Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

The screeching sound of car tires was heard outside. Mr Rossi and his associates looked out the window to check where the sound was coming from. The frantic change in their facial expression was something else. They all retired to their seats with droplets of sweat rolling down their faces.

“It's him” one of them managed to say.

With a loud bang, the door flew open and a few men rushed in.

“I hope I am not late for the meeting,” Leonardo said as he walked slowly towards Mr Rossi. The fear was boldly written on their faces. Even though Mr Rossi tried to keep a strong face, his fear could still sensed as he consistently tapped his feet.

“Go on with your meeting?” Leonardo asked sarcastically, not like he was expecting a reply but he loved the effect he had on people.

“You didn't inform us you were coming.” one of them said.

“Oh, yes. But I wasn't aware I had to report my every movement, was I? Get the fuck out of that seat, you don't deserve to be sitting there,” he said angrily.

Leonardo's men rushed towards the man and threw him off the seat.

“You will regret this humiliation. Mr Leonardo, I swear you will.” the man said while trying to bear the pain he felt in his buttocks.

“Yeah, I will. You had the guts to sell young Italian girls to those Russian dogs. Sei una vergogna per il mondo mafioso!( you are a shame to the Mafia gang)” Leonardo spat angrily. He hated greedy people and had warned against trafficking human beings or selling of organs but some people felt they were smarter than he was.

“You all are looking as though this is foreign to you, you, you, and you,” He said pointing at a few of them

“Vito, get them off that chair! They don't deserve to be sitting there.” Leonardo instructed.

“From the look on your faces, I am sure you already know what you did wrong. You sell drugs with my knowledge, traffick women, rape girls, sell human organs… You do things like you own the world. Well, I have been quite generous and tolerant recently. So it's either you choose between me ending your miserable life or taking hold of all your accounts and taking your family. The girls will be trafficked and your sons will be slaves in the gang. As for your wives, the hospital will make good use of them. You already know how profitable organ selling is!” Leonardo blurted angrily.

They knelt pleading but Leonardo has always been a no-nonsense person. He signaled Vito to take them out.

“So now the meeting can commence. I am sure you guys want to strangle me, by all means. Come if you want to but if you don't, forever hold your peace.” He said glancing at every one of them but no one even moved their body. He wasn't even sure if they were even breathing.

“In the absence of no strangling. Mr Rossi I am sure this meeting is for me, I met you about four to five years ago to ask you a few things, but you didn't give me a definite reply. I did my research and all the evidence is still pointing at you. All I want is the truth, a list of accomplices, and the business itself. Then all this drama will come to an end” Leonardo explained.

“Mr. Leonardo, when you came to my house a few years back, I explained everything to you,” Mr Rossi said defending himself.

“No, you didn't. You just denied the allegation. You were the last person my father spoke to and the only one he was running the business with as of that time. So how could something like that go missing without you being a part of it?! Secondly, the minute he died you left the Mafia world and claimed to be legit. So what the fuck are you saying?”

“I will be in touch. And you go on with your meeting. As for your baby girl, she is in good hands as long as you behave.” Leonardo warned before leaving the room. A sigh of relief could be heard across the corridor.

Leonardo walked straight to his car, his mood was as bright as it was when he came.

“Where to, boss?” Vito asked.

“The Greenview house” Leonardo responded.

“But boss why did you let Mr Rossi go? You had him under your nose. It would have been easy to frame him and end his miserable life. We would have pacified your father's spirit.” Vito said garrulously.

“Vito, patience is a virtue. I don't want only him. I want his accomplices and my father's business back, killing him wouldn't cut it. Don't question my decision, Vito, you know I hate it.” Leonardo warned.

“I am sorry Boss. What I am saying is that we have to be fast about it because he doesn't seem like someone who would confess to his wrongdoings.” Vito chipped in again.

“He loves his daughter. He knows better than to act stupid. He knows his life is sitting pretty on my palms, one squeeze it's all over.” Leonardo responded, assuring him he knew what he was doing.

“Boss I have an idea, since he loves his baby girl. What if we do something drastic to his daughter” Vito suggested.

“Drastic?” Leonardo asked.

“Yes, a video of us rough handling his precious daughter.” Vito replied amusingly.

“Vito, I don't want to hear of this again, she is my captive and I will decide what to do with her. Do I need to follow your order? How about you being my boss?”Leonardo's face was in anger.

“I am sorry, boss! I'll do what you say.” Vito apologized immediately. He knew how ugly it became when his boss was enraged. They arrived at the compound and headed to the parking lot.

Immediately Leonardo stepped out, and one of the housekeepers came running towards him.

“What is it?” Leonardo asked frantically

“Isabella fainted, Boss.”

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