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No Escaping From Me Now…

Nalani felt how a sweat dripped down her forehead, she stopped breathing for a minute.

“You…You…?” She stuttered for a minute.

“I know you’re surprised, but yes, we do have an alpha here,” his lips formed a smirk.


“And as I supposed, you were sent here to be my bride, correct?”

“I will not marry a monster like you! You didn’t even bother to feed me!”

“Interesting…a witch who tried to escape and was brought in front of me instead of asking for forgiveness, she dares to complain?” The alpha spoke in a deep tone, he seemed to enjoy Nalani’s character.

The alpha turned to his friend and said, "Take them to their room, make sure they have everything they need."

The lady standing silently in the corner had silver hair and dark green eyes, she nodded silently and gestured for Nalani and her maid to follow her.

Nalani could sense the strength and power in her demeanor, realising she was also a wolf but unsure of her specific kind.

As they walked through the grand halls of the alpha's castle, Nalani couldn't help but feel the woman’s cold steps.

‘I don’t think that she likes us also…’ she thought silently to herself, and the maid grabbed Nalani’s wrist.

‘I know…don’t worry…’

The mysterious lady led them to a lavish room with elegant furnishings and left them with a slight nod before disappearing into the shadows.

Nalani and her maid exchanged worried glances, unsure of what their future held in this strange and unfamiliar place.

“At least we got a room…”

The maid nodded.

“Do you know how to read?” Nalani asked her.

The maid Nodded again.

“Can you write?”

The maid didn’t answer, and just bowed her head to the floor.

“Hey, hey! You don’t need to bow to me! I’m nothing!”

But then Nalani saw that the maid was using her finger to write on a dusty floor, “Mita…” Nalani whispered the word. “Is that your name?”

She nodded slowly, while wiping the dust from her finger.

“Mita…I’m Nalani…I think you know me already.”

There was no sign of anything.

“I understand if you don’t wanna be friends with me or become my ally. However, me and you are here alone…with no one to support us…”

Mita stood for a second, but to Nalani’s surprise, she gently bowed her head in agreement.

“I will count on you, and I will do my best to protect you while we’re here!”

Nalani and Mita began to settle into the room, which was far more luxurious than anything Nalani had expected in the alpha's castle.

She glanced around at the plush furnishings, the heavy drapes that covered the windows, and the large, comfortable bed that dominated the space.

"Mita," Nalani said in a hushed tone, "I need to ask you something very important. Can you promise me not to tell or show anyone that you can read and write? It's rare and could be dangerous here."

Mita looked at Nalani, her eyes seemed understanding, and gave a cautious nod.

"Good," Nalani continued, "I also need your help to find out what the alpha's real intentions are. I don't trust him. If we learn what he's planning, maybe we can figure out how to get back home."

Mita's eyes flickered as she lowered her head, and picked it back up.

Suddenly, the door opened with a creak, and a tall, imposing man stepped into the room. It was a man with broad shoulders, his face was stern, and his eyes were sharp.

"Miss Nalani, the alpha requests your presence for dinner. You must change into something more appropriate," he said with a firm voice.

Nalani looked down at her simple clothes, then back at the man. "I understand. Can you give us a moment to prepare?"

The man nodded and closed the door, leaving them alone again.

Nalani turned to Mita. "Looks like I have no choice but to dine with the beast. Help me find something to wear, will you?"

Mita moved quickly to the wardrobe, opening it to reveal several dresses of fine silks and velvets.

She selected a gown that shimmered with a soft blue hue, much like the sky just after dusk. It was beautifully adorned with beautiful lace and sparkling beads.

"This will do," Nalani murmured, taking the dress from Mita and beginning to change.

As she dressed, Nalani thought about the upcoming dinner. The alpha was a mystery to her, like someone wrapped in a riddle, and she couldn't help but wonder what he truly wanted from her.

Once dressed, Nalani turned to Mita, who stood silently watching.

"Mita, while I'm at dinner, use the time to explore if you can. Just be careful, okay? We don't know who we can trust here."

Mita gave a slight nod.

Nalani took a deep breath, steeling herself. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, noting how the dress changed her appearance, making her look more like someone who belonged in this grand castle.

But it was just for a spectacle, ‘I need to do my best…’ she bit her lower lip, ‘he promised…’

The door opened once more, and the same man stood there. "Are you ready, Miss Nalani?"

"Yes, I am," Nalani replied with a steady voice, despite the flutter of nerves in her stomach.

The man led her through the intricate hallways of the castle, the sound of their footsteps kept repeating off the stone walls.

They arrived at a grand dining hall, where a long table was set with fine twinkling silverware.

At the head of the table sat the alpha, his eyes lighted up as Nalani entered.

"Welcome, Nalani," the alpha said with a voice as l smooth as silk. "You look ravishing." His tone was higher.

Nalani forced a smile, though her heart was pounding. "Thank you, alpha. You have a lovely home."

"I know that…”

Nalani rolled her eyes, ‘arrogant…’ she thought again.

As she took her seat, Nalani kept her posture straight and senses alert.

The alpha watched her with an intensity as servants brought in course after course of exquisite food.

“It’s surprising…the kingdom that was known for nothing, looks so rich.”

“I like to keep it a secret.”

“Are you a Lycan-“

“Manners… are what they don’t teach you over there, aren't they?” He simply interrupted her.


Throughout the dinner, Nalani engaged in polite conversation, all the while trying to probe the alpha’s intentions. "So, alpha, what exactly do you expect from me?" she asked boldly.

The alpha’s smirk deepened, and he leaned in slightly. "Nalani, let's not spoil our meal with talk of expectations. Tonight, we dine, and we enjoy each other's company."

Nalani nodded, playing along, but her mind was racing.

She needed to find out what he was planning, and she needed to find a way to come back home faster.

The sooner she understood the alpha's intentions, the sooner she could devise a plan.

“Don’t worry about scheming anything here, my daring witch. There’s no escaping from me now.”

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