Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3


I ignored the looks the men gave each other and finished my breakfast. I knew they wouldn’t let me leave if I didn’t finish it and I had another meeting to get to, at least it wasn’t to far from George and Gio’s house. The men were still bantering about something, I forgot to listen to them because they do that a lot and then they will ask me something and I would have no clue what just happened. Like right now. “What do you think Emilia?” Antonio asked. “Sorry what?” “Guys she zoned out on us again.” Gio teased. “I would love to see into that head of yours.” George said. That took me a bit off guard because he doesn’t normally tease me. “What where you saying?” I asked again. “Dante was asking about the diamonds we ordered.” Antonio said a bit irritated that the question should be asked again. “What about the diamonds?” “I wanted to know if we are still getting them this Friday you did have a problem with your supplier the previous time.” Dante said again. “I told you guys that was sorted out and yes your diamonds will be here.” “Thank you, Rossi.” Dante said. “Sorry guys I have to leave know I’ll come back in say 4 hours to fetch the money.”

“Your next meeting is going to take 4 hours?” Antonio said a bit shocked. “Yes, Antonio it is. Thanks for breakfast, George see you later.” Then they all walked me to the front door. George’s bodyguard walked over to me and walked me to my car, what on earth could happen to me from the front door to my car, but this happens every time and I said something about it once and not one of them where happy with me not even the 2 easy going one’s. So, I just let him walk me to my car and open my door for me. I made a turn and drive out of George and Gio’s property. I always feels a bit off balance or uneasy when I leave them it’s like a part of me wants me to stay but a bigger part of me know I would never be able to chose between them and it would never work. So, dreaming about them is my best option.

I reached my next destination, The Columba Crime Family the head of the family is Alejandra and the 2 underneath him is Diego and Miguel. They are the men I always deal with. When I get to the gate it’s not like with the men I was with earlier. Oh no they check the whole cars for bombs or firearms and they search me when I get to the house before they let me get anywhere near Alejandra. When I went through all the security measures I eventually get to Alejandra, Diego and Migual they were sitting at the dining room with all the money they received from the drug dealers over the weekend. When I come here, I need to put all the bills together and then use my bill counter to count the money then there is always an argument about the cut I take not normally from Alejandra but Diego and Miguel can be dicks sometimes.

When I looked at them today, I could see it’s going to be one of those days. “Good day gentleman.” “Emilia, on time as always.” “You know me, Alejandra.” “Now let’s get busy shall we.” I walked over to the table and started doing what I do best sorting out money and then making them disappear. I must say today there was quite a lot of money. When I sorted it, I put them through the bill counter, every time it went through one of them needs to sign next to the amount I put down in my book, I’m old school I need to make sure the machine and my calculation is the same if it is not, I start the process over needless to say my clients isn’t very happy with that. But so far so good. Everything was counted, “Okay gentleman here is a total of $6 million you know my cut is 5% that means my share is $300K. That’s this money here, Diego if you want to count it.” “I think I will.” He spoke. See I know my clients, I know their moods and their facial expression, I know when they are going to be difficult it’s just the 4, I just left that I can’t figure out.

When them it’s a surprise every time. Diego finished counting the money then I put my money in my big handbag and put they’re in suitcases, I need to go and deposit this money in different accounts. I never do it at once that will trigger the Feds, but at least I know what I’m doing and that is why I’m getting paid the big bucks. I greeted Alejandra, Diego and Migual and walked with 2 briefcases and Alejandra’s bodyguards with more money. I had a customized safe put in my car in the back and under the back seat, if someone ever hijacks me, I’ll be in a lot of trouble. Let’s hope that never happens. I locked all the cases in the safe and got back in my car. When I looked at the watch in the car, I saw I was right 4 hours exactly at the Columba Crime Family. I drove back to George and Gio’s place and like always the security guard waved me in. I stopped in front of the house and George’s bodyguard came to fetch me again. Gio opened the door for me I thought it would be George. “Hi Rossi. Exactly 4 hours you know your stuff.” “I told you.” I smiled at him. “That smile is going to get you in trouble.” Gio said but I wasn’t sure. “What did you say?” “Nothing don’t worry about it come, the suitcases are in my office.” I walked behind Gio to his office.

The suitcases were ready for me to take. Gio closed the door behind him, which was a bit strange I walked to the suitcases to take them when Gio but his hand on my hand I looked up at him I don’t know what my face said but he bends forward and kissed me, he kissed me like he wanted to make love to my mouth, I groaned and he took the advantage of forcing his tongue in my mouth, fuck what happened to my rule. I didn’t kick him I kissed him back in fact I loved being kissed by him, then my brain must have started working again because I moved back and solid into the wall when I turned around it wasn’t the wall but a solid George trapping me between him and Gio.

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