Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 28

“How about we go into town and get some ice cream?” Justin suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

The kids agreed cheerfully, and they spent an hour in the town before heading back to the ranch to get ready for the planned celebration that afternoon.

The christening was scheduled for 3:30, and they arrived at the small chapel in town in plenty of time. The pews were filled with family and friends, and when he spotted Allena, the air immediately rushed from his lungs. She looked lovely in a knee-length, pale green dress with matching shoes. Her hair was up, but the wispy bits falling around her temples were incredibly sexy. He left the kids with Leah and took his spot at the altar beside Allena, achingly aware of her, as the familiar scent of her perfume assailed his senses every time she moved.

The service was short and heartfelt, and he was humbled that Mitchael and Tess entrusted him with the role of godfather to little Charlie. He knew how hard their journey to parenthood had been and how much their son meant to them.

Afterward, everyone headed for the villa, where Ellie, party planner extraordinaire, had arranged for a celebratory buffet beneath a tent near the small orchard. The event was reminiscent of his cousin Jake Culhane’s wedding to Abby Perkins a few months earlier, and today it was a lovely way for the family to celebrate baby Charlie. And he knew, without a doubt, that Allena was avoiding him like the plague. She barely said two words to him during the chapel service and declined his offer to drive to the ranch together, even though the kids were overjoyed to see her and gave her hug after hug outside the chapel. Now they were back at the ranch and celebrating, and he watched her chatting with her friends with only one thought in his mind.

They really, really needed to talk.

However, all Allena wanted to do was figure out a way to get Justin out of her stratosphere. And out of her thoughts. It didn’t help that she could feel his penetrating gaze on her through the service at the chapel. Or when she was reunited with the kids after being away from them for a long time and emotionally fraught week. But she didn’t want to have a postmortem about what had happened between them.

Well, what had almost happened.

As she held Charlie and spoke quietly to the crowd of friends and family about always being there for the child who had been entrusted to her care, Allena experienced an acute and gut-wrenching longing for a baby of her own. She didn’t dare look at Justin. Didn’t dare remember how he’d casually mentioned they could have a baby if she wanted one. Because the thought of having a child with him made her ache inside for all he was offering.

Ellie asked her to find the silver cake knife so they could cut the cake, which gave her an easy out from the celebration, a chance for a much-needed break, and she couldn’t wait to get inside the house. Until she heard Justin’s all-too-familiar voice saying her name. She stopped rummaging through the pantry drawers, straightened, turned, and spotted him by the doorway, arms crossed, looking way too good for her peace of mind in a dark suit and bolo tie.

“What?” she snapped, her mouth pressed tight.

He didn’t move. “We need to talk.”

“I’d prefer it if we didn’t,” she said stiffly.

“Avoiding the issue isn’t going to make it go away,” he remarked. “What happened last night—”

“Is never going to happen again,” she said, cutting him off. “All it did was—”

“Prove that it could work between us,” he said, slicing through her protest. “Admit it, Allena, despite having just had a working relationship for the last four years, there’s something else going on now. We’re clearly attracted to each other; there's no denying it.”

She glared at him. “Seriously, your ego is bigger than Mount Everest.”

“My ego isn’t the issue,” he remarked. “Your refusal to admit the obvious is.”

“What’s obvious?” she shot back. “That we made out for a few minutes?”

“It was more than that,” he said, moving farther into the room. “I’ve made out before, and it didn’t feel like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like me with my hand under your dress and you with your tongue in my mouth.”

Allena gasped, turning hot all over. Put like that, it sounded hot and erotic. And exactly what it was—a couple of the most sexually charged minutes of her life. Of course, everything he’d just said was true. Desire and heat like that couldn’t be faked. At least, not from a man like Justin. He wasn’t a player and was discerning in his personal relationships. So yes, they had heat and attraction between them, but that alone wasn’t enough to sustain a real relationship.

Not when she was in love with him and he was only thinking about having her return to the ranch for the sake of his children.

“I’m not quite sure how to respond to that comment,” she said flatly.

“With the truth,” he replied. “That we have chemistry. A lot of it. And that we could make this work if you’d give it a chance.”

“It still doesn’t change one obvious fact.”

“And what’s that?” he queried.

“That you’ve decided being together is what’s logical, and the upside is we’d probably have great sex.”

“Not probably,” he corrected. “And don’t underestimate the power of great sex.”

“I’m not sure I’ve ever had great sex,” she shot back, her chest heaving, “so I wouldn’t know the difference.”

His gaze darkened. “Believe me, Allena, when we make love, you’ll know the difference.”


She shuddered, feeling both aroused and then appalled. She could have jumped him right then and there, and she might have if she hadn’t heard a sound coming from the back door and realised that Leah, Tess, and Mitchael were standing at the threshold, watching them and clearly hearing every word.

"Ah, sorry, guys,” Leah said.

Mortified, Allena pressed a hand to her burning cheeks. “Excuse me, I have to go.”

“Allena,” Justin said quietly. “We’re not done.”

“I’m done,” she assured him, glancing at the three people standing in the doorway. “I’m not a consolation prize, Justin. Not for you or anyone else.”

He frowned. “That’s not what this is about. I don’t think that, not at all.”

“Maybe not,” she said, shrugging, a lump forming in her throat. “But it’s how you’re making me feel.”

Allena left the kitchen and walked through the house, her entire body numb and her heart breaking. She grabbed her bag and keys on the way out, saying a quick goodbye to the kids before she stopped by the stables to spend a few moments with Star. Then she headed for her car, where she found her sister perched against the hood, arms folded, looking as though she wanted an explanation.

“You’re running away?” Tess asked.

Allena opened the car and dropped her tote on the backseat. “I’m saving myself from heartbreak and humiliation. And I really don’t want to talk about it right now.”

Tess pushed herself off the car and moved around to the driver’s side. “You know I support whatever choices you make. But I am worried about you, Allena.”

“I know,” she replied, smiling through her emotion, and hugged her sister hard. “But I’ll be okay.”

As she drove back into town, Allena thought about everything that had happened in the past few weeks and realised she needed to make some significant changes. Simply leaving the De Nero ranch wasn’t enough. Applying for work in the city wasn’t enough. If she wanted to truly change her life, then she needed to embrace that change. And that didn’t mean giving in to her feelings for Justin every time they were together. It didn’t mean allowing herself to be persuaded by his kisses. It meant distance. It meant allowing someone else in.

And that someone was Bobby.

Bobby always made her smile. He was a nice guy. He didn’t have an ulterior motive in pursuing a relationship with her other than actually wanting a relationship. It was a win-win. Not one-sided. Not filled with agenda and compromise. All she had to do was take a leap of faith and give it a chance. It might, she realised, be the only way to erase Justin from her heart. When she arrived back at the hotel, she grabbed her cell and called Bobby’s number. It was definitely time to meet her fireman.

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