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Chapter 52

That afternoon, still in her room, Tyler relished the way Mary's hair brushed against his nose as he moved in closer and gently kissed the back of her neck. A faint moan escaped her lips: "I miss you damn much, wife! Losing you felt like hell." Tyler whispered and felt her body loosen up and relax even—almost as if she were wilting into his arms. He adored the emotion of restraint, knowing that his efforts could affect her mood and had the power to bring her higher levels of pleasure than she would allow anyone else to. Drawing his hand up, letting his fingers gently ripple up her flat stomach, finding their way to her forearm, and snaking up towards her neck as he slowly caressed her short, soft hair to that wonderful area where her neck and shoulders meet in a smooth embrace.

Planting a kiss on that amazing patch of skin instantly brought his mind to a new place—one where she and he breathed freely, away from the crises and problems of the waking world. Tyler felt prosperous and comforted when he was with her, knowing that she felt the same. Mary's body begins to turn towards him. Their legs were still entwined together. She whirled her back so they could look into each other's eyes. Those beautiful, innocent eyes—the ones he could just immerse in forever—were his truest flaw. He could never help but fall in love with them each time they locked into him.

"I never had anyone since you were gone. I tried but couldn't, sweetheart," Tyler murmured, and that halted Mary as he stared at him. "Really? The legendary Tyler Johnson was without a woman in his bed for more than a year? Impossible," Mary asked, in utter amazement.

"Legendary? Where did you get that idea?" he said as he kissed her on the lips.

"Well, you know, so many women said so."

"Jealous, Mrs. Johnson?"

"Nope." Mary couldn't be happier. Maybe Tyler must have real feelings for her. Maybe her heart could still dream? Not that she didn't believe him when he said that he loved her, but because she had been in the dark for too long, she didn't know what to believe anymore.

"Good, because you are among the best, the only one, mine alone, and you're looking amazingly beautiful today, sweetheart," he said before planting a kiss on her collarbone and caressing her chest with his hand as he moved it slowly back towards her stomach.

"I guess we'll have to find some other way to entertain ourselves then, Mr. Johnson?" she asserted, with a slight shiver in her voice, as he kissed back up her shoulder. Tyler's lips traced up her neck, towards the spot where her jaw meets her neck.

He kissed her on the cheek, teasing her with his lips. His favourite thing to do was give sweet, delicate kisses. He placed one here and another there as he worked his way around her lips. He could see the want in her eyes as he slowly moved in to give her that kiss she wanted and then almost pulled back at the last moment. Tyler wanted to make her yearn for his lips pressed against hers—to heighten her senses and make his touch that much more significant when he gave in to her body. Deliberately kissing her chin and making his way back towards her lips, he began to place them just on the edge of her lips."

"Tyler, stop messing with me. I want you now."

He smiled. He was not sure he could hold himself back much longer. The velvety smooth skin on her lips was nearly too much for him—their softness was unsurpassed by any other he had known before. He needs to taste them. In the final tease, Tyler swiftly and softly runs his lips across hers, feeling them gently part ways as he moistens them for her. He could feel the warmth and eagerness reaching a tipping point in her, and he gave in to it.

Mary let out a soft moan as his hands firmed up around her and began their slow descent back towards her breasts. He noticed her breathing deepening and her nipples gently poking through her tiny, almost see-through blouse, ever more forcefully through the lace that he adored on her body. He sees her nipples firm up in an attempt to break free of their restraint and be touched, pulled, and squeezed as he moans in delight as he slowly massages them, moving ever closer to the centre of her gorgeous breasts. Nipples firm up in an endeavour to break free of their restraint and be touched, pulled, and squeezed as he moans in delight.

Tyler's hands moved in closer, gently massaging and squeezing her breasts as he saw her chest rise. Pushing them entirely into his hand, he gave them a firm squeeze. Releasing after a few seconds, he traced the outline of her beautifully shaped pink nipple—now quite firm and longing for his mouth pressed up around it.

They both knew they were relinquishing the moment as they took it slow.

He lifted his head up out of the wonderful corner of her as his hands slowly ran down the moist heaven between her legs as she spread it for further access. He kissed her neck with one last passionate kiss. He bent over, so her breasts filled his vision. Her hand rises up and runs through his hair lovingly as he tastes her nipple. One hand kneads the other breast all the way down to her flat stomach. His hands were carefully tracing the inner sides of her thighs and dragging the button and the zipper of her jeans shorts.

He was surely a 'breast' man. He loved everything about them, especially teasing and, more importantly, pleasing them. The way they perk up as he gently places his lips against her top right over her rock-hard nipples and lets loose another slow breath, giving them a little squeeze at the same time. He looked up towards those perfect eyes and saw the sweetest look of pleasure and desire fill them as he threw her shorts and dainty little thong into the corner of her room. He noticed the goosebumps across her neck and wanted to caress every one of them with her tongue. "Tyler, please. You are torturing me. I want you now."

It was the sweetest little demand that he could never ignore. That primal urge filled the air, and he knew how badly she needed him right now, but he was a man who loved his foreplay. It was incredibly empowering and fun to build her up so much.

Shutting down her eyes, Tyler gently glided his hand down between her legs.

Mary's legs came free, almost on their own, as his fingers began to explore the sweet warmth nub of passion, making her squeal and fiddle with her excitement holes as he thrust his fingers deeper, which made her moan. He was pleasing her, observing how creamy and smooth her skin was. Even in the little lights in the window, he saw her like a shining beacon. Touching her like this made him want her more. Pleasuring her was her only goal. While she moaned, he sucked on her breast. The pale, sleek tone of her skin and the almost-fading little light that shone through the window made her feel magical. "Tyler…"

Yet, he couldn't help himself. He couldn't just slip away and ignore the warmth offered between her legs. His tongue brushed the lower part of her stomach. Desire shot through him at the contact. He slipped his head slightly and started licking her, lapping her, and tasting her. He moaned softly and couldn't help himself as she whined, and the fragrance of her arousal replenished the air, intoxicating his senses. His hands rubbed her delicate breasts, swirling his fingers around the areolas. His strokes were long and slow, loving and passionate. The tips of his fingers brushed lightly against her clit as she moaned.

She was now squirming and groaning softly as his fingers and tongue worked together, pleasuring her, cradling herself forward as if giving him more of her as she reached her climax. "Fuck… Tyler, I'm cumming."

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