Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 30

Allena had no way of getting into a complicated discussion about love and feelings with an eight-year-old, so she didn’t bother. “Of course I do.”

For a moment, the boy looked as though he had the weight of the world on his little shoulders. “I wish you still took care of us, Allena. I wish things were the same.”

Allena was tempted to offer some platitude about how life was about change and then realised the words would be more for herself than for the little boy she loved so much. She hugged him again and arranged bath time for both children before making a quick dinner of macaroni and cheese, followed by canned fruit with a dollop of ice cream. It was nearly eight by the time the kids were in bed. Cassie fell asleep immediately, while Jayden dozed with a book in his hands. Justin had texted her after seven, saying he’d be home soon, but he didn’t show up until after eight thirty. He looked tired and spent when he walked through the front door with Mittie.

“Leah’s staying at Dad’s, she said she needed to feed the cat,” Justin said as they crossed the threshold. “Dad’s okay,” he added when Allena made a startled face. “Holding his own. He’s awake, although he’s having some trouble talking normally because of the paralysis. But he’s good considering what he’s been through. We’ll know more in a couple of days once the doctors see how he responds to therapy.”

“I’m beat,” Mittie said and sighed. “I’m going to turn in,” she added, hugging Allena. “Thank you for being an angel. I bet the kids were so happy to see you. The place certainly isn’t the same without you. Good night; try to get some rest, Justin.”

“I will, Nan.”

Mittie disappeared down the hallway, and her footsteps quickly faded when she reached her part of the house. Allena looked at Justin and smiled. “I should get going. The kids are in bed, and you look like you need to—”

“I’m too wound up to sleep,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “But I need a shower, a shave, and a change of clothes. Then maybe we could hang out for a while. I just need... I think I just need to let off some steam, you know?”

“Are you hungry?” she asked. “I have some leftover mac and cheese, or I could make a sandwich or something.”

His gaze was intense behind his glasses. “A sandwich would be great. And coffee? I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”

It was more like half an hour when he returned, looking refreshed and too gorgeous for words with his clean-shaven jaw, jeans, white T-shirt, and loafers. Allena busied herself making the sandwich and coffee as he went around the counter and stood beside her.

“Thank you for watching the kids. I just checked in on Jayden, and he said you talked to him about his grandfather—so thank you for that, as well.”

She nodded. “It was nice to spend some time with them.”

“I’m sure they appreciated it. The new nanny is—”

“An employee,” she said without accusation, cutting him off. “And not…you know.”

“Like you,” he said quietly. “Part of the family. An important part,” he added.

Allena’s eyes burned. It would have been so easy to slip back into the routine that used to be her life. So easy to forget the very reason she left in the first place. Because she wanted the moon and would never be content with only the stars. Even if those stars came in the shape of Justin’s amazing kids.

“Leaving them was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

“I know.”

“I didn’t make the decision lightly.”

“I know that, too,” he said. “You said you had your reasons.”

Because I love you, you big oaf.

“You sound as though you don’t believe them,” she remarked.

“That you want to get married and have a family?” he shrugged. "Sure, I do. I get it. I just can’t believe you’d want to do it with some guy you’ve never met.”

Allena’s cheeks burned. Because the only man she wanted to marry and have a family with was the one standing beside her. “I don’t expect you to understand.”

He went to say something, then stopped, saying something else instead. She was sure. “It’s been quite a day,” he said wearily, resting his back on the counter. “Nan’s right—you are an angel.”

“I’m not sure I—”

“You were wrong the other day,” he said, cutting her off with quiet intensity. “You’re not a consolation prize, Allena. A first prize. And certainly much more than I deserve.”

Allena sucked in a shallow breath, conscious of the sudden lack of space between them and the bald intimacy of his words. She kept her hands on the counter, palms down, breathing deeply. She looked at him and saw the way the pulse throbbed in his cheek and how his eyes appeared so brilliantly green behind his glasses. Without thinking, Allena reached up and touched his cheek, running her palm along his jaw. There was a rawness to his expression, as though the rest of the world didn’t exist in that moment, and there were only the two of them alone in the big kitchen, seeking solace and comfort within each other. And she knew, without a doubt, what she wanted.

“Justin…” she said his name in a long sigh.

“You should go,” he said softly.

Allena nodded, still touching him. “Or I could stay.”

He inhaled sharply. “If you stay, we’ll make love.”

“I know,” she whispered.

“I don’t want you to regret it tomorrow,” he said, and gently grasped her hand, holding it tightly in his own.

“Right now,” she said with a sigh, “I don’t think tomorrow matters all that much.”

“Allena,” he chided, “think about what you’re saying.”

“I know exactly what I’m saying,” she said and tugged on his hand, leading him from the kitchen, flicking off the light as she continued the journey left, down the long hallway, and towards the privacy of the master suite. She didn’t release his hand and didn’t speak. Instead, she turned on the bedside lamp and switched off the main light. The room was large and intimidating, the huge king-size bed a beacon, teasing and tormenting.

Allena dropped his hand and stood by the end of the bed, watching him, thinking that he’d never looked so handsome or so uncertain. She suspected she should have been the one who looked resistant, but oddly, all she felt was a sudden kind of easy calm.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked quietly.

Allena nodded and slipped off her shoes. “Completely.”

He remained perfectly still, gazing at her, almost absorbing her with his eyes. Then he took a step towards her, closing the gap between them. He reached out and cradled her cheek, rubbing his thumb along her jawline until he reached her chin and then gently held her there.

“You’re so beautiful, Allena,” he said, tracing his fingers down her neck. “Inside. Outside. In every way, that counts.”

Heat traversed through her blood and pooled low in her belly. “Kiss me,” she beckoned.

Justin groaned and drew her towards him, taking her mouth in a hot and searing kiss that defied reason and logic and any lingering protest either of them may have had. Allena felt his tongue in her mouth and moaned, pushing closer, longing to feel the hard angles of his body pressed against her own. She wound her arms around him, settling at his waist, opening her mouth a little more, letting him in, feeling both acquiesce and power, knowing he was as overwhelmed by the heat and intensity of their kiss as she was.His hand smoothed down her side and over her hip, while the other gently anchored her head, and he continued to kiss her, continuing the erotic foray in her mouth that was like nothing else she’d ever experienced. Need, bone aching and deep, surged through her limbs and across her skin; suddenly kissing wasn’t enough—she wanted skin to skin, breast to chest, she wanted to feel him deep inside her, until there was no space between them, no way to work out where he began and she ended.

Allena thrust her hands beneath his shirt and came into contact with his smooth, warm skin. For so long, she’d yearned to touch him, to feel the muscle stretched over sinew and bone, to give herself up to the love in her heart. In that moment, it didn’t matter that he didn’t love her in return. He needed her, and perhaps it would only be for a few hours, but she could be there for him. And she needed him, too.

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