Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7


I was still in a haze from the kiss in the elevator from Dante and now in front of me is all 4 men. “I was just about to walk Rossi to her car.” Dante told them. “I think you did enough Dante; I’ll walk her to her car.” Antonio said. “As you wish.” “Bye Rossi see you.” Dante said from behind me. I didn’t know where to put my head, if there where sand and I was an ostrich I would have put my head in the sand. “Are the God’s smiling down on me today?” Antonio said “What?” I didn’t understand what he was trying to say I was still in a haze. “The fact that I’m seeing you 3 times in one day.” “Oh, you really don’t have to walk me to my car, I told Dante that to.” “This is a dangerous neighborhood Emilia I wouldn’t think of letting you walk alone to your car this time of night.” “Oh” what else could I say. He put his hands on my lower back and the butterflies in my pussy was back again, what the fuck was going on with me today. Am I on heat or something? We got outside and there was a lovely breeze in the air. When I tried to open my door Antonio pinned me between the car and himself basically what he did this morning. I thought his going to kiss me again or should I say I hoped he would kiss me again but he leaned into my neck then moved to my ear.

“I know you really want to play with yourself tonight, but don’t. We will know. And if we see you again, we will have to give you a spanking for not listening to us. Oh my God I had butterflies everywhere I tried to rub my legs together to get some relieve but Antonio must have known what his words is going to do because he put his leg between my legs but not high enough for me to hump his leg. Yes, I was that desperate. I needed to get a hold off myself. I got all my courage together look him straight in the eye and told him “You won’t have a clue and there is no rule I have to listen to any of you.” I open my door and got in but before I could close my door he leaned in “I would be very careful if I’m you sweetheart. Or would you like a spanking is that it?” I didn’t know what to say so I only said “Thank you for walking me to my car. Enjoy your evening further.” “Oh, I will. And remember what I said sweetheart.” Then he closed the door.

He didn’t even give me a chance to take a breath and calm down. He waited for me to drive away and I didn’t want him to see how much they affected me today. I took the turn then I saw him disappear but the first parking I got I pulled over and just took a few breaths, what was it with these men today. This never happened before and they are not new clients I have them for a few years now. And if they all want me, why now? I was still trying to get my breathing under control when I saw a few sports cars drive pass me. I don’t know why but I knew it was them. I pulled back onto the street and drove to my apartment building.

When I got home the first thing that went was my high heels, yes, I love my heels but it feels just so much better without them. I went to the fridge and poured myself a healthy glass of white wine after the day I had I think I deserve the bottle. But tomorrow is a busy day again and I promised Josh, I’ll meet him for coffee I should remember to eat tomorrow. I filled the bath with water and some vanilla scented oil and I light the candles. I got in the bath and laid back drinking my wine, my other hand was drifting down to my pussy I was in desperate need of an orgasm maybe multiple orgasms. I started to play with my clit then Antonio’s words pop up in my head it felt like he was standing right next to me. For some reason I stopped playing with myself. I couldn’t believe it. I downed my glass of wine. What was wrong with me why am I listening to Antonio. It confused me to much so the mood for my bath was out the window. I washed myself and got out of the bath. I put on my softest PJ’s on and got into bed making sure my alarm was set for the next morning.

I was tossing and turning for over an hour I needed that orgasm God, I need it if I’m going to sleep at all because all that is running through my mind is the kisses of today and how every kiss was different and how much I enjoyed every kiss. I grabbed for my draw and got BOB out, they will never know I used BOB. I pulled my pants down, put some lube on BOB then I pushed BOB into my pussy as far as BOB could go. “Fuck” I screamed as I put BOB on, on his highest vibration. I closed my eyes and all I could see was George, Gio, Antonio and Dante. I was panting their names over and over as I felt how my orgasm was approaching. “Oh my God Fuck fuck, OH MY GOD!” I screamed as I came. I laid back and thought that was exactly what I needed. As soon as I was breathing normally again, I got up and went to wash BOB and get dressed again. When I got back into bed, I was a sleep-in second. See that was all I needed.

I woke up the following morning from my phone that was ringing. I grabbed it answering it with a very groggy voice “Emily Good morning.” “Hi Sweetheart.” I got such a fright I sat up straight in bed. “Antonio.” “Yes, it’s me. Open your door I brought you coffee and a croissant.” “You here?” “Yes, Sweetheart now come open the door.” Then he put the phone down. So many questions were going through my head, how do they know where I live? Because if the one knows the others know as well and how did he get into the building? I pushed my fingers through my hair got my PJs on right, rinse my mouth with some mouth wash and went to the door to open. This is the best he’ll get this time of the day. I opened the door and Antonio strolled in as if he knows the place he walked straight to the kitchen.

“You look lovely as always?” “Thank you for the lie, Antonio but you don’t have to lie to me.” He looked angry at me “I’m not lying I’ll never lie to you about something like that or anything for that matter.” “Oh, okay don’t be so serious.” “Go get ready I’ll keep your coffee warm and warm the croissant.” I didn’t even question him, what was wrong with me? Why was he here? I only thought of that question again when I was in the shower. I got dressed put my make-up, on then went looking for Antonio. My hair was in bun as always. I found Antonio looking out on the wonderful view I had. He turned and looked at me “I prefer your hair loose.” “What you doing here Antonio?” “I brought you coffee.” “Yes and?” “And I came to make sure you listened to me.” “About?” “Don’t be obtuse Emilia.”

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