Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 67

“How about we start with a little appetiser?” Chase brought his mouth down to the side of her mouth, the tip of his tongue circling her beauty spot, evoking a tiny whimper from her and a sway of her body towards his. He traced his tongue over her plump lower lip, following the delicate ridge of her vermillion border like an artist drawing a fine line. Amaya made another soft mewling sound, her hands going to his chest, the press of her palms inciting a rush of red-hot desire, making his legs tremble at the knees and his groin bulge and burn.

Chase moved his tongue to her top lip, sweeping it across the soft surface before taking it lightly between his teeth, a soft little ‘come play with me’ tug that made her press even closer, her hands fisting into his shirt. He cupped her bottom, drawing her hard against him, torturing himself with the feel of her soft curves against the pulsing hardness of his body. “I want you.” Those were the only three little words he wanted to say. The only words he wanted to hear from her. The only words that mattered right now. “I want you too.”

Amaya linked her arms around his neck, opening her mouth against his and inviting him in with a flick of her tongue against his lower lip. Heat roared through his body, and his desire for her was like a wildfire that had jumped containment lines. Every cell in his body throbbed with it. Vibrated with it. He kissed her deeply, exploring every corner of her mouth and breathing in the scent of her shampoo and body wash—the frangipani and freesia mix that so bewitched his senses. Her tongue tangled with his in a duel that made the base of his spine hum. Her hands tugged and released his hair at the back of his head, making him even wilder for her. The intoxicating mix of part pleasure and part pain ramped up his desire until it was a dark, unknowable, uncontrollable force deep in his body.

Chase lifted her to prop her on the bench behind, stepping into the space between her parted thighs. Her legs wrapped around his hips, her mouth clamped to his in a kiss that was more combative than anything else. It was as though she resented her attraction to him, wanted to punish him for it. He took the kiss to a deeper level, thrusting his tongue into the warm, moist recesses of her mouth until she was clinging to him and making purring, breathless sounds of encouragement. Her hands clasped his head, her fingers digging deep into his scalp, but he enjoyed the roughness of it, the urgency of it. The thrill of having her turned on like a wild cat. He pulled up her remaining clothing, accessing her breasts with his hands, holding them, cupping them, and running his thumbs over the peaked nipples.

He sent his mouth on a tour of discovery, down the soft skin of her neck, the delicate framework of her collar bone and the scented valley between her breasts. He licked each one in turn, taking his time, drawing out the pleasure until Amaya was writhing, and pushing and grinding her hips against him in an unspoken plea for more. He hauled her top over her head and tossed it to the floor, coming back to cradle her breasts in his hands, holding their silky weight, watching the waves of sensual delight pass over her features. He released them to pull off his shirt, so she could access his chest, her mouth burning him, branding him with hot, damp little kisses that made the need in him tighten, tighten and tighten…

Amaya slipped down off the bench to free them from her body, leaving her needing. Chase picked Amaya up, carried her to the living area, and laid her on one of the leather sofas. He removed the rest of his clothes and came down beside her, his mouth coming back to hers in a kiss that sent incendiary heat throughout his body. Her tongue wrestled and writhed with his, and her lips were soft, supple, and playful. Her teeth got into the action with little kittenish bites that made the blood thunder through his veins. It had been a long time since he’d worried about losing control but, with her mouth working its mesmerising magic on his, he seriously wondered whether he would go the distance. Need pulsed, powered and panted through him. Amaya’s body beckoned to him, her legs opening, her arms around his neck as tight as a vine.

Chase put his hands to her wrists, encircling them like handcuffs, but she was so slender his fingers overlapped. “I should get a condom.”

She pushed herself back against him, her breasts cool and soft against the wall of his chest, her eyelids lowered to half-mast like a sexy siren’s. “I’m on the pill. Make love to me. Now.”

That was another thing he hadn’t done in a long time, and then only once: gone bareback. But in the context of their exclusive relationship, he didn’t have the usual list of reasons why he should halt proceedings to access protection. Amaya was taking contraception, in any case. He cradled her face in his hands, locking his gaze with hers. “Are you sure?”

Her pupils were wide with desire, and her mouth was plump and pink from kissing him. “We’re married. And we’re not going to sleep around, right? I’m clean, but if you need to get test—

“Done,” Chase said. “I was tested months ago when I ended a fling. I haven’t been with anyone since.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “No one? No one at all?” He brushed an imaginary strand of hair away from her face. “Yes…and seeing you in my office reminded me of the chemistry we’ve always had. We have a passionate connection that’s not just physical but also intellectual. I decided that day I wanted you.”

Amaya rolled her lips together, her eyes shifting out of reach of his. “It sounds a little…clinical…”

He brought up her chin with his fingertip. “Does this feel clinical to you?” Chase kissed her softly, lingeringly, allowing her time to respond with the fervent passion he knew she couldn’t contain. Her mouth flowered open, her arms going back around his neck, and her soft little moan of acquiescence was as sweet as any music he’d ever heard. He moved from her mouth to kiss a pathway down between her breasts and her belly button, swirling his tongue around the tiny whorl of flesh before going lower.

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