincent had not shown up that night.

All I knew was that Quintin and myself owed them our lives. This is why we had both wanted to join Dominic's organisation, as a tribute and payback for everything he had done for us.

Dominic had protected us, and now that we were older, we wanted to protect him.

I did not expect to develop feelings for him, though. That in itself was still a mystery to me, one that I doubted I would ever figure out.

Not once in all the years growing up had I ever seen Dominic as anything more than an older brother. So why now, after all this time, did I suddenly begin to see him in a new light?

My therapist had said that people sometimes experienced an instant sort of attraction to a person that they had known for years. For example, in scenarios where best friends or enemies would turn to lovers, but I did not think that something like that could have happened to me.

After all, I had never even been interested in dating anyone, much less had any romantic feelings for another human being. But somehow, unexpectedly, all my free thoughts were of Dominic motherfucking


All I could see were those beautiful blue eyes of his. They had spoken volumes as they stared at me back in his office last night. There was truly something mesmerising within the myriad shades of blue, churning and creating a vortex of uneasiness.

I knew that there was a secreted darkness suppressed within him, and I wished that he would share it with me.

There was no turning back now. I knew how I felt, and I would do my best to see things through. I needed to know if he felt the same way as I did, and if so, the next step would then be to figure out a way to make him give us a chance.

What was the worst thing that could happen?

"Fuck my life..." I muttered as I buried my face in Harvey the Hippo.

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