Chapter 6

Chase couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and anticipation as he watched her confidently shed her inhibitions, revealing her alluring form. "I've never been with a woman with the same charisma as, you know," Chase murmured.

"Really?" Well, that was surprising, Amaya pondered.

"Yes.""Hmmm, oh well, I'm flattered." Her effortless ease and genuine sensuality were a stark contrast to the facade Chase had encountered so many times before. With each movement, she exuded a self-assuredness that captivated him, making his heart race and his desire intensify. "So, the kiss?" He asked with a longing gaze.

"Yes, the k-kiss." She smiled invitingly.

The soft glow of candlelight bathed the room, casting a warm, intimate ambiance that seemed to mirror the connection growing between them. As Amaya reclined on the couch, her body delicately outlined by the flickering flames, Chase felt an irresistible magnetic pull towards her. "You are amazing."

His eyes traced the contours of her curves, his gaze lingering on the smoothness of her skin and the gentle rise and fall of her chest. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, with the world outside fading away as they became the sole focus of each other's attention.

Chase approached Amaya, his movements filled with a mix of reverence and desire. He knelt beside the couch, his hand reaching out to caress her cheek, his touch tender and filled with adoration. Amaya's eyes met his; a mix of vulnerability and trust shone within them when he kissed her.

Leaning in, Chase's lips found hers in a gentle, lingering kiss. It was a kiss that spoke volumes, conveying the depth of his feelings and the sincerity of his intentions. As their lips danced together, their bodies yearned for a deeper connection.With practised grace, Chase trailed his fingers along Amaya's smooth skin, leaving a trail of delicate shivers in his wake. His touch was a symphony of desire as he explored every inch of her, savouring the sensations that unfolded beneath his fingertips.

"Aren't we, um,going too fast?" Amaya asked.

"Hmm, okay, let me get something to drink," he said, and he stood and went to the small kitchenette near the bathroom.He thought to himself, considering how to make the situation less obvious. After a brief pause, Chase decided to pour the wine into more inconspicuous glasses. He rummaged through the kitchen cabinets and found a couple of elegant wine glasses with opaque, etched designs.

Carefully, he transferred the wine from the highball glasses into the new wine glasses. The opaque designs added a touch of sophistication and obscured the contents, making it less apparent what they were drinking. Satisfied with the switch, he placed the wine bottle and the new glasses on a tray and carried them back to the leather couch where Amaya was waiting.

He sat down beside her, offering her a glass with a subtle smile. "I thought we might enjoy the wine in these beautiful glasses instead. It adds a touch of elegance, don't you think?"

Amaya took the glass, her curiosity piqued by the new presentation. She raised an eyebrow and smiled back, appreciating the change. "Definitely more refined," she replied, clinking her glass against his. They both took a sip, enjoying the flavour and the moment they shared.

As they savoured the wine, the earlier thought of Amaya practically naked on the couch faded into the background. They engaged in heartfelt conversation, laughter, and genuine connection. The focus shifted from the physical to the emotional, creating a more profound and meaningful experience for both of them.

He wasn't attempting to get her intoxicated, though. He just didn't want to have to refill their drinks when they were doing something a lot more exciting.

He felt like he was eighteen again, with the first woman he'd ever had sexual relations with. Without a doubt, she riled him up. She reawakened sensations in him that he hadn't felt in years. He felt young and lively, eager to live in the present and enjoy sex, as he hadn't in quite some time.

To hell with being clear. I'm after her. He walked into the den, picking up both glasses of wine. As he entered the room, he noticed she had moved from the sofa to the imitation bear skin carpet near the fire. It was a joke present from Justin, but it was quite comfy to sit on. Chase had tossed it in front of the flames for laughs. He was pleased that he did now.

The firelight framed her profile, highlighting her classic, tiny face, slim physique, and exquisite breasts. He began to approach her as his body tightened with tremendous longing.

As Chase neared her, Amaya looked up. She'd walked towards the warmth of the fire since the leather had been a touch cool on her naked flesh.

"Cold?" he said, offering her a large glass of white wine and taking a seat next to her on the bearskin carpet.

"A bit. But the fire is good," she answered, pointing to the flames. "And now you're here."

She noticed a brief flash of joy in those blue eyes. She hoisted her glass of wine into the air, her gaze fixed on him. She couldn't tell him it was her first time, but she intended to celebrate tonight. She was aware of what she had offered up and did it voluntarily.

She'd had enough of waiting. Something about this simply seemed right.

The perfect time, the right place, and the right manAmaya no longer wanted to dwell in her small ivory tower. And no one back home was prepared to help her with this. She'd tried. Perhaps she might have witnessed more of life as Daisy than she could as herself. But there was something more that happened tonight while she danced. She wanted to see and do a lot beyond what she had done so far.

"So did you enjoy our little night in front of the fire?" Amaya asked.

Chase composed himself, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked at her with a mixture of surprise and anticipation. "Of course I do," he replied, his voice slightly husky. "It's just that. I didn't expect you to be so direct about it."

"Really? That I would have the nerve to challenge you with a kiss?"

"Yes."She smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, life is short, and we've both been dancing around this for far too long. Why waste any more time?"

Chase chuckled, his initial shock turning into amusement. "You're right. No more tiptoeing around. Let's seize the moment and make it count."

"Are you even sure about that?" She asked with the same longing in her eyes."Of course I do." He seemed puzzled. "But don't get me wrong, okay? I thought women liked to talk a little first." He glanced at her, his expression sheepish. "And I didn't want you to think, you know, just because you're a dancer—"

"That you wanted me for a night of intense, no-strings-attached, hot sex?"

She'd rendered him speechless.

They locked eyes, the tension between them growing palpable. The air crackled with anticipation as they moved closer, their bodies almost touching. Chase reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" she whispered, picking up her glass and taking another sip of her wine. It really was quite good.

"That doesn't upset you?" he said, sounding incredulous."Chase," she said, wondering if every girl had to work as hard at losing her virginity. "Do other women put all these demands on you?"

"Well, yeah," he whispered, his voice filled with admiration and desire.

She was returning to France at the conclusion of the weekend and wanted to bring some sexual memories with her. A night of wonderful sex, preferably out of town, was precisely what she needed. She desired to feel as if she was actively engaged in the sensuous aspects of her life.

"Well, not this girl," she murmured, laying down her drink and carefully lying down, arching her back slightly as she did so, giving him a sexy look as she placed her head on the stuffed bear's head at one end of the fake bear carpet.

"Well, um, danger," she said quietly, "is my last name..." She'd heard that sentence in one of the movies, and it had always made her giggle.

She'd always aspired to be in a position where she could put it to use.

Twenty-five was simply too old to be a virgin. It was time to start living.

Chase paused, and she resolved to go all in. A feeble soul never achieved anything and never had any joy.

She raised her hips slightly. "Could you help me take these off?" she replied, pointing to her red satin panties. "I simply dislike that they stand in the way, you know."

Chase groaned. That was the final straw. With both hands, he grasped the bottom of his turtleneck and pulled it over his head. His shirt followed, buttons flying. She couldn't have had any more wine if her life depended on it since she was so thrilled and her tummy was so tense.

Then there's the trousers. Chase had unbuckled his belt and pulled his trousers down his slim, muscular legs, and she was certain he had set a new land and speed record.

At the same moment, he managed to get his socks off. He flung his clothes to the side with reckless abandon, shocking her.

Amaya couldn't wait to feel his naked body against her own.

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