Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4


“G.G…George” I stuttered “How did you get in here?” He showed me the open book shelve that is used as a door between his and Gio’s office. “Excuse me please I need to go.” “Oh no you don’t.” George said “I really do.” “Oh, come on Rossi you know you liked that kiss.” Gio teased me. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it but it’s against my rules.” “Rules are meant to be broken Rossi.” Gio teased again. But not Gio or George was moving out of my way. “Guys I really need to go.” “Okay I’ll let you go if you give me the same kiss you gave my brother.” George said while turning me to face him. “Are you serious?” I asked George. “Why would you think I’m not?” “It’s just, I just kissed your brother?” “I know that and know I want you to kiss me like that.” I looked at Gio kind of asking permission but also not, I mean I am my own person.

But Gio said “Go ahead Rossi, I would like to watch.” Those words made George react immediately, he took his hands and grab each ass cheek and picked me up in order for us to be the same height, then he kissed me and pressed my body against his, I couldn’t help it I threw my legs around his waist, I started to feel like a slut. He was trying to force my mouth open but I tried to keep it close then he gave by top lip a bit of a bite and that made me groan out load, oh God how embarrassing, but he took his chance and plunged his tongue into my mouth. George didn’t kiss me like he wanted to make love to me he kissed me like he wanted to dominant me and fuck was that sexy.

I tried to pull away but he didn’t let me. Then I felt Gio standing right behind me moving his hands up and down my sides and every time he comes to my breast his hands would move to the front touching my breast at the bottom. I could feel myself getting wet and I knew I needed to stop this or it won’t stop until we are all naked. I pushed away and this time George let me then Gio retreat from the back of me and George let my slide down his body. My jacket was all pulled up and you could almost see my breast peeking out. “Sorry guys that shouldn’t have happened.” “No need to be sorry Rossi we wanted it to happen.” “I can’t we doing business together.” “Yes, we know.” George said but then he bends down and whispered in my ears “But tell me Emilia are you wet?” I was in shocked but also blushed.

And then George disappeared and it was only me and Gio again. “Let me help you carry the suitcases to your car Rossi,” Gio said like nothing just happened. I opened the safe under my back seat and put the suitcases in the safe then Gio disappeared and I was alone with the bodyguard. ‘Fuck what just happened?’ I thought as I got in the car. I put my hand on my heart and the thing was beating a million miles an hour. That should be evidence that it did happen. I drove to my office not really taken notice of where I was driving, I’m sure my car new how to get to my office from George’s house by know. All I could think about was the kiss with Gio and George for twins they kiss so different. And I liked both kisses. Fuck what am I going to do how am I going to keep my hormones at bay. I drove into the underground parking at my office building and the security guard that always helps me came to my car. “Good afternoon Ms. Emilia, how are you today?” “Good Thank you Luke.” “Can I help you Ms.?” “Yes please, I’ll get the suitcases out.” I let Luke carry the suitcases from the guys and I took the Columba Crime Family cases.

“Luke just put it in my office” I said as I walked into the reception area where Isabella was sitting. “Hi Emilia, you have a visitor in your office.” “Who is it?” “Antonio Morelli” “Fuck” I whispered what is it with these men today? “Thank you, Isabella.” I walked into my office and Luke was looking at Antonio from top to bottom like he was a threat. “Thank you, Luke.” “You good here Ms.?” “Yes, Luke Mr. Morelli is a client.” “Okay then.” Luke left us. “Who is that man?” Antonio asked. “Just the security guard that helps me sometimes.” “You should be more careful who you allow near you Emilia.” “Will that be people like you Antonio?” “No definitely not me but do tell me how was your visit with the twins?” Fuck did he know, why would he know, why would he ask me something like that. “Fine Why?” “Only fine? They guys should up their game.” “What do you mean Antonio?” He walked towards me and every time he gives a step forward, I give one back. My back was against the wall and Antonio was in front of me. “Th..the.. they told you?” I stuttered again. What the fuck is going on with me I never stutter but with these men it’s all I do. “Don’t you know this yet Emilia we have no secrets between us.” “Like in none?” I asked a bit confused. “Yes, Emilia none, nessuno, nothing.” Then he pressed his body against mine. “What can I help you with Antonio?” I said. “You didn’t answer George when he asked you something. I’m here to get my share and the answer.”

Before I could say anything, he took my lips in a kiss that was sinful he pressed his knee between my legs and press up against my pussy. That made me groan out load and he took the opportunity to push his tongue in my mouth and took over the kiss, he was the same as George he wanted to dominate me his kiss was delicious. These men were making me lose my mind today. With last nights dream and then today with their kisses, fuck it was becoming more and more difficult to say no to these men. But again, my brain must have started to work because I pulled away and he let me. Then he came to my ear and said “We will have you, Emilia.” Before my brain worked again and I could ask him what did he mean he was gone and again I was left with the feeling. Did this really happen.

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