Mated to alpha triplets at all-boys school

Mated to alpha triplets at all-boys school


44.7k Words / Ongoing


Life isn’t always easy - what matters is how willing you are to fight for what is right. Goddess knows just how ready I am. Maybe that’s why she overlooked my first mate’s rejection, and instead of the one, she sent another three mates my way? It doesn’t matter. For now, I hide my identity, pretend to be a man, hide away from everyone who might be searching for me, but once the time comes - I will rise from the ashes others left me behind in and claim what is rightfully mine.
Ash is a mystery. He is quiet, calm, collected and very off-putting. It doesn’t matter, though. Since the first moment, I knew I wanted to be his friend and his friend I will become. Sooner or later, the little shit will break and accept me. As the said friend or more, for as long as he’s near - I don’t care.
Our new roommate, Ash, I know he’s hiding something. There’s no way someone is that secretive without a reason. Since my baby brother is practically obsessed with him, I must keep a close eye on the newcomer. Something’s telling me the secrets Ash keeps are more than just a few misunderstandings.
I don’t give a damn about anything, especially the new roommate that Ethan is obsessed over and Everett shows weird interest in. Except, why do I get pissed off when Ash spends the night at his new friend’s room then?

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