Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 12

Lunch time at the JC building cafeteria.

"So, how's the interview?" Eva asked before sipping her juice.Amaya rolled her eyes. "Allen told me to come back after lunch to see the Boss and that he would also prefer someone who speaks Chinese or Japanese."

"Wow! I didn't know the big boss was that picky."

"And it didn’t say that in the advertisement," Amaya pointed out. "And you didn’t mention it when we spoke on the telephone either."

"Come on, how would I know? Mr. Johnson, the big boss—he doesn't like to put too many specifications in the advertisements for one reason, and I rather agree.” Eva gave a small sniff.Well, there wasn’t much Amaya could say to that—clearly, at first glance, it had been decided that she wasn’t the right person for the job.

Even though it had been an impossible dream, now that she had glimpsed it, Amaya wanted it.

The salary was to die for—Tommy’s needs and her small apartment rent were due.

Allen had explained during their initial interview that Mr. Johnson's staff burned out quickly. He was a demanding boss, expecting complete devotion and that this job and the travel would literally overtake her life, which did not suit Amaya. She could never leave her son alone with Eva.

One year of working hard, and she would finally be able to support her master's. Surely, in that time, she could pay off the backlog of debt? One year of burning herself out, and she would finally be free—free to pursue her dreams, free to live the life that had so far been denied her.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you will get the job," Eve said with a wink.

After lunch, she went back to HR, and Allen ushered her to the 35th floor, in the executive department. Walking out of the massive mirror-wall elevator, she sighed as the small glimmer of hope was rapidly taken away.

As she walked through the gleaming glass doors and into the pristine lobby, her heart raced.

Well, at least Eva and Allen hadn’t kept her guessing; at least she wouldn’t be checking her phone every five minutes or dashing to get the mail. For sure, she wouldn't be accepted as the secretary for the big boss.

Allen couldn’t have been any clearer—she wasn’t wanted.Then the opposite elevator door opened.And then he walked.

And the room went black.

"Oh my God!" Amaya mumbled to herself as her gaze followed the men.

Well, it didn’t go black, but it might as well have, because he was all she could see.

Dressed in an expensive navy blue tuxedo, the man himself—the man who plagued her mind for the past six years—was the father of her son.The CEO, the big boss, Chase Johnson, strode over to the hallway past the receiving area.

How the hell did my day go so bad? She thought to herself.

A man, whose name Amaya heard was Gabby, stood up, knotting Chase’s bow-tie as he gave him, in a couple of minutes, what seemed like a month’s worth of messages.

"Sir, Mr. Aiko Shurima wants an "in person" next week. You need a new secretary by then; my wife will kill me; I promise a retirement—" Gabby groaned.

"No," came Chase's bored response as he walked to the gigantic door, which Amaya assumed was his office.

"I know that you are retiring, but I told you, I don't need a female secretary."

"But sir, HR had been interviewing dozens of applicants for the past few days, and in fact earlier I saw a—"

"I don't care, Gabby." His eyes drifted around the room as Gabby dealt with his cufflinks, and then he gave Amaya a bored glance that changed midway, and his utter disinterest shifted slightly.

He deigned to give her a second look, and it was one she recognised well. It was the same look men had used on unsuspecting women—at the petrol station, the supermarket, school concerts, the pub, oh, anywhere...

Six feet two and with eyes of navy blue, Chase Johnson still might just as well have had the word danger stamped on his smooth forehead. Soft hair was slicked back, but a thick, raven lock escaped as Gabby declared him officially knotted, and with one manicured hand he raked it back through his hair, and it fell into effortless shape.

It was a look that, to Amaya, screamed danger.

Those hands…those…

Shit!Get a grip, Amaya, and run away now! She chastised herself.

Gabby rolled his eyes as he began again, "And Justin rang, your best friend? He is upset... and he wants you, um, to L.A. for the entire weekend."

"Tell him to go to Los Angeles himself,” Chase replied, opening the door to his office without giving the surroundings a glance.

"But sir—" Gabby halted when he saw Amaya in the hallway, standing like a statue, watching them interact by the door. "Thank God, help is here!” Gabby yelled. "Should I let her in?"

"Who?" Chase answered with annoyance."The applicant, um—HR sent, sir."Amaya stepped back when she heard Chase reply when the door was closing. "Fine, let the applicant in."As she was ushered into the CEO's office, Amaya tried to compose herself.

"Shit!" She bit her lips as Gabby motioned for her to go inside. "Good luck!" Gabby left without a second glance. She stood there by the door, contemplating knocking or just opening the damn door.

Six years had passed since Amaya and Chase had last seen each other. Back then, they were just two drunk individuals living in the moment, completely unaware of what the future held.Or, yeah, I think she was drunk that night.

But fate had other plans for them, and it was about to bring them together once again.

Amaya, now a poised and confident woman in her mid-twenties, had decided to knock on the door or run.She chose to knocked.

Earlier, she was excited about the opportunity, and though she had prepared herself thoroughly for the interview, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious. But now, knowing that the father of her son was the same behind the door, she shivered.Her confidence suddenly went away.

The name of the CEO of the company was withheld during the application process, adding to the mystery surrounding the position. She thought it was Justin, boy she was wrong.

Now, she noted to never ignored her intuition. She should have run earlier. With a sigh, she knocked on the door again.

"Come in," Chase's voice echoed in her head.

Memories of her past came flooding back—memories of the carefree night she spent with Chase, the man who had once captured her heart.However, when she saw Chase sitting behind the large desk, her breath caught in her throat. He looked just as she remembered him—confident, handsome, and successful. Their eyes met, and Amaya could sense a flicker of recognition in Chase's gaze. But he quickly masked it with a professional smile, pretending not to know her.

"Good morning, Ms. Patterson," Chase said, using the name on her resume. "Please, have a seat."

Amaya sat down, trying to act composed despite her racing thoughts. Chase began asking her questions about her qualifications and experience, and she answered each one diligently. Yet, throughout the interview, the tension between them was palpable.

Chase couldn't ignore the memories that resurfaced from the past. He found her, at last! He remembered Daisy or Amaya vividly, with her beautiful curves and her dark hair, so he was right; she was wearing a wig that night.

He frowned as he pressed the intercom and ushered in coffee for both of them, but he didn't want to reveal recognition to her. It was a mix of emotions for him; a part of him wanted to embrace her and reminisce about the good times they had shared, while another part wanted to remain professional and not let personal history interfere with business matters.

As Chase sat across from Amaya, he carefully perused her resume, trying to maintain a professional demeanour despite the waves of memories crashing in his mind. He couldn't help but notice the mention of a five-year-old son in her personal details, and that struck a chord of curiosity within him. It was a piece of information he hadn't expected, and it only added to the intrigue of the situation.

Amaya, on her part, noticed the flicker of surprise in Chase's eyes when he saw her status as a single mother. She frowned slightly, wondering if he had somehow put the pieces together and recognised her. The thought of him knowing her past made her nervous, and she silently hoped he would keep it to himself.

"So, Amaya," Chase began, his tone professional but tinged with an undertone of curiosity, "tell me about your previous work experience."

Amaya shifted in her seat, her nerves getting the best of her. "Well, I don't have experience as a secretary; rather, I have years of experience working as an IT software specialist for various companies," she replied, keeping her focus on the topic at hand.

Chase nodded, asking her a series of questions related to her skills and experience. As the interview went on, he couldn't help but notice the familiar sparkle in her eyes, the way she smiled when talking about her strengths, and the subtle gestures she made. He was almost certain it was her—Amaya, his Daisy—but he fought the urge to confirm his suspicion.

Deep down, Chase struggled with the memories of their time together and the beautiful night they once shared. It was a mixture of regret and fondness, but he knew he couldn't let that affect his decision regarding her application.

Meanwhile, Amaya's mind raced with uncertainty. She felt like Chase knew who she was, but she couldn't be sure. Maybe it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. Nonetheless, she focused on answering his questions to the best of her ability, hoping that her professional qualifications would speak louder than any past history they might share.After what felt like an eternity, the interview finally came to an end.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Johnson."

Chase replied politely. "Welcome. You seem to be a promising candidate for the position. I will be in touch soon.

"Shit, I'm not supposed to be happy about having this job. She thought to herself.Amaya smiled, relieved that the interview had gone well so far. "Thank you, Mr. Johnson. I'm really excited about the opportunity to work here."

Liar.She told herself.

Chase nodded, offering a warm smile. "Great. I will review all the candidates and get back to you soon."

She got up and left the office, feeling a whirlwind of emotions inside.

As Amaya left the office, she couldn't shake the feeling that Chase knew more than he let on. It was as if he had recognised her, but for some reason, he chose not to address their shared past. She felt a mix of emotions: curiosity, apprehension, and even a tinge of hope.

Outside the building, Amaya's hands trembled as she dialled Mary’s number. "You won't believe who the CEO is," she said, her voice shaky. "It's Chase Johnson."

"What? No way!" her friend exclaimed. "Are you okay? I mean, did he know about Tommy?"

"Of course not. Please, no one knew about it, just you and I. Don't even mention this to Tyler."

"Sure, but I can't help—“

"Mary, promise me to never mention this to anyone."

"Okay, okay." Mary sighed at the other line, "But are you okay though?"

"I don't know," Amaya replied honestly. "I never expected to see him again, and now I'm not sure how I feel about working for him."

Her friend offered reassuring words, reminding her that it was a professional opportunity and that Chase was probably just as surprised as she was. But Amaya couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty.

Over the next few days, Amaya anxiously waited to hear back from the company. Finally, the call came, and Gabby informed her that she had been selected for the position. Amaya felt a surge of joy and pride, but also a hint of anxiety about what the future might hold.

Little did she know that accepting this job would not only mark the beginning of a new chapter in her professional life but also reopen the doors to a past she had tried to bury. As Amaya prepared to start her new job, she couldn't help but wonder how her life would intersect with Chase's once again and what the future held for them both.

The following day, Amaya arrived at the company, still unsure about how to handle the situation. As she stepped into Chase's office to begin her new job, she knew that the coming days would be filled with unexpected twists and turns, rekindling old emotions and forcing them to confront the past they had both tried to leave behind.

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