Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 41

Amaya sipped her coffee as she glanced over her iPad, catching up on company emails as she walked to the spacious living room of the mansion, where her son Tommy and Chase were engaged in a lively card game. Earlier, before getting up from the shared bed, she told Tommy about marrying Chase, and the little boy was over the moon. He didn't even bother to question her; he was just happy to have a father. Yes, it was very selfish of her to keep a secret from her son, but Amaya was just as scared of losing him, and the idea of risking something she couldn't live without didn't count on her bucket list of risks to take.

"Mom, guess what!" Tommy exclaimed with excitement, his face lighting up as he held his cards close.

Amaya looked over with a warm smile. "What is it, sweetie?"

"I just got the rarest Pokémon card in the whole game! Daddy Chase is losing!" Tommy said, showing off the card in his hand to Amaya.

She frowned when she heard him calling Chase Daddy. "Tommy, did you ask Mr. Johnson about you calling him—"

Chase intruded with a warning look, "Amaya, it's okay. I like it when Tommy calls me, daddy."


"No buts, please, especially in front of our boy," Chase grumbled and winked at Tommy.

The little guy smiled and gave his Pokémon card to Amaya, saying, "See this mommy? This is the rarest of them all. And I beat daddy."

Amaya swallowed a lump. "Wow, that's impressive, darling," she replied with an unsure smile but genuinely proud of her son's achievement.

Chase chuckled from across the table. "Looks like Tommy's becoming a master strategist. He seriously beat me into giving him my highest card."

Amaya playfully narrowed her eyes at Chase. "Well, he must get that from his mom."

Chase laughed, raising his hands in mock surrender. "You're right, Amaya. Your skills are unparalleled." He rolled his eyes and high-fived Tommy.

"Thank you, Chase. Your confidence in me is truly touching." She smirked before adding, "Um, by the way, can we talk later?" she asked when Tommy went to the rest of the cards on the coffee table.

"About what?"

"About Tommy, I forgot to tell him about, um, his boundaries, especially here in your mansion. I don't—"

"Amaya, can you please relax and think of this as your house as well?"

She shook her head. "This is only temporary, and you know what, my son needs—"

Chase frowned. "I know that; just let it be. When your things arrive, I'll tell the maid to babyproof the whole mansion."

"That's not what I mean; I—I didn't want to take your space just because my child needs special care, I have a nanny to—"

Please, Amaya, stop worrying too much. I'll handle everything. Just focus on the wedding and don't forget to get a wedding present for my sister."

She nodded, "but I still need to talk to you later."


Amaya returned her attention to her iPad, scrolling through emails and occasionally stealing glances at the ongoing card game. As the game progressed, Chase and Tommy exchanged banter and laughter. Amaya couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as she observed the scene before her. It was rare to have moments like these where work and play intermingled in the comfort of her own home.

Correction: Chase’s home

"Hey, Mom, can I have a snack?" Tommy asked, looking up from his cards.

"Of course, sweetie. Just let me finish up these emails, and I'll get you something," Amaya replied, her fingers tapping away on the iPad.

Chase leaned back in his chair, studying his cards. "Amaya, just ring the bell."


"That silver thing, beside the lampshade. A maid will come."

Amaya looked up, meeting Chase's gaze. "Okay."

A few minutes later, the maid arrived, and she asked the Asian woman for snacks for Tommy and Chase, to which the woman nodded with a smile.

"I'm still not used to having your maid all around the house," she muttered when the woman left.

"They are to help. Don't hesitate if you need something. Anyway, I need to tell you how amazing you are for raising Tommy. He is quite a handful but a very nice kid."

"It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth it. Tommy keeps me grounded."

"Grounded? You mean from dating?"

She sighed and looked at Chase with a poker-faced facade. "I don't do d-date, I don't have the time. I have a son to feed."

"Good." Chase nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "You know, you're an inspiration to all of us at the company. Your dedication and ability to balance work and family are truly admirable."

Amaya's cheeks warmed with a blush. "Thank you, um, is that a mockery I hear in your voice or—"

"Come on, Miss Patterson, for once, accept a compliment, and what are you doing? It's Saturday, stop looking at your iPad."

"You know I can. Gary has been bugging me for urgent emails, not to mention Justin."

"Okay, suit yourself. I'll be playing with Tommy."

The card game continued, with laughter filling the room as the trio enjoyed each other's company. Amidst the game and conversation, Amaya realised that the mansion's living room held a special place in her heart—a space where her son could thrive, her boss could relax, and she could find moments of both professional and personal fulfilment, but could she really relax? After Donna’s wedding, it would be her wedding, and after that, she didn't know how to go to the office with Johnson’s surname. She hadn't even informed her best friend yet—not even Eva and Allen.

As the sun rose outside, casting a warm glow through the windows, Amaya couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought her to this point. And at that moment, surrounded by the people she cared about, she felt a deep sense of gratitude for the life she had created.

After lunch, her head buzzing from the online meeting with Gary and Justin, she returned to find several personal calls that needed to be returned—and not one of them brought her joy.

Earlier, she received a call from her father’s doctor telling her that her father had cancer. Not that she was not saddened by the news, but after what happened in their last conversation, she didn't know what to do.

"Amaya!" Mary snapped at the end of the video chat. "We agreed to never keep secrets from each other until we both couldn't hold our bladders!"

"I know, and I'm sorry. I was so confused."

"Confused about what? About your assho*e father?"


"Stop being stubborn. You already paid him what you owe, right? So what's keeping you from blocking the old man?"

"I already did, but this news from the doctor made me, um, feel sad. He is still my father, you know."

"Think about it. What if this is just another ploy to make you come back here to the States?"

"I'll think about it. Happy now?" Amaya muttered with sadness as she hung up on her friend. She knew without a doubt that what Mary said was possible.

And then the nursing home rang to say that her father had been asking for her all morning.

‘He’s fine,’ the nurse assured her. ‘Just a touch anxious…’

‘Look, I know I haven’t been in as much recently.’ Amaya closed her eyes in exhaustion. ‘It’s not that I don’t want to.’

‘We’re not trying to make you feel guilty,’ the nurse said. ‘You asked that we keep you up to date, and though he is confused, well, he isn't doing very well."

"Is he really sick?" Amaya asked.


They didn’t mean to make her feel guilty—but guilty was exactly how she felt.

And at times it was completely overwhelming.

She pressed her fingers into her eyes in a bid to stem the tears, stem the urge to just throw in the towel, and let her father’s doctor sort out the mess. To stop caring about a father who had treated her so poorly in the past.

"Problem?" Amaya jumped, unsure how long Chase had been watching her.

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