Chapter 8


“I told you last night and I’m going to tell you again I see no reason to follow your orders if it’s not work related.” “Oh, sweetheart that’s where you are so wrong.” I tried to ignore that statement and rather asked him “How do you know where I stay?” “We all know where you stay sweetheart.” “How?” “We all have apartments in this building in fact I have the one right next to you, Gio and George the one next to me and Dante on the other side of you. We wanted this apartment for Dante to be next to me but your paper work was already done and because you bought it cash as us, we needed to know who you are?” “Why didn’t I know about this?” “Because our previous broker bought them, we each have 3 but the ones next to you we don’t rent out.” Again, I was totally at a lost for words.

“Now let’s get back to your task of last night.” “I’m not going to answer you, Antonio.” “You don’t have to” he walked to my room, me on his heels “Where you going?” “I’m going to find my answer.” When we walked into my room he took a huge sniff in my room. “You definitely came last night I can smell it in the air.” “What do you smell?” I shouldn’t have asked that question. “I smell delicious pussy that’s what I’m smelling.” Then he took it a step further and smell my sheets. “Antonio!” I yelled at him. “Just making sure I’m 100% correct sweetheart. And oh my God I am. We going to have lots of fun with you.” “What do you mean?” Again, I wished I didn’t ask such a stupid question, “What did I tell you last night sweetheart?” “That if I played with myself, you’ll give me a spanking.” “So, you did hear what I said but still you decided to not listen.”

I was starting feeling all sorts of things and we were still in my bedroom I decided to make the first move and walk out of my bedroom. Being in the bedroom with Antonio is very dangerous. He followed me to the kitchen. I stood with my back to the counter another silly mistake. Antonio came walking over to me and trapped me in with his arms on both sides of the counter and me in the middle he leaned forward, I thought he was going to kiss me or I hoped he was going to kiss me but instead he licks my ear and whispered “Tonight 7 pm at George and Gio’s place. Don’t be late.” I got goosebumps all over my body, “So responsive” he whispered again. “Why?” “Why what?” “Why should I be and George and Gio’s place at 7 pm?” “Because you need to get your punishment.” “Oh” “Sweetheart this is a request if you don’t want to come over for your punishment, we will back away. No more unexpected visits or kisses or licking or biting ears.” Then he did it again and I felt it all the way down my body to my pussy. “But if you do come over for your punishment, we’ll have a long talk and you will be ours. Do you understand?” I moved and took a sip of my coffee; my throat was so dry. “Do you understand sweetheart?” “yes” I half choked out. “What do you understand?”

“If I come over tonight for my punishment, we will have a talk and I’ll belong to you guys.” “Yes, and if you don’t come?” “Everything stops and I’ll just be your broker.” “Good girl, now if you only where this good at listening last night.” Then he pushed away from the counter and walk to the front door, “See you later sweetheart.” He left and I stood in the kitchen dumbstruck. When I’m in the vicinity of these guys my brain doesn’t work, I can concentrate on work but nothing else it’s like my body takes over. There is so much to process what Antonio just said, but I didn’t have time I need to get to a client’s house and it’s a 30 minutes’ drive basically all my clients live 30 minutes away from me probably because the all stay in the same vicinity of each other but I’ll never tell them who is my other clients or their addresses. I grab my jacket and bag and walked out of my apartment. I locked the door and walked to the elevator.

When the doors open Gio was standing inside the elevator. “Ah Gio, what you doing here. Oh, sorry never mind Antonio told me you have apartments here.” “Morning to you to Rossi.” “Sorry Gio Morning, you getting out.” “No, I think I’ll go down with you and then come back up.” “You sure.” “Oh, believe me, I’m sure.” The doors closed and it was only me and Gio in the lift. He moved closer to me and I tried to back away, what a wrong move that was, I moved myself into the corner. “You running away from me Gio.” “No not at all and I won’t get far we are in a lift Gio.” I said with a bit of sass more than I had in me the whole morning. He pushed his body against me and kissed me I was taken by surprise and open my mouth for air but he took it as an invitation and pushed his tongue in my mouth, that made me want to kiss him. He kissed me but I kissed him right back I was still frustrated that Antonio didn’t kiss me this morning but also BOB didn’t do his job right last night I was still horny as hell. We kissed the whole way to the ground floor when the doors pinged open, Gio let me go. “Have a nice day Rossi, see you later.” I didn’t have anything to say I just walked to my car. I couldn’t believe I just let that happen. It doesn’t matter that I wanted it to happen. I got in my car put the radio as hard as it could go then everything was going through my mind, everything that happened yesterday and last night, what was obviously going to happen during the day and then if I was going to show up at the house tonight. I already actually think I’m going but it’s a 50/50 I wanted to go but I was scared to go.

I decided to make that decision later I had things to do today and a coffee date with Josh today. Oh, why did I say yes to that, maybe because I felt guilty, yes, I was using him but I think he was using me in return because he got a cut of the money it’s not like he did anything for free. I should remember that and not feel guilty. I stopped at the gates of the Bomama crime family the guard came out and inspected my car making sure I’m not bringing stuff onto the property that could be harmful for the family. I was cleared and drove to the door where Johnny was waiting for, I really didn’t like the second in command he was a pervert, he like to pat me down and took his time at my breast and the inside of my legs, he looked like the type that would rape you. My mood always changes immediately if Johnny is the one waiting for me. I got out of the car and as I said Johnny started tapping me down. He felt between my breast under my breast and then he went to the inside of my legs. He didn’t stop he kept on going. “I think that is enough Johnny clearly I have nothing on me.”

“Fine Jose is waiting for you in the dinning room.” “I like the fact that Jose doesn’t always need his men around him he could make deals with me on his own, yes all of them can but they don’t.” “Emilia morning come sit down.” Jose said “Hi Jose, what can I help you with today?” “I got a few million I thought you could invest that in property for me.” “That’s no problem, you want me to count it here with you.” “No, we already did that it is 4 million.” “You sure Jose?” “I don’t want to get to my office then we are a few dollars short.” “Then you call me and I’ll kill the person that counted it I trust you Emilia you are probably the only person I do trust. Then I’m in the market for 3D printed guns I have a job to be done and I can’t have metal detectors detect the guns.” “No problem, Jose I can get on that by when do you want it?” “You have 2 weeks then I want 100, 9mm firearms.”

“Okay no problem, Jose, anything else?” “Not know thank you Emilia the money will be at the front door.” “Thank you, Jose.” I got to the front door and Johnny was standing with the suitcases what is the changes he was the one that counted the money then I can get rid of him. You wish Rossi. I told myself. I took the cases from him then left. Thank God he didn’t do anything else I might just have puke. But at least he was the reason I could think clearly again. I drove back to my office, thinking who does these guys think they are telling me not to play with myself, popping up everywhere and kissing me senseless. I’m not going tonight. I’m not going.

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