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Chapter 64

"Fuck! What is the problem now?" Hugh demanded very irritably.

Ignoring the query, Tyler removed the genuine ring from his pocket and placed it on top of its duplicate to give it more weight.

The ground began to tremble again, and the ancient stones' grinding sound resumed at full volume. Instead of ascending, the ground began to descend this time.

"Oh, my bloody hell... I hope this isn't the end of us, Tyler! I want to see more of the world and its wonders!" As the massive apparatus continued to glide downward, Dave shouted above the din.

"Good!" Hugh and Elizabeth looked at each other, then smirked, while Eddie looked worried.

Tyler was suspicious, but he was eager to see where the lift would take them.

As they sank into a shaft cut neatly into the sandstone, the ground above was gone. Then, along the border of the moving surface, a gap appeared, growing wider and wider until the old elevator came to a standstill with a thud. The passengers' gaze carefully probed the dark recesses of the room. Two massive golden obelisks rested on either side of the stone lift, pointing gloriously towards the room's ceiling. Their spotlights and torches flashed off the walls.

Tyler moved off the platform and towards what appeared to be a bronze birdbath. Hugh signalled for the security to follow Tyler with a short nod.

When Tyler arrived at the enormous dais, he took a quick peek inside before touching his torch to the stuff it held. The fuel ignited instantly, lighting up the entire quarter of the chamber.

What they saw was more breathtaking than anything they could have imagined. Tyler took a step backwards, almost colliding with the guard, who slipped briefly before regaining his equilibrium. There was an entire wall in front of them consisting of square, golden panels.

Dave scarcely raised his voice above a whisper. "We’re here."

The room fell silent, as though a bomb had gone off and everyone was waiting for the fallout.

"I think this is it?" Dr. Lanna murmured under her breath.

Dave hopped down from the stone platform and rushed over to the wall. He ran his finger over the incredible pieces of the yellow metal. It was solid gold. It was more amazing than anything he had ever seen. "So it is still here? I thought the old Johnson stole it all?" he said, looking at Elizabeth, who stared in bewilderment at the massive gold chamber.

Hugh, Eddie, and even the rest of their men seemed in awe of the scene. Hugh moved almost unconsciously from the platform on the ground to the main floor of the chamber, his mouth slightly agape at the sight as he moved closer to the shimmering partition.

The wall, made of pure gold, stretched fifty feet from corner to corner, reaching around fifteen feet in height. Its shiny surface was covered with ancient symbols, pictures, and strange text, similar in appearance to the words on the original medallion Tyler had found. Five other platforms accented the corners of the room. In between the platforms were five small stone Buddhas resting on the floor. They looked like guardians, but Dave wasn’t sure. The large dais in the middle had the same odd-looking words chiselled into them.

"This... oh, hell, this is incredible. I had no idea it was going to be so... spectacular." Dave's voice became strained.

Tyler grinned, half excited and partly frantic to find a method for them to survive, as he looked at Mary, who appeared to be enthralled by the sheer beauty. He was well aware that they just had a few minutes to make their move. He made his way to another enormous dais by crossing over to the pillar on his left. This one was crafted of gleaming stone with ruby and jade accents on each corner. He dipped the torch into the ancient fuel torch once more, and the wall in front of him glowed with a flaming glow. The gigantic Buddha statue on the central dais seemed to glitter in the light, making them gasp in awe at its beauty.

He replicated the illuminating technique on a fourth dais, this time made of chrome and dark stone.

Mary marvelled at the splendour of the room as she followed Tyler's progress from the safety of the ground. Tyler flashed her a quick glance as he approached the final saucer.

What did he want or need? Mary knew what that look meant. She was hurt, but she wasn't tired. She was just acting, waiting for a chance to overpower the guard on her side. Tyler cast another brief glance to her left, his gaze fixed on the pedestal on the floor.

Tyler wanted her to take the ring off so the floor could begin to rise again. She moved her head as if saying it's okay; she was fine. He nodded his head in response. But Hugh stood squarely behind Dave, raising his rifle to the back of Dave's head, as Elizabeth and Dr. Lanna examined the situation, looking at the enormous golden Buddha in the centre of the central dais. Tyler was almost done with the last dish. Mary's gaze returned to Dave and then to Tyler, as if telling them that they could move now and she would be the lookout.

"I really must thank you for your help in finding all of this, Borthman.” He nodded his head to one of the men, ordering him to kill their captives. “It has been quite an adventure." Hugh smirked, nodding his head towards Elizabeth, who was grinning, obviously her head running to her own mission to get rid of half the humans in Europe as she held Eddie’s hands.

While Elizabeth and his men moved forward, one stood directly at Eddie and one at the old doctor, raising their weapon. Elizabeth nodded her head. Then, with a blink, Eddie and the doctor fell down the dais with a shock in their eyes. Their blood splattered on the floor.

"Eddie!" Tyler shouted, but it was too late. Eddie and the old doctor closed their eyes for the last time. “Shit! How dare you!” he shouted and turned to Elizabeth. While Dave turned around to find a gun barrel between his eyes, "Unfortunately, your services are no longer required too, Borthman. Thank you for your help!" Hugh smirked.

Tyler gave Mary a short nod as he lit the final plate's gasoline, his eyes red with rage. The guard stood close behind him, his weapon drawn. His heavy face was absolutely emotionless. Mary reached down to pry the ring from the lion's statue with her fingertips. The ancient elevator floor that had brought them down roared to life again, gently rising from the floor.

Hugh and Eliezabeth were both taken aback by Mary's quick movement. As a result, the massive elevator began to move up again, and they both immediately whirled around. Hugh's reaction was less astonished because he knew what was going on rapidly. He pulled his arm away from Dave and shot fast rounds that nearly missed Mary, who was crouching behind the rising platform's stand, but something seized Hugh's ankle when he began to leap towards her.

It was Dave; his grip was tight, and Hugh lost his equilibrium, collapsing with a bang on the floor. Both elbows unexpectedly collided with the solid stone floor. The pain rushed through his arms immediately. “FUCK!” The revolver in his grasp rattled free.

However, the guard's response to Mary had been less synchronised across the room. The huge man appeared to be perplexed by what was going on. He swiftly followed Hugh's lead, though, and fired at Mary. However, the stocky man's weapon never discharged a shot when a stinging and blistering agony rushed across his head before he could pull the trigger, with chunks of pouring flame shooting past his eyes.

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