"Who did this to you, Amy?", he asks, and I fall silent.

I tremble as I feel his cold fingers touching the mark on my skin while I tightly shut my eyes.

"You're mine, and no one will ever hurt you again, I promise...", he whispers, and I open my eyes, looking at his lips.

He seems irritated after seeing the mark on my face, and I watch as he quickly backs away from me, leaving me completely confused. I see him pointing towards the house.

"It's getting late, and we should leave now."

I quickly walk into the house, sighing as I see everyone staring at me. I quickly wipe my eyes and turn my head, now seeing Aaron by my side.

"Amy will come with me tonight. She shouldn't stay in a place where she's no longer welcome.", Aaron says, staring intently at my parents. I see my stepmother's eyes widen.

"How? No, she should stay here tonight. The wedding is only tomorrow.", my father says, and I see Aaron continue to look at him.

"She won't stay in this house for even one more night. Amy, get your things, just the essentials. You won't need all of this again."

I rush to my room, still feeling tears in my eyes, and I look at the photo of my mother on the table, which is the most important thing to me right now.

I grab the photo and put my clothes into a small suitcase before leaving my room. Furthermore, my father's eyes fixated on me, but his gaze was not love or affection.

My heart breaks inside my chest as I realize I'm leaving the house where I grew up. I walk to Aaron and see him looking at me intently.

"We'll see you at the wedding tomorrow, Amy.", Elisabeth says with a fake smile as I leave my house, breathing heavily.

I get into the car, looking out the window and feeling tears streaming down my face continuously. As the car pulls away from the house, I turn my head, seeing Elora beside me and watching me closely.

"You seem sad, Amy.", she says gently, looking at me. I wipe my eyes and shake my head.

"No, I'm fine. I will miss my home.", I say, lifting my head and seeing Aaron's eyes fixed on mine through the car's rearview mirror.

I stay in Aaron's car, tears streaming down my face as I stare out the window.

The weight of the unknown and the whirlwind of emotions leaves me bewildered, lost in a sea of uncertainties. Time seems to stretch, hours passing slowly as I lose myself in dark thoughts.

Suddenly, the car passes through a large gate, and my eyes fixate on a beautiful black mansion ahead of me. My lips part in a small "o" of surprise as I realize we're arriving at Aaron's residence.

The grandeur and imposing nature of the mansion leave me breathless, feeling like I'm stepping into a dark fairy tale.

Drying my eyes, I hear Aaron open the car door for me. With a trembling sigh, I join him and walk into the mansion.

My eyes scan every detail, taking in the dark, antique decor that permeates every corner of the place. A shiver runs down my spine as I wonder about this house's hidden secrets.

"Do you like it?", he asks, looking at me, and I nod because I've never been in a place like this before.

"Well, this mansion was built many years ago, and I love old things.", he comments.

Aaron asks me to follow him, and I obey. My steps echo through the hallway as we head towards the stairs leading to the upper floor.

My heart beats faster as we ascend, anticipation mixing with apprehension. I don't know what to expect from this encounter with vampires, but I'm determined to face whatever comes.

Finally, Aaron stops in front of a door and turns to me.

"There are many rooms here, but I'm sure you'll like this one. You can sleep here tonight."

Confusion crosses my face as I look at him, surprised by the suggestion that we won't share the same room. I raise an eyebrow, my expression a mix of disbelief and curiosity, as I ask why we won't sleep together.

"And you? I thought you and I would share the same room.", I say softly, seeing a smile spread across his lips as if my expression amuses him.

"I never sleep, Amy.", he says, his eyes meeting mine with a supernatural gleam.

Shock spreads through my body as I process his words, the reality of being in the presence of a vampire finally becoming clear to me.

Swallowing hard, I struggle to find words as the shock becomes acceptance. I knew my life would change forever by marrying a vampire, but now I'm faced with the reality of this supernatural existence.

I nod, realizing my question is ridiculous because I'm facing a vampire, and I see him still smiling at me.

"Of course.", I murmur, blinking rapidly.

"Well, vampires never sleep, but beds for us can be handy.", he says, looking at me. I widen my eyes when I realize what he's talking about.

I entered the room with him and saw him place my suitcase on the bed before he gesticulated around the room.

"I hope you liked it.", he says, and I open my mouth, looking at every room detail.

The walls are light in tone, utterly different from the other walls of the mansion as if this room were made for a woman.

Everything here is lovely, but I focus on the long white curtains that hide a large glass window.

"It's wonderful; thank you.", I say, and he nods.

"It's getting late, so I'll let you rest. Tomorrow will be a long day for both of us, Amy...", he says, quickly leaving the room before closing the door.

I still look around the room, walk to the bed, and fixate on a piece of clothing covered by a black plastic cover.

Curiosity overwhelms me, and I quickly open it, widening my eyes when I see a beautiful, long white wedding dress. I blink my eyes, feeling tears wetting my face as my fingers touch the expensive fabric of the dress.

I cry more when I see that it's a beautiful dress, and any woman would love to wear it on her wedding day, but I feel sad because my life is being stolen from me.

Furthermore, I closed my eyes briefly, imagining myself wearing this dress tomorrow. I can't think about it now, so I quickly move away from the dress.

I sigh, looking out the window of the room, and I approach the long white curtains. Not only that, but I should be in bed right now because tomorrow will be a long day, but I can't sleep now.

I blink my eyes, move the curtains aside, and look out the window, seeing the high walls and a dark forest around everything surrounding the mansion.

I don't want to be here.

Feeling my eyes filled with tears, I look at the door of the room, running there, and I think hope is growing inside me when I realize that the door isn't locked as I imagined.

I'm in a house with vampires, but still, I feel like running away from this place before tomorrow.

I need to get out of this place.

Furthermore, my eyes filled with tears as the decision finally solidified in my mind.

I can't stay in this mansion anymore, in this dark and oppressive world that imprisons me. With a trembling sigh, I rise from the bed, knowing I shouldn't be doing this but feeling I have no choice.

As I open the room's door, my heart races in my chest as my eyes meet the large, dark corridor ahead.

It's too late to turn back now. I stroll, my steps echoing through the silent corridor as I move cautiously, fearing being discovered at any moment.

Fear consumes me as I descend the mansion's stairs, my feet touching the steps with growing urgency.

I'm afraid of being seen or of being caught by Aaron or any other vampire who might be watching.

My heart beats faster with each passing second, a sense of panic gripping me as I run towards the double doors leading out of the mansion.

My eyes widen in despair when I realize the doors are locked.

I look back at the dark stairs behind me, knowing I can't return the way I came.

A wave of despair washes over me as I realize I'm trapped in this sinister house.

A glimmer of hope shines when I see a window in the living room.

Without hesitation, I ran to it, focusing only on escaping.

With trembling hands, I open the window and realize I can fit through it, although small.

Holding the edges of the long dress, I force myself through the window and descend to the ground outside.

With my breath ragged and my heart pounding, I look around and realize the vast expanse of the property.

The gates must be locked in panic, but that won't stop me.

With renewed determination, I run across the green grass, my feet pounding against the ground as I move away from the mansion and everything it represents.

Each step takes me further from the prison I left behind, and even though I don't know where I'm going, I know I can't go back.

As I run, I know that my father or Aaron will kill me without hesitation when they find out I've escaped, but I'm alone, and I can't go back to the fate and the life I didn't choose.

I have no one, but I can't give up now.

I keep running, clutching my dress as the cold night wind cuts through my body.

Furthermore, I turn my head back and observe the darkness intensifying as I move away from the mansion lights.

Tears wet my face as I run without stopping, feeling my lungs begging for air. My feet pound against the uneven ground, each step taking me further from the prison I left behind.

Desperation propels me forward, my muscles screaming with exhaustion as I strive to escape.

Every time I glance back, the mansion seems farther away, a dark blur against the night horizon. Fear and determination consume me, driving me forward even as my body begs for rest.

Finally, I reach the property wall, my eyes fixed on the intimidating height before me.

I look up, assessing the magnitude of the challenge I face. The wall is imposing, an impenetrable barrier blocking my path to freedom.

Without hesitation, I touch the wall, feeling the cold texture against the palm of my hand.

I can use my time effectively. With renewed determination, I climb, my fingers and feet finding purchase on the wall's irregular protrusions. Every move is a struggle against gravity; every inch gained a small victory over the darkness surrounding me.

The ascent is grueling and exhausting, my body protesting with each movement. The night cold seeps into my bones, but I ignore the discomfort, focusing only on reaching the top of the wall. I look down, a wave of vertigo hitting me as I realize the potential height of the fall if I slip.

Fear propels me forward, every muscle tense as I continue to climb. I am getting closer and closer to the top, closer to the freedom I crave. With one final effort, I finally reach the top of the wall, my breath heavy and uneven.

I lay back, looking up at the starry sky above me, a sense of relief flooding my body and controlling my panting breath, but I know I can't stop now.

I look down and close my eyes before jumping to the other side of the wall. Not only that, but I groan in pain as I feel my body hitting the forest floor hard.

Furthermore, I open my eyes, touching my arms, and when I feel liquid flowing out of my skin, I realize I'm bleeding when the pain begins to overwhelm me.

Touching my wound, I quickly get up before running into the dark forest.

I desperately ran through the dark forest, my wounded arm throbbing with every movement.

I have no idea where I'm going, but I want to get as far away as possible from that dark place.

My steps are quick and clumsy, and I raise my hands to avoid colliding with the trees ahead, afraid of injuring myself even more.

Minutes seem to stretch into eternity, and I cry as I keep running, the feeling of despair enveloping me like a cloak.

My heart beats wildly in my chest. Desperation consumes me; my only wish is to escape that nightmare.

I screamed tears through the night as my body suddenly tumbled down a steep slope.

I groan in pain as I roll uncontrollably, desperately trying to grab onto something to stop my fall.

Each impact against the rocks and logs is a punishment for my already fragile body.

Finally, I stop, my head hitting hard against a rock.

I blink, lying on the leaf-covered ground, feeling my vision spin around me.

I groan, reaching for my head, where a trickle of blood runs from a wound on my forehead. My breathing is difficult; fear engulfs me as I listen to the eerie sounds of the surrounding forest.

It's too dark to see anything, and I feel utterly helpless.

I feel around, trying to get up, but my legs are weak and trembling. Every movement is a struggle against the pain and confusion that envelop me.

Fear intensifies when I hear a sinister noise from the forest's shadows.

My heart races in my chest as I desperately try to focus, my body tense and alert. I know I can't stay here, vulnerable and wounded, but I don't have the strength to keep running.

With a trembling sigh, I force myself to stand up, ignoring the dizziness threatening to overcome me.

I press my hand against the wounded forehead, feeling the blood flowing between my fingers.

I turn my head, groaning and widening my eyes, when I realize something is watching me. Furthermore, I blink my eyes, feeling my heart beating harder inside my chest when I hear footsteps against the leaves in the forest.

My head hurts, but I'm scared, and with difficulty, I start running again, crying. I feel dizzy, but like I'm fighting for my life in this dark forest.

I look back, crying more, when I see something scary chasing me relentlessly.

Furthermore, I run through the dense forest, my quick steps echoing between the trees as I struggle to escape the nightmare that pursues me.

My heart races in my chest, and a frantic beat accompanies my desperate steps. I continue with my wounded arm, the pain a constant reminder of my vulnerability.

When I dare to look back again, my breath catches in my throat as I encounter a pair of red eyes glowing in the darkness, fangs glinting like ominous promises of danger.

My whole body shivers, a chill running down my spine as I realize a vampire is chasing me. Panic envelops me; my thoughts are a jumble of fear and desperation.

I scream, a strangled sound tearing through the air as I realize I'm alone in the darkness of the forest with a creature that could kill me in seconds.

Tears flood my face, a mix of terror and helplessness as I continue running, each step taking me deeper into the darkness.

I remember Aaron's mansion, where, despite everything, I felt safer than now.

Regret consumes me, a bitter realization that my hasty escape brought me to an even more dangerous situation. But it's too late to turn back now, so I keep running, my only hope being to reach the safety of the distant lights.

The trees close around me, the darkness becoming denser as the vampire draws near.

I can feel his breath on my neck, the metallic smell of fresh blood filling my nostrils.

I scream again, a cry of despair echoing through the forest as I struggle to stay ahead of my supernatural pursuer.

Every time I think about giving up, fear propels me forward. I know I can't stop; I can't surrender to the darkness that threatens to engulf me. So I run, my lungs burning with effort, my legs trembling with exhaustion.

Finally, in a glimmer of hope, I spot distant lights ahead.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I force myself to run faster, ignoring the pain and fatigue that consume me.

I'm wounded, desperate, and afraid, but I'm still alive.

"Help me, please!", I cry, still holding onto my dress so that I can run.

I scream louder when I feel the vampire's hand grabbing my arm; he pulls me back before I can reach a road with lights on the other side.

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