Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5


I was standing in the middle of my office totally flabbergasted, what the fuck is going on today with these men and every time they leave it’s as if nothing happened. The only person I didn’t have an encounter today was Dante that’s without the encounter of this morning at breakfast. Hopefully I’m not seeing any of them for today further. I didn’t know what to make of it. Could they see into my head is that why they reacting this way today. Do they know about my dream. “Don’t be silly Emilia off course they don’t know.” I said out loud. “Get back to work.” I told myself again. Jeez I was going crazy that is definitely happening today. I start with the Columba Crime Families money. I need to buy a million rands bitcoin and get rid of the rest through the strip club, the corner stores and the dry cleaner. That I always found funny laundering money through a dry cleaner.

I packed the one briefcase full of money and gave it to Isabella to go and give it to the corner stores and the dry cleaner. I probable should think of bodyguards but if you, women alone walk with a handbag or briefcase no one will suspect a thing but if I walk with a bodyguard there will be suspicion. Isabella left and I went to lock the front door. I got the other money ready to go to the strip club tonight. That wonderful task is left to me. I couldn’t ask Isabella to do it, it’s already and issue for me to go into those places, don’t get me wrong I don’t look down on any women that dance for a living. You have to do what you have to do but the sleazy men are what gets me. And the fact that I always do it after hours will also be an issue. I need to count out 2 million and put that back in the safe for the rest of the weeks, dry cleaner and corner store drops.

And the other 2 million I need to take to the bank. I’m very good friends with the bank manager and he always helps me for a fee off course but I’ll pay his fee anytime. I put that one side; I’ll do that when Isabella is back. Then I start with the men’s money. It’s already packed neatly and there is a short note on top of one of the suitcases. ‘Keep this case for the firearms.’ I open the other case. ‘This is for the diamonds.’ And the other 2 cases didn’t have any notes with that meant I need to get rid of it. I checked the money and it was 2 million on the dot. 1 million I can bank and the other million I will distribute between their businesses. I went to my safe where I had a special place for every person I deal with I also prefer different color briefcases for every client.

Yes, it cost me a few dollars to do it that way but it’s not like I can’t afford it. As soon as I sorted the safe, I went back to my desk that’s when I heard someone at the door, I got up with a pit or was it butterflies in my stomach, could it be Dante? As I approached the door, I saw it was only Isabella bringing us some ice coffee after her deliveries. I’m not sure how I felt maybe a bit disappointed that it wasn’t Dante. “Here you go Emilia.” “Thank you, Isabella, just what I needed.” I told her. “Everything went well?” “Yes, off course you know nobody gives me problems ever. I might be petit and blond but no one messes with me.” “I’m very glad to hear that. I’m just going to enjoy this coffee before I go to the bank quickly.” “No problem.” I went back to my office and just sat and drank my ice coffee. Ice coffee is the best drink in this Miami heat. I was starting to day dream about how Dante would kiss. The others where, oh my God I don’t have words to explain how hot that was. As a slurped the last bit of coffee out of my cup it took me out of my day dream. “Emilia business and pleasure doesn’t work stop it and besides do you really want 4 men to tell you what to do?” That was something to think about, I did have a very health libido. “Fuck Emilia stopped it.” I was really going mad. I took the money in my oversize handbag and walked to the bank, luckily for me my friend was working at the bank right across the street from us. He was sexy in his own way a real surfer type of guy with blond sun kissed hair and very darkly tanned, which is probable normal for Miami residents.

Only problem I was seeing coming was he got a thing for me and I was playing along to get the money in the bank but I didn’t like him in that way and every time he sees me, he asks me out and every time I made an excuse soon, I’ll have to say yes. I walked into the bank and he must have seen me enter because he immediately walked to me, “Hi beautiful” he gave me air kisses. “Hi Josh, how are you?” “Good thank you come into my office the aircon is much cooler in there.” He always said that I guess it’s a way to get me alone to do our business but also to get me alone because he always flirts with me for a while before we actually get down to business but I’m a bit late today and the bank is closing in 30 minutes. So, we have to get down to business. “Josh, I have 2 million today 2 separate bank accounts please.” “All good Emilia I have the bill counter right here.” “Great, I’m sorry I’m so late today but the day got away from me.” “It’s okay just tell me you will go out for coffee with me tomorrow and you are forgiven.” Shit I didn’t think this tactic through. “I can probably make it tomorrow lunch time?” I told him. “Excellent. Then let’s get this done.”

He counted the money or should I say the machine counted the money and then he deposited into the account I gave him and he did the same with the other million. “Thank you, Josh, see you tomorrow.” “See tomorrow at 12 Emilia the coffee shop next to the bank.” “Okay bye.” I said as I walked out. I quickly walked back to my office to get the other money I needed to take to the strip clubs. I didn’t like to go so late so I go just after 5 pm and you would be surprise to see how many men already sits there watching the strippers. “Hi Isabella you can go, I’m just getting the other money I have to deliver at the strip clubs then I’m done for the day.” “Okay Emilia, enjoy your evening.” “You to Isabella.” I got the 2 suitcases and walked to my Porch Cayenne, I put it in the safe in my back seat and drove off, I drove first to Vanilla Unicorn that belonged to the Columba Crime Family, with them it was an easy in and out, the manager knows me by now and I walk directly to his office every time. He offered me a drink as always but I declined.

Then I got back in my car and drove to the guys first strip club it was called Glitter Gloss where they came up with these names, I had no idea. The parking area was clear no black SUV’s that meant they are not here. Again, I felt a bit sad that I’m not going to see them again today or should I say Dante. I took one of the cases and walked to the managers office. One of the waiters needed to fetch him for me first because there was an issue with one of the girls and a man. Eventually he got to his office and took the cash from me. It was already past 7 pm and now I was just getting irritated I was tired and hungry or should I say hangry. I was glad the guys made me eat breakfast this morning. I stopped at my last drop for the day the guy’s other club called Bahama Mama’s yet again no black SUV’s but there was a sportscar in the parking area that looked a bit out of place like my own does. I walked into the club and the manager got me at the bar. He took the briefcase and told me he will be right back. That was quick thank God, I turned around to walk out of the club but I walked straight into Dante. Fuck was this a good or bad thing. “Dante!”

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