Coincidence or destiny
As I continue inside the elevator, the crime scene… I look up and see a camera!
Every beat of my heart seems louder and noisier, it leaves the camera's view as if something is going to change, my God what if the security guard saw it? Will I be arrested for this?!
Now I feel so stupid! How did I not see a camera? Aah of course, there was a stranger sucking me at the time, how could I pay attention to anything else?!.
I got out of the elevator like a criminal trying not to get caught, looking around trying to cover my face with one hand. Fortunately for me, the bathroom was empty except for the receptionist. I approached the counter trying to hide my sinic face.
“Hi how are you? remember me!?”
“Yes, you are miss Deborah, the lady from the VIP floor, how is your stay?”she replied with a friendly smile.
“Ah, everything here is incredible! But you know... the person I came to meet, I haven't seen him, can you give him the card for me?”
“You didn't find him?! No problem, the resident of this room is here, if you want I'll call and you can deliver it to him in person!” She picked up the phone and started calling Mr.
“NO!!!!!! No need, just give it to him and apologize for not being able to meet him today.” she hung up the phone with a confused face.
“As you wish! Would you like anything else from our services?”
“One more thing, I was curious…the cameras everywhere, but especially in the elevator…do these cameras work well? They record all day and all night?”
She looked at me suspiciously but then resumed her friendly smile.
“Our cameras are professional and record everything in 8k HD every day without pause and then make copies to ensure that everything is in order and then the security guards and head of security analyze every detail to guarantee the safety and comfort of each customer and check if No one is breaking the rules”.
My heart filled with fear, everyone is going to see my little show in the elevator, I have to get out of here soon.
“Okay, of course, dear, have a good day, that's all.”
I sit in the back seat of the taxi thinking about what the rest of the night would have been like if I had stayed. That question echoes inside me, filling me with a confusion of curiosity and sadness. Imagine your face, your smile, your hands running across my skin, your body on mine, feel your heart squeeze thinking about what I could be doing right now.
When I got home I felt calmer, this was my place of comfort and safety, here no one could see me or arrest me for indecent exposure. but the only thing that crossed my mind was that hot body in the elevator, how I wanted to know his name so I could scream at the top of my lungs.
I locked the door and threw myself on the sofa, and his body kept appearing more and more in my thoughts, I had to release all this tension.
I lifted the sofa and took off all my clothes, I walked towards my room, my bed was made and tidy, I took one of the four pillows, one soft but resistant, I placed it on the bed and climbed on top of it.
I started to rock back and forth, remembering his mouth, I could already feel the fire rising and warming my entire body. the sculpted body, I started to go faster, then I remembered his fingers inside me and I started to mount the pillow with desire, I let the moans come out without restrictions.
“Fuck! this is so delicious!!!” As the image of his dick appeared in my mind, the pillow was already soaked, I continued riding harder, faster, and continued like that for hours, the lust not going away as I thought about him…
The other day I took a cold shower and wore my usual formal clothes, only this time I felt more alive and different so I opened a few buttons on my white shirt and put on some black heels. He came to toast and I took a car to work so I wouldn't be late.
I arrived at work and Vanessa, as always, was super dressed up, with a tight dress showing off her big curves and her long, curly hair left loose.
“Tell me everything!!!!!!!!”
“Wow, where do I start!?”
I took a deep breath and felt my table facing hers.
“Did you lose the gourd or not?????? Tell me, I'm desperate! I won't sleep or eat today if you don't tell me soon!!!”
“My God, Vanessa!, keep your voice down, everyone in the office will hear!”
“Calm down, they're too busy thinking about the company merger and employee changes to worry about whether you're still a virgin or not, but I care! and from your answer it looks like you have news!”
she started making gestures suggestive of sex while looking at me. Just in time, one of the cleaning ladies walked by with a broom in her hand, giving Vanessa a dirty look as she crossed herself.
“Okay, Ms. Maria...good morning to you!”
Vanessa said, trying to hide her embarrassment while I burst into laughter.
“I'm sorry about that, Ms. Maria!”
I said, trying to stop laughing.
“Now that she's gone, tell me! you fuck?”
“Yes!?” I replied with a look of not sure.
“I don't understand?”
“I made out with a guy in the elevator…but it wasn't Mr. R. The guy was so hot that I didn't even think about it at the time, we only stopped when he was naked in his room, I mean I stopped him when he was naked! and I left”
“Wow, but why? Was it too small?”
“On the contrary, it was so big that I don't think it fits in my thoughts hahaha”
“hahahaha, so why did she stop him, she wasn't doing things right? You were scared!? It even makes sense since it was your first time…”
“I did feel a little scared and nervous, he was clearly more experienced than me, but I felt guilty for sleeping with him while I had made an appointment with another guy who was definitely waiting for me… he even called me during the night but I didn't answer because I was so embarrassed!”
“So you didn't sleep with a guy because you felt sorry for another?” She looked at me with a disappointed face.
“Do not look at me like that! I was confused, I had a lot going on in my head.”
“Poor guy who kept sucking his thumb because of you, leaving him naked was naughty, I should have taken advantage of it sooner…but who am I to tell you who you should give it to or what to do!”
“That's literally what you've been doing since the day I met you!”
“Don't fight with me, you know I love you and I only want the best for you! and it's okay if you don't end up with the guy, the chance of you seeing him again is almost nil so relax, talk to the guy you want to talk to, now let's focus on the work that's better.”
“You're right, there's a lot to do before the head of the company that absorbed us arrives, we have to get everything in order”
I focused on my computer and started organizing all the history of clients and financial transactions. I've been at this technology startup almost since the beginning, but few people stayed after the old CEO accepted an offer of one and a half billion from a global corporation so that the two became one. and now we are organizing everything for the arrival of this big boss who commands everything.
Suddenly one of the managers ran by our tables screaming.
“QUICK, GUYS!!! THEY ARRIVED, THE NEW BOSS ARRIVED EARLY!!!!” Vanessa and I looked at each other scared, the ceo arrived two weeks early! and I hadn't prepared everything yet, this will be a bad first impression since I was the president's assistant and was one step away from management before the merger, I hope this doesn't affect my promotion.
The office elevator opened and several employees were already at the front to greet the new boss and other employees who came with him.
I got up and started to straighten my clothes to make myself more presentable, I turned my back to the crowd and started to stretch my room, which was curled up, when I heard Vanessa's voice whispering my name trying to get my attention. When I get up everyone around is looking at me. I feel a cold wind shiver my neck when I turn back. I almost fell back in fright but he caught me with one hand before I could fall.
It was him, the elevator guy! He was the new boss!!!He smiled mischievously and looked me up and down.
“What a coincidence...or should I say destiny?!”
As we looked into each other's eyes, everyone kept looking at me trying to find out where I knew him from.