Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 66

Amaya paced the kitchen, waiting for Chase to see the last reveller off the property.

She shouldn’t be this nervous.

It wasn’t as if she’d never made love to him before.

Though as she watched him stride towards the house, broad shoulders squared, long legs eating up the distance, a full moon casting shadows across his face and glinting in his dark hair, she knew the man he was today was a far cry from the boy he’d been ten years earlier.

If she’d loved that Chase unreservedly, unashamedly and unabashedly, what hope did she have of holding back her emotions this time around?

As he neared the door she quickly dropped into the nearest chair and picked up a magazine from a messy stack in the corner, pretending to flip through it without a care in the world.

When he entered, she took a peek over the top of the magazine, confused by his wide grin.

“Is everyone gone?”

So much for casual. Her voice came out a high-pitched squeak and she cleared her throat, rustling the magazine, ready to duck behind it.


He stalked towards her and she gulped, wanting to be in his arms so much it hurt, yet petrified once she was there she’d never want to leave.

“A bit of light reading?”


His muffled guffaw said he hadn’t bought her ruse for a second. “That’s interesting. I’d never have pegged you for a girl interested in hotel management.”

Heat swept her cheeks as she slapped the pages shut, flung the magazine back on the pile and folded her arms.

“Because if you are, you can have those magazines. They were granpa’s and I’m in the process of doing a major cleanout before the sale, so be my guest.”

Seeing the funny side of it, she shook her head. “Thanks, but I’ll pass. Leave the expert to it.”

The twinkle in his eyes intensified as he held out a hand to her and gently pulled her to her feet. “You know, you don’t have to be nervous around me.”

“I’m not.”

A quick rebuttal easily belied by her tumbling belly and wobbly knees and hands that shook ever so slightly.

He sent a pointed glance at the magazine and raised an eyebrow. ‘Really?’

She sighed, placed her palms on his chest to anchor her before she wobbled any more and embarrassed herself further.

‘Okay, okay, I’m a tad nervous. Aren’t you?’


He slid his arms around her waist, creating a welcoming cocoon she could quite happily snuggle in for ever.

‘We’re not strangers. This is you and me, Amaya.’


‘No buts. Unless it involves this one.’

He gave her backside a playful pinch and she laughed, her nerves dissipating as he’d intended.

‘Tonight is about you and me. No second guessing. No overanalysing. No regrets. Okay?’

It all sounded very logical when he put it like that, but she knew come morning she’d be analysing every single second.

She’d always been this way around him, off course and off kilter, and now the moment she’d been anticipating had arrived she couldn’t quell the bundle of nerves knotting her resolve.

She wanted him. It should be simple, right?

But nothing was simple about her relationship with this dynamic, enigmatic man and the moment she started underestimating the power of his hold over her was the moment she’d lose control.

Not a bad thing entirely, but she was scared, terrified in fact, by the depth of emotion for a bad-boy rebel who still cradled her heart in his powerful hands.

‘You’re thinking too much.’

She nodded, her mouth kicking up in a wry grin. He knew her so well, knew she’d be analysing every angle of this momentous step.

‘Well, I’m done thinking.’

Before she could blink he covered her mouth with his, his commanding kiss obliterating every doubt, every thought, she’d just had.

As his tongue duelled with hers she lost herself in the mindless passion instantly ignited between them, the frantic flurry of eager hands and low moans and hot, bare skin.

‘I didn’t want it to be like this, not here—’

‘Don’t stop,’ she panted, arching into him, her pelvis melding to his, so hard and ready. ‘Please, Chase, now.’

His low, guttural groan raised goose bumps along her skin as his hands bunched her skirt up around her thighs while he plundered her mouth again.

Sensation after sensation bombarded her, from his mouth ravaging hers with fierce intent to his hands stroking her thighs and brushing against her mound.

Endless, mindless pleasure, which built and receded and built again until she could barely stand any more and when his fingers finally delved beneath the elastic of her thong and circled her clitoris she came apart on a long, drawn-out cry.

‘Chase, that was—’

‘Just the beginning.’

His wicked grin sent a tremor of excitement through her sated body and she gasped when he spun her around, his arm pinning her waist, her back in delicious contact with his front. His very aroused front.

‘Let me please you—’

‘You already have, sweetheart, by hearing you come,’ he whispered in her ear, his teeth grazing the lobe, nipping, nuzzling until she could do little but sag against him, boneless with longing and pleasure. ‘But just so you know, I’m calling the shots now.’

‘Ah…my forceful bad boy is back.’

With a faux growl, he hugged her tighter. ‘Then it’s time I showed you just how bad I can be.’

Her body shuddered as he slid his hands up her ribcage to cradle her breasts, his thumbs teasing her nipples until a veritable flood of mind-numbing need drenched her.

He didn’t stop there, oh, no, making good on his promise of being ‘bad’ as one hand braced the wall over her shoulder while the other played over her wet core.

Desire tightened within her, her hips rocking of their own volition as her inner muscles spasmed again and again as she threw back her head in absolute abandonment.


She cried out his name as a part-plea, part-warning; she couldn’t take much more of this, needed him inside her now.

‘I’m right here.’

With a swift rip of unzipping metal and a rustle of tearing foil, he was back, pushing against her, holding her hips and angling them forward as he nudged against her entrance.

‘Chase, please…’

He drove into her, hard and fast and heart-stoppingly long, the exquisite pressure filling her, tantalising her.

She’d waited so long for this, had dreamed about it, and when he started to pull out and thrust back into her, again and again and again, the sheer intense beauty of it robbed her of breath, of reason.

“Amaya…my Daisy.”

His possessiveness thrilled her as much as his hands gripping her hips, tilting them to increase the tempting friction as he plunged into her repeatedly, his rhythm driving them both towards a shattering climax.

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