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Chapter 10

And at that moment, she knew she was falling to the point of no return, too deep to even crawl back to reality, and at that instant, she didn't want to stop herself, even as she knew that her affection was meaningless to him.

However, Tyler was not done with her yet. He wanted to savour this moment because tomorrow, when the alcohol was gone from their system, he knew he needed to do something about their marriage, but for now, without warning, he turned her on her knees as she moaned, and he shoved his hardened shaft again inside her as she groaned deeply.

In this position, Mary realised that he was so big—bigger than she was used to. Bigger than earlier, and she felt more than satisfied. He filled every last inch of her, appeasing that deep ache she had had between her legs since the night began. Mary heard him mutter, "O-oh, f-fuck, you are amazing, wife," as he began to thrust into her slowly, giving her body time to accommodate his generous girth again.

"Hell, woman!" He slipped easily in and out of her, her wetness slicking down her thighs, increasing his pace at her incoherent urging and his obvious need. He saw that she reached between her legs and flicked her clit back and forth, getting closer and closer to orgasm again as he pounded into her from behind, aggressively, with deep thrusts, and bounced her breasts back and forth.

He grabbed her hair roughly, arching her back towards him, saying, "You are mine." "Come, come for me. Be a good wife, and come for me again."

In her intoxicated heaven, all she could do was groan and bite her lips. She attempted to keep his stride with her hips, squeezing back against him at the deepest point of his hard strokes inside her, but lost out to his feverish rhythm and her fingers on her clit. She tightened around him unexpectedly, crying out, lost to surges of pleasure, and jerking her hips uncontrollably as they reached their peak.

Slowly, after heavy breathing, he lay down on the bed, where he enveloped her in his arms more tenderly than she honestly would have anticipated. He kissed her on the forehead and said, "Sleep well, wifey."

When Mary woke up, her eyes fluttered open, blinking against the soft morning light from the glass window, blinding her eyes as she squinted. She glimpsed around and noticed that she was wrapped in a black satin sheet. She was confused about where she was. Her hair was as wild as the jungle—untamable and unruly. Her once remarkable golden blond ringlets now vaguely resembled a bird's nest, and any bows or clips that had once held them in place were long gone.

Then a sudden rush of dizziness and headaches hammered her head. But all those nauseating feelings halted when Mr. Ten Years, with his heavenly broad shoulders, was on her side of the queen-sized bed, stirred up, and went back to sleep.

Oh my god! It was not a dream. Oh sh*t! Mary sat up and covered herself. She gaped at the sleeping form of the man, but what surprised her the most was the ring on her finger.

A wedding ring?

Fuck it! Oh my god! This is not possible? My goodness. "What the hell did I get myself into? Shit! Shit!" Her mumbling or panicking was nothing compared to what she felt as she peered at her naked, sore body. And yes, she hadn’t felt so thoroughly fucked in a long time, and yes, on top of that, she was more than sore now, covered with kiss marks and something else?

Panicking more, she slowly attempted to sneak out of bed, then halted when a voice stopped her. "Going somewhere, Miss Borthman?"

The voice!

That voice... She remembered it perfectly.

The man, half-naked with only grey pants, so beautiful... was beyond gorgeous and deadly handsome in the morning. He got off the bed and started walking, yawned, and motioned for her to follow him.

To where? Confused, she did so out of curiosity, only covering herself with a satin sheet. In the hallway, he took a piece of paper from the coffee table, tore it, and threw it on the floor, then pinned her against the wall.

"What are you doing?" Mary shivered as a flush crept up her face, realising that he was staring at her. But his face went blank, and he scowled. The hottie towered over her. His appearance alone was alluring and elegant in a way that made her breathless; his hair was lazily ruffled, and the raven tips were haphazardly pushed so they intertwined into beautiful chaos.

Raising both of her arms above her head, he whispered to her, "Trying to sneak in somewhere, wife?"

"Stay away from me," she mumbled. What? Wait? He gestured to her to... Follow him so he can do this. Intimidate her with this move? Who was he? A Hallmark Christmas kind of guy? How insanely romantic as fuck, but all was lost when she smelled his fragrance. His scent, his fragrance—it was so unique and so much more unusual. Like the tang of sea air that has a way of making her content and at peace, like it was anchoring her other emotions to the briny aroma that has all the callings of home. A scent that made her feel like she was safe and protected. So this was what she smelled in her sleep earlier. She thought to herself.

"Miss Borthman, are you even listening to me?" Tyler grumbled and raised his eyebrows.

However, looking at his vivid, oceany, deep blue eyes made her think of some porn star, and yes, he called her wife.


He called her wife, right?


Oh, Jesus! What the hell happened to them? All she remembered was the dancing, the wine, the many Margaritas, and flirting with Mr. Ten Years. then nothing... Despite this, they're now married, and... so naked! Damn it! She thought it was nothing but a stupid mistake. She awakens in an unknown suite, naked, with a hot stranger in bed with a wedding ring on her fingers. But being perplexed was nothing compared to his response when she announced her intention to file for annulment: "No, it's not possible." We have already consummated our marriage, remember? Those lovely sinful orgasms and foreplays we had..." The corner of her mouth quivered as if trying to laugh.

"Shut up! Ok? Oh, fuck. Wait... What? I don't even know who you are. I mean, are you seriously making fun of this? This is not. Oh bloody hell! I have a fiance and I'm getting married."

"I know my wife, but guess what? I am not signing any divorce papers. So do whatever you want to do; just stay away from my bad side and be quiet about this whole fiasco."

How could he look so relaxed and casual about this mess? She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It felt like a nightmare, right?

What the hell did she get herself into?

But why does it feel like his voice was so soothing, somewhat comforting yet teasing? He was making fun of her, right? She looked up, meeting his gaze. His stare softened. Who are you, stranger?

Wait a minute, this guy is a stranger, right? And why is she not panicking and screaming?

"Are you fucking kidding me? I don't even know who you really are," she grumbled instead.

"So, wife, I'm Tyler Johnson, as I've told you so many times." He responded, amused by the woman's surprised expression, which looked as if she had been hit by a train. He could almost see her disappointment. It was so new to him. He pondered. If this were a normal woman, she would be begging him to give her his diamond card. Miss Borthman, on the other hand, was a... Unique. He hadn't expected her to be so surprised and disappointed. He had awoken and checked her purse, taken her ID, and called her assistant to learn more about her wife's personality before filing annulment papers, but when his assistant discovered that she was nothing but truthful to her words and was indeed working at his rival hotel, an orphan with only a brothers for a family, engaged to be married to some guy, Tyler made up his mind to make her his instead. But now, seeing the woman's defeat and painful look made him want to have her all the more.

"Wait, I don't believe you. Are you—wait, Tyler Johnson? CEO of..."


Oh goodness! This man, her husband? How insane? This is impossible. It was just a single, straightforward reply, but it had a massive impact. How could she be this stupid? The man was nothing but a cold-hearted billionaire playboy, rich and demanding and evil and so sexy and... hot! damn it!

"Oh my God..."

"Well, take your time, and I'll see you in London, wife. Goodbye." Just like that, he left her there naked and so anxious that she didn't even dare to answer him as he went to take his clothes and then out to the door. All the time she was gaping at him, naked and only with a little dark satin sheet to cover her already trembling body.

Call it stupidity, because she was indeed panicking, yet she did not feel regretful. 'Im going to burn in hell.'

That happened earlier, and now she was still here in his suite, in the bed, still naked, dumbfounded, and still confused while staring at the ceiling, attempting to recall how she accomplished what she did or even how she managed to execute this incident without her remembering any of what happened. But she knew sex was... amazing. After all, she was still so sore.

How did he do that? He maintained that cold, bossy attitude after fucking someone. Yet, here she was, so troubled and worried. She was trying her best, but nothing—whatever evil spirit had merged with her yesterday—would not merge now. It just disappeared suddenly! Her confidence was gone; she was too afraid to even think.

And no matter how hard she tried, her phone had been ringing nonstop, but she ignored it, and she almost didn't even bother to answer. She didn't even want to glance at it or have the courage to answer her best friend's calls or those from unknown numbers.

However, she was too terrified to even take a look at her old iPhone. "Dammit! This is just a mess up! You are an idiot, Mary!" She mumbled under her breath. What was she going to do now? She was confused and didn't want to go out just yet. The never-ending ringing of her phone became too much, and she agreed to take one call from Jane, just to keep her sane self alive. Just one phone call... just one phone call.

She took it and said, "Hello?" She muttered as she pressed the green button and furrowed her brows.

A mixture of thunder and war drum noises was followed by her friend's loud voice, which looked to be adding a sentence of expletives. "Mary, what the hell is the matter with you?! Where the hell are you?" For a second, the voice on the other end of the phone screamed, making her deaf for a moment.

"Hey! Come on, Amaya. Don't be too... um, I'm fine. In fact, I'm going home now."

But then she couldn't help but label herself as impossible and crazy. Yet, everything that happened yesterday seemed so unbelievable and outrageous. How the hell did she even manage to tell them that she was OK?

"Don't be too hard. You left us... you. "

"I'm just…"

"Mary, did you even realise how worried I was?" Amaya yelled at the other end, making Amaya mutter, "Stop screaming."

"I'll be there OK. Just wait... I mean, give me ten minutes."

Her body was so sore that when she got up to go to the bathroom, she could barely move. She turned on the hot water and jumped into the shower. Letting the water run down her body felt amazing. The heat brought back memories of him in the club yesterday, but nothing about their lovemaking. The idea of having him with her now in the shower was even more intense.

Her chaotic mind wasn't just anxiety in a different guise; it was as if her brain was concentrating in order to let her lustrous brain through, the ultimate surprise of her life. She was never a lust-at-first-sight kind of girl, yet she believes that is what she is feeling now.

This man was giving her a familiar feeling, a feeling when she just came from an earth-shattering orgasm. Something like that, she reckoned. She could almost feel her wet folds under her naked body. Yet she knew what she wanted was the opposite: a chance to regain her composure, calm, and tranquil air and have enough space to focus on what matters rather than allowing a path of panic to emerge, but she couldn't stop herself.

There were some primitive urges and needs that wanted her to acknowledge them. She felt like devouring the man all over and felt like she wanted to be licked, praised, and relieved. She felt like moaning, like she wanted it harder and faster. She wanted him inside her, right here, right now. She wanted to feel him, taste him, and...

Dammit! How could I think such a thing about him? What the fuck is wrong with you, Mary? What on earth are you even thinking? She felt disgusted all over, and she shivered, yet she tried to reason with herself why it would be a good idea not to inform her friends about what happened. It would be never-ending teasing, so maybe she was too drunk and fell asleep in the park.

Maybe they would never believe her, but there was nothing on earth to make her tell them what really happened.

Days passed as a blur. They had returned to London after a few days. Mary attempted to contact Jasper to arrange for him to pick her up at the airport, but he did not respond. As soon as she stepped inside the cub, she was haunted by the memories of her Las Vegas marriage, but she decided to disclose her previous marriage arrangements to her fiance.

However, when she returned home, she discovered that her boyfriend had been having sexual relations with another woman in their bed. Then he blatantly accuses her of ruining his day without any remorse. Furthermore, it was only the tip of the iceberg in terms of scope. She couldn't believe he was treating her in such a deplorable manner. After all, she was the one who was financially supporting him, practically devoting almost every cent of her income to him, and yet Jasper dumped her.

She was left broken and shattered, all alone, and she couldn't bear the thought of remaining at home and absorbing her misery any longer. She decided to get drunk and just let herself go. She visits a high-end nightclub. She ordered her drinks and promptly became intoxicated. While there, she met her accidental husband, the billionaire CEO of Johnson Hotels, Tyler Johnson, who offered her a job as a secretary in exchange for keeping their accidental marriage a secret. Of course, she accepted the offer. After all, they aren't in love with each other at all. She couldn't file for divorce either because she didn't have the money and her bank account was empty, so she agreed to his request.

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