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Chapter 13

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale...

Mary groaned deeply as she felt herself stretching so well right there on the floor. Yes, this was what being stretched felt like—warmth. And watching those mind-shattering white shorts of their yoga instructor made her sweat even more.

Yesterday, after her yoga class with Jane, she came home, and instead of resting and perhaps daydreaming, there was a knock on her door, and she just stood there, in shock, and was simply speechless. Her secret husband was back, along with his demanding, glorious self. He was standing at the door, the man-whore of a boss. The most attractive and demanding boss on this bloody planet, not that Mary was complaining; the man was nothing but sweet and gentlemanly, but not to her; besides, she was just his boring, prim, and proper secretary, and Mary wondered if he even knew her real name. After all, she was nothing but Miss Borthman to him.

Tyler had the nerve to woo her after what he did. He slept beside her and did not even apologise. Well, he told her to go to the office. He was not really wooing her but demanding she come back to work, but it felt the same.

"Yeah, right there."

"Mary, you're doing great."

"Breathe in, breathe out." Their hot yoga instructor murmured something near her ear that made her lose her train of thought. Not that she was complaining; the man was gorgeous and yummy to look at! perfect in a way that makes a woman forget herself.

"Aaaaand breathe. Yes! Everyone! Excellent work, class! Excellent stretching! Let the tension out, feel the heat, and feel the stress move through you and out. Breathe. Nice work today, everyone."

And the man just smirked and winked at her.

Oh, la la! Finally, there is some progress. Mary thought to herself. With that in mind, she smiled and simply patted herself on the shoulder. Maybe there was a little hope for her boring life after all. She guessed today was her lucky day, indeed.

She then slowly opened her eyes to see the rest of the class untangle themselves from their yoga mat postures, all of them sweating and blushing as their bodies relaxed. In her mind, she needs to relax because tomorrow she will meet the handsome devil himself, Mr. Johnson, and she will start her job as his secretary again.

The man was a pain in the arse. He had the nerve to demand she come back to work immediately, even if they had already discussed that she was going to start working at home and next week at his mansion. The devil told her yesterday with no more than a puny glance at her. How could he look at her and act like she didn't resemble a woman? He did not even take a glance at her newly wet, freshly showered self and only saw a little towel on her body when she opened the door.

Damn it! Call it embarrassing and degrading, but Tyler just went inside, said nothing, then put his mighty self on the sofa, did not even look at her, and said, "Come back to work tomorrow."

See her point? The asshole just stood there and left her dumbfounded and speechless.

And she was complaining? Of course! But who could ignore a fucking wet, freshly showered woman on a little towel? Especially his secret wife?

Of course, yes! The very devil himself

"Mary," said the handsome, sweaty, fragrant creature on her side. "Are you even listening, Mary?"

"Oh! Yes!" She mumbled and yanked herself away to erase the memory that warmed her blood. "I'm listening, of course."

"Good, we have to take a break, then we will be back here tomorrow, okay?"

"Yes, sure! Or course." Who couldn't say no to those deep blue eyes and those bulges?

"Yes, dear," said the others with an added giggle and with the same knowing smile. Surely they all had the same mindset.

The class was mostly women, not that Hugh, their yoga instructor, could complain; almost every female in their apartment building was here. Doing absolutely nothing, just staring at those bulgy wonders, pretending to stretch their tights, stressing their bodies—whatever the hell they call it these days, these women would pay to be there.

Who wouldn't have a crush on this handsome creature? He was perfect! Definitely excellent. Those bulges were to die for, and even Jane and Amaya agreed with that.

"Mary, margaritas or coffee? We're all going," Jane said as she took Amaya's hand towards her. The latter was back early in the morning from her dancing schedule.

The three of them were inseparable and usually ended up grabbing drinks together after the class and going to the next-door coffee place twice to four times a week.

Mary sighed. "I'm not sure if I can."

When Amaya grabbed Mary's arm instead, she yanked her towards the door with them. "See, Jane? taken care of. Plus, we need to discuss what shorts Hugh was wearing today. Damn! He is so hot. Those white shorts are to die for. We'd better discuss this asap. And about Mary's boss, who slept beside her in the bed. That too needs discussion."

"Well, since you're twisting my arm here!" Mary blushed, rolling her eyes. But one drink, ok? I need to be back at my place as soon as possible," she added as her pulse quickened. In fairness, those shorts absolutely needed to be talked over, but she doesn't want to talk about Mr. Johnson anymore.

She smiled as she said her goodbyes to the others. "Bye, everyone! Bye, Mr. Huge! I mean, Mr. Hugh!" yelled Jane.

"Seriously, Jane?" Amaya asked, rolling her eyes.

"What is wrong with you, woman? And watch those arms. It hurts like bloody hell. What are you, an arm wrestler?" Jane complained as they all went down the stairs.

Mary just smiled at them. How could someone resist the man anyway? He'd walked in today wearing a pair of white compression shorts that hugged every nook and cranny of him, of her, and of everyone else. The whole freaking class of women had practically breathed in heavily and bit their lips when he walked out to the front of the room with a massive bulge right there in his shorts. Okay, it was a little bit exaggerated.

Now they were on the route towards the shop corner, and Jane added, "It’s not like you could, you know, see it or anything, not like an outline of his dick or anything like that. But holy sh*t, right? It's not like those shorts left much to the imagination. I can feel myself heating up just by looking at it. Damn! I love out yoga classes even more," Jane added with a monstrous sigh that made them all laugh.

"I know, right? It was... earth-shattering," Amaya smirked as they entered the coffee shop, her brow furrowed. "And it'd been almost impossible to pay attention to his task."

Mary giggled. "The short was indeed a distraction."

They all giggled like schoolchildren. "Agree. Forget yoga points; I'd spent half the class just guiltily dreaming about what his trunk might look like all over other points on my body. So, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who'd noticed!" Jane said with a wink.

Hugh's majestic white shorts were still their topic ten minutes later.

"I mean, girl? Wow! That was gigantic, right?" Jane fanned herself dramatically as she sucked down the last of her margarita.

Mary and Amaya grinned, their faces feeling flushed from the tequila. Was Mary even drunk? Damn! It's still too early for that. "How big do you think he is? I mean, honestly, that bulge!" Amaya giggled as she played with her straw, a slightly hungry, glazed look in her eyes making her raise her brows.

"Yeah, a cup to hold that huge shaft of his!" Amaya and Mary shushed Jane as half the patrons turned to look at them, and the two burst out laughing.

"Jane! Calm down, woman!" Mary rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Oh, relax, Mary, I'm just having fun!" Jane grunted and sucked at her drink. "Besides, there's no harm in thinking about something, you know, slightly bigger than my boring husband."

Amaya started to giggle as Jane slapped her playfully on the arm. "Okay, something like five times bigger than your husband's dick?"

Mary frowned and thought it was that small. Oh hell! No surprise, Jane has been stressed lately.

Jane nodded. “Yes, that small.”

Mary bit her lips. Thinking about yesterday's incident, her towel incident at her apartment, the one with Mr. Johnson, was he even aroused? Hardened? Or maybe he was disappointed because she doesn't have a huge pornstar-sized breast? With that thought, Mary sighed, and so did the two.

"By the way, Jane, I'm just curious, okay? Is it really that small? I mean, not that I have something to talk about; after all, this margarita needs some gossip to finish with," Amaya asked.

Jane rolled her eyes. "He is an Asian. What do you expect? A horse-size dick? Besides, we already talked about it, remember?"

"Come on, I'm serious. Is it really that small? Korean-kind-of-small? or Pakistan-kind-of-big?"

Mary smiled and raised her brow at Jane.

"Hell woman, Pakistanis are huge! You better believe me. My co-dancer has one of those, and there is nothing small about it." Amaya whispered and smirked, which made Mary turn wide-eyed.


Amaya gigled, "Yes. Silly, she had a toy um, Pakistani size, and it was f*cking huge."

"Hell, Amaya reminds me not to mess with you. But I guess Mr. Johnson was way bigger. I saw his bulge yesterday when this woman was here," Jane said, motioning to Mary, who blushed. "She slept with her ex-boss... and now her boss again," Jane added, which made Mary roll her eyes.

"I told you we did not fuck, Jane. We just,um, happened to be sleeping in the same bed. Okay? Just sleeping.

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