Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 53

Tyler kneeled in front of her and feasted on the sweet haven between her legs. He could smell her excitement and breathe in her desire as he feasted on her as she cum.

He immediately pulled his remaining clothing down with one stroke as Mary moaned and bit her lips while looking at him with obvious need as she relished the ending of her orgasm.

"Wife, I'm far from done, and I think there's something I'd like to clean up right now," he mumbled as he picked her up and laid her up in the upper part of the bed.

"Tyler, give me a moment," she gasped. "Oh, God," she murmured as she giggled in mock innocence, then spread one leg to the side of the bed and one over his shoulder. She reached down and spread her honeypot lips wide. Her wetness created a strand that connected each side. "I'm just getting started, sweetheart." He then kissed her folds as if he were kissing her on the lips. At first, gently—soft, teasing, playing, and toying with more speed. He borrowed his tongue as if French-kissing her, and she cried out in need.

He could feel her juices coating his face as she wailed in delight. She filled his mouth, and he greedily swallowed her, drinking her down. Her shaved smoothness tickled his nose while she writhed in pleasure.

After a few minutes, Mary grabbed the back of his head and pulled him tighter to her, pulling him closer to her folds. She couldn't stop her writhing, her head tossing, her hips bucking. "Oh, shit, this is too much." She couldn't even believe the moaning coming from her.

Tyler continued licking and slurping. His fingers moved in her, and she cried out again. Her body was on the brink of a great find, but she was unable to reach it just yet. He was torturing her with his expert tongue. Mary heard her own moan, shocking her with the sounds of pleading and despair. "Tyler!" His thumb stroked and caressed her most sensitive bud, and she arched against him, shivering with delight. Her second orgasm began as a slow tightening of her body. "Please, Tyler," she muttered, her voice strained. "Please."

She moaned softly. Then she grabbed his hair and squeezed his head with her thighs as she yelled, "Tyler, yes! Please! I'm fucking cumming again!" And she did. When his wife cums, she cums a lot, coating him the second time around. His mouth flooded with her cum as he licked her even harder, which made her shutter. He was definitely enjoying this. His tongue and throat were coated with his wife's juices. As she recovered from her orgasm, he idly kissed the folds again, slowly and gently, feeling her sloppiness on his face and smelling her musky sweetness all over him. He found himself thinking about their first time in Vegas.

"Holy crap, I'm spent. Damn, that was good," Mary eventually confessed. She sat up and reached down to stroke his shaft, which earned Tyler a groan. She found him iron-hard and leaking pre-cum as she gave him a quick look of surprise, then smiled and mumbled, "Well, well... It looks like someone's pretty hard and too horny." Tyler didn't say anything.

Then she kissed him hungrily. He reached up and grabbed her breasts, momentarily wishing she could hold them forever. Mary shoved a nipple into his mouth, and he feasted. Tyler switched from nipple to nipple, all the while loving it but also wishing there was more.

Tyler lifted his head to look at her and at her dazed expression. Her eyes were glazed over, surprised, and filled with eagerness and passion he had never seen before. There was no way to hang on to his weak restraint. One look at her face, and he was lost.

Tyler knelt between her legs and dragged her slight body to him, spreading her legs around him as he lifted her hips and pressed the throbbing head of his heavy erection against her entrance. "Oh, God, Tyler, I can't take it anymore," she teased.

"But I'm far from done, sweetheart," he said with a knowing smile. Every nerve ending he had seemed to have been pressed into that fiery heat. She was tight, a velvety, scorching-hot sheath that, as he entered, inch by inch, barely allowed his invasion. He gasped, flames blazing into his abdomen and down his thighs.

He was a sex expert, but he was not ready for the assault on his own senses. It had never happened before. He was too disciplined to lose himself in a woman’s body. His life was all about giving pleasure and receiving it, not contentment, and definitely not about loving a woman like this. Hell, he even loved her. And, God help him, he was loving her with every breath in his body.

He felt fire pouring over his skin as he penetrated deep into her body, joining them together. He was thick and she was tight, and the feeling was wonderful. He heard her breath hiss out in a long, ragged rush, and her muscles clenched tight around him. The small action nearly cost him his last thread of control.

"Don’t move, wife," he urged, holding still, waiting for her body to adjust so he could bury himself deeper. "You can’t move yet."

She was beyond listening, her head tossing on the yellow pillow, her body squirming despite his hands controlling her hips. She was pushing herself onto him so that he felt as if he were moving through petals as they opened for him. She was so tight, and her muscles repeatedly clenched around him with every small movement of her body, sending streaks of blaze racing to the centre of his groin.

He couldn’t help himself. Rearing back, he plunged into her over and over, pushing his thick rod across her most sensitive bundle of nerves. He wasn’t certain he could survive the pleasure rushing through him. He drove deep, bumping into the scalding heat of her folds. He wailed as she tightened around the length of his heavy erection, squeezing and stroking with velvet-soft muscles. She might not have a tremendous amount of knowledge, but she was naturally sensual, and every action of her body sent him staggering closer and closer to the end. For a man who believed discipline was everything, it was shocking to be so out of control.

She chimed his name repeatedly, and for him, it was a pure symphony, like the downpour was for her. Her groans and small, strangled noises filled him with fierce protectiveness, a pure male achievement that added to his pleasure. He revelled in his ability to heighten her pleasure with the way he moved. Her head tossed on the pillow, her face flushed, and her eyes flustered. She whimpered a long, low noise that resounded through his shaft, but this was all about her now. He could wait. He pulled. "Tyler…"

"Easy sweetheart."

He shifted position, pulling her closer as he loved the sight of her naked, but he had to get under her skin sometimes, and there was only one way to do that. He planted one final kiss on her lips and began making a line of kisses down her chin, down her neck, and further down her chest as his hands reached up and gently scooped her breasts, placing a tender kiss behind each inch of freshly exposed skin.

"God, I love when you take your time; you know just how to get me going in all the right ways; no other guy has even had me so aroused," she whispered to him with a few soft moans in between words as he managed to let out an "Mmm" of an acknowledgment as his tongue began to circle her nipple like a shark following its next meal. Gently running her tongue along that beautiful line where her breast becomes the nipple, he watched it pucker up and reach out for her warm lips around it.

Tyler’s lips provided a seal for him, allowing him to give Mary a gentle suck as his tongue ran circles around her beautiful nipple. He felt it growing even firmer, and he pulled back, taking it gently in his teeth for a couple of seconds before letting it go.

"Nope, it's my turn," Mary said as she fumbled for his shaft, and he shifted his hips to give her better access. She sat up and pushed him down, leaned over, and began sucking. That made Tyler moan. Mary's blowjobs were wonderful. She sucked, licked, and slurped like it was the last blow job she had ever been able to give. She had a very talented tongue and knew the perfect way to play with his massive rod as she sucked. She also knew the perfect time to make eye contact. The look of her amazing wife with a mouthful of shaft staring into his eyes was priceless. That moment, Tyler was beyond pleased. She was even better than the rest of his women.

His trunk and balls were strained to the limit and had been all day. While Mary sucked and teased, images of her shimmying breasts kept popping into his head. And at that moment, Tyler felt his shaft tighten upon him. Mary was looking at him, sucking hard. He looked back down at her and moaned as he took her hands, pulled her in, and immediately shifted their position. Now he was on top, ready to thrust his shaft into her awaiting haven as they both prepared for the invasion. Their moan echoed in the room.

"I missed doing this to you," he mumbled with the intimacy of shared pleasure. He needed to be in her heart and mind with the same desperate need that his body felt for hers.

She swallowed hard and nodded. "I missed you too." Her gaze never leaves his. He slid his finger into her bud, welcoming the heat as she moaned again and again. Her hips bucked and her lashes trembled, her lips parting in a startled gasp. She went still, her eyes swallowing her face.

"I’m not going to lose you ever again." He made it a statement. She looked shocked but then smiled, but her body responded with a flood of liquid honey.

She frowned, and he couldn’t help himself. He leaned down to kiss her again, robbing her of what breath she had left. His finger began to gently circle her sensitive bud, getting her used to the sensation. She cried out into his mouth, a strangled gasp of pleasure. He smiled as he lifted his head to look once again into her eyes.

He nipped her chin with his teeth. "I intend to enjoy myself as I get to know every inch of you. I’ve been waiting to see if you taste as good as I think you do." He was burning up, needing to claw at him with greedy hunger. His shaft lay pressed against her thigh, raging at him with a fierce, almost brutal desire. Then, with a quick thrust, they both moan. "Ah, fuck…"

Her hands loosened in his hair and moved to his shoulders, perhaps as a test to see if he liked her touch. He craved her hands—and mouth—on him, and he let her see it with the images in his head, with pleasure in his eyes.

More. That single word was all he could articulate, even in his head. His control was slipping fast; the intensity of his need was shredding his discipline. He wanted it gone. He wanted this ferocious love that would consume the two of them, that would burn hot and long and melt them together.

Mary traced the muscles in his back, touching his skin here and there, lingering for a moment. His face was a mask of sensuality, and his eyes were intensely blue and filled with a dark lust that thrilled her. He pushed further. Harder and faster while she moved against him, a slow, sensuous ripple, her body sliding enticingly against his. Then he pulled out again, and that earned her a little protest. Tyler smiled.

Surprise flared in her eyes as he dropped his head, licking her breasts and down her ribs, exploring with her teeth, tongue, and lips. Her seeking fingers stroked near the hard length of his heavy erection as it lay against her thigh. She felt the breath slam out of his body and felt the tremor that ran through him.

Every single place his teeth nipped or his tongue rasped sent hot licks of arousal sizzling through her skin to her most feminine core. Her temperature soared, and she couldn’t stop tossing back and forth on the bed or writhing under his assault. It felt so good that it bordered on pain, but in a good way. It was shocking and exciting.

His hands spread her thigh as his teeth sank into her inner shoulder. Mary cried out, a soft plea for more, as heat poured into her body.

His hot breath pulsed over the junction of her shoulders, nearly driving her wild with need. "I lay next to you night after night thinking about this, dreaming about it." The dark passion in his blue-green gaze shocked her almost as much as what he was doing.

Tyler's hands lifted her hips as he thrust into her. Faster and deeper, that made her scream—the pleasure swamped her, rocking her into fevered insanity. Her fingers clutched his shoulders, desperate to anchor herself with something solid. Her head tossed back and forth on the pillow, and she was helpless to stop it as wave after wave of sensation rushed over her. He thrust, even more, deeper, in and out with vigor. Tears burned behind her eyes, and there was little air in her lungs, but she didn’t want him to stop, and seconds later, they both reached their peak.

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