Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 34

Tyler sat on the couch across from his bed and stared at it hard as he swallowed another mouthful of the expensive, rich brandy. There was something wrong with him, he thought. Earlier, when he explained to Mary about the contract, the latter did not agree yet, asking him to give her some time to think. Yes, it was hard to imagine that he would end up asking a woman to bear him a child. Under different circumstances, the ladies would be queuing to give him an heir. After all, it would be a ticket to a wealthy life, but of course, being Mary, she didn't just ask for a decent time to think about his proposal; she had her own requests and changes.

How was it too hard to make her just say yes? Well, they just have to sleep and fuck, and voila! It was not that hard, yes? But damn if he was not confused.

Yes, Mary was different in many ways. It wasn't supposed to happen to him, but it was supposed to happen fast, no questions. He was the bloody Tyler Johnson. Everyone in France trembled when he passed them by, and he was having a bloody, recurring agony of convincing his wife.

"Bloody well figures," he mumbled as he looked out the window. The night was still high in the sky, and he knew dawn was still far off. It was much too early to rouse his driver, or even the butler, for that matter. With a shake of his head, he stood, walking swiftly back to the bed. Placing the brandy glass on the table beside him, he threw the blankets aside and climbed in.

A few minutes later, Tyler had made himself as comfortable as he could get. He sighed and closed his eyes. He was going to sleep well and be done with it.

Maybe this was a dream or reality; he doesn't know. But it felt so real.

Mary was in his room. The lampshade gave him enough light to see that it was really her, with only a very thin silk fabric that covered her lascivious body, sitting on the bed. She was staring at him from the bed. Her eyes were a vivid cobalt blue, accented by her dark blonde, wavy hair. "Tyler..." Her voice sounded more like a moan than anything else. Maybe this was a dream, because there was no way she would moan his name like that. He knew he should go to her, but he also understood that he couldn't. Despite what he wanted, his body arose to follow its own consent.

As he stepped forward, she set herself back on the bed, her bare, satin-covered, lush body exposed to him. Her breasts were full, high, and perky on her chest. Tyler felt desire and lust swirling within him as he walked forward. She parted her legs, revealing to him herself and her longing for him. With a moan, he lay beside her on the mattress and touched her breast with appreciation. It was so soft and supple. The tiniest touch of his hand resulted in her nipples peaking and a groan evading her lips. "Wife, why are you here? My beautiful Mary..." Tyler groaned as he lowered his lips to taste her supple flesh.

She wailed in delight, arching her back and clamping his head to her breast. "Tyler!" He moved his hands over her body, touching, brushing, and grabbing. She bucked in vicious elation at his touch as she moaned his name. "More, Tyler, I want more of you." He teasingly moved his hand to her mounds at her thighs. Dampness greeted his touch as he slipped a finger between her full lips to touch her. She marked her nails across his back as he flicked her clit gently. "Oh, Tyler..." Moving up, he kissed her hard as he undertook his tender, sweet invasion. Tyler couldn't stop himself from caressing her in the most appropriate way, as her lips tasted like honey and milk and her body moved in such suggestive ways. He took his time and kissed his beautiful wife.

Unhurriedly, he extended a long finger into her safe passage. When she moaned and arched her hips against his touch, he looked for that sweet spot. That ledge that he could stroke inside her would propel her over the edge of her own climax. He found it. Desperately, he manoeuvred his hands. He stroked it lovingly, swallowing her gasps of pleasure into himself as he kissed her. He caressed her until he felt her near the edge of fulfilment. Moving slowly above her, he parted her thighs further and rested his chest against her lush breasts. "My wife, you are mine, only mine," he whispered as he positioned himself.

Unhurriedly, he pushed himself into her tight, wonderful haven. Moaning, he began a quick, short progression of pushing in slightly and then withdrawing almost entirely. That made Mary growl at his ears. "Why are you a tease? I want all of you, Tyler." It was the worst tease he had ever given himself, but it would ease her completely. When he had let himself inside her enough to feel her deeper, he groaned. If he wasn't careful, he was going to come sooner than expected. He was deeply addicted to her moans. He was intoxicated with the slightest of her touches because, in those moments, Tyler let the profoundness of his soul become all of her. She became his soul, just like a green meadow. She was every flower, every petal, bright and beautiful.

Pushing up, he sat on his knees between her thighs and heaved her closer to him. Her eyes were closed with an unknown excitement, and he knew if he moved any further inside her, they would fly open with pain and alarm. Licking his thumb, he placed it on her clit and began to tease her. Mary groaned and bucked her hips against him. He gritted his teeth and continued his gentle assault. He felt her passage tightening on him as she began to climax. As her world shattered and she came, he pushed past her barrier and buried his seed in her warm womb. He wailed at the pleasure, promising his love and affection with every shout. She, in turn, answered with her own promises of love and devotion.

Tyler woke up with a start. He'd had the dream again. Damn it. He told himself, No more. It was torture beyond measure. It was painful. And he wasn't a fan of torture and pain.

"Fucking rubbish." With that, he stood up and rang for his butler. "Eddie, I need coffee now!"

Meanwhile, Mary woke up from the dream. It seemed so real. But it wasn't, she told herself, chiding herself about dreaming of something embarrassing that she knew was wet beyond compare. Was it her hormones again? Being pregnant made her so eager, and so... Hell! "This is so embarrassing""

Flopping back on the white pillows, she stared at the wall across the room. The morning sunlight shone through the glass windows slightly, making the wall across the room a dazzling array of stripes. Every other morning, she loved to lie in bed for as long as she could get away with it and just watch the flecks. Today, she couldn't wait to get out of bed. She felt like some massive elephant was sitting on her body. She felt rather exhausted and so hungry. "Oh, goodness me, I've never been this hungry before." Thinking about her pregnant belly, she halted as she felt herself slip into a bed again and sob. For some frantic reason, she was grieving her shattered heart. She had loved him; she knew that, and she thought a bit wildly that he would never see her as a wife, only a convenient contract, just like a business deal. Yet she loved him, and she couldn't be with him. He was so close, yet so far, money, pride, and many other things separated them in more ways than she could bear to count.

Pushing the blankets aside, she hurried out of the bed and winced. Leaning down and walking to the bathroom, she cringed as she felt dizzy all of a sudden. She had to go into the office today. Tyler had a full schedule of meetings and more meetings. She made a mental note to contact Ashton for assistance. And she had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon. Great. Taking a shower, she got dressed, did her little makeup in record time, went to the kitchen, and asked for a full breakfast.

"Good morning, wife!" Tyler's voice echoed in the kitchen. "Beautiful morning, isn't it?"

Her heart began to race as she stared at his face, his hard body, and knew. She knew in her bones and every other part of her that this man would never see her as a wife. This was the man who fathered her child—the man who stole her heart. The man she had never hoped to become a part of her unknowingly did so without her even realising it.

When she looked up at the man, she almost fell back. He was dressed in a bloody, expensive suit as usual, and he was killing it with his smile. "Oh, are you supposed to be this early in the morning?" She started and then stopped.

"I owned this mansion. I can do whatever I want, remember?"

"Right," she mumbled and rolled her eyes. Looking up at him fully, she stumbled backward and fell onto her hip. She was so dizzy, and the world appeared to be turning like she was on a roller coaster.

"Mary?" Like a shock, he shouted and went to her side. He rushed out before he realised what he was saying. "Wife?" He took a hesitant step forward and stopped himself. What were these feelings that were flooding over him? They were the same emotions he felt for her in the dream. longing... and something else... with the same worry and dread.

"Eddie, call a doctor!"

His voice was the last thing she heard as she succumbed to oblivion.

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