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Rare virgin breeder

Lana woke up before the sun could even rise, the same day as usual, nothing fancy. Same old misery of her life as a rogue slave in the pack. Today was her eighteenth birthday, a celebration worth celebrating for everyone else. In a normal child’s life this would be a day that is celebrated; but not for her. After all, she was nothing more than a slave who was found and given refuge.

She rolled off the makeshift mattress, set up in her room and went to wash her face in the sink. Lana caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror, though the bruises on my neck were fading. The cut on her head from last week has already healed. Getting thrashed by her mistress and her evil daughters was nothing new to her. Pain seemed to be Lana’s new friend now, throughout the years.

For a moment, she allowed herself to have a small pity party. Although she could not believe how horrible she was looking, definitely not the beauty. She was not as tall as other girls her age, let alone being healthy as she should have been. Living a miserable life Lana had never seen any joy of dressing up decently. Household chores and exhaustion had definitely masked and faded her beauty.

Lana knew it was time to go to work for her so-called family who had taken her in. She knew she needed to get back to the pack house before everyone woke up. They would be expecting breakfast, and as usual Lana would get beaten severely if they had to wait for it. Not that the daughters needed any excuse to beat her up. A mere slave! Lana knew she had nowhere to go as a rogue. Either she could get killed or captured.

She didn’t choose this life and why would anybody? Lana was a princess until her pack was attacked and dissolved. Somehow she ran away from her pack during the war and took refuge in the nearby town. It was a matter of time when she was sold to some wealthy wolf lord. And those circumstances led her to the current place, where she had been living worse than a slave. Working for the family only for a roof over her head and a single meal per day.

“I should better hurry and start making breakfast.” Lana had crawled out of her servant quarters and into the kitchen. She started cooking when the bulky old lady walked inside. “I am sorry, madam. I will hurry up and bring breakfast to the table.” The mistress, on the other hand, smirked meaningfully as she gestured to some people.

Having no clue what the madam was there for, Lana began working faster. “No need. You are worth more than these mere chores.” The old lady sneered when two guards walked inside. Lana could comprehend that they were brothel guards, from the notorious place. That could only mean one thing and she was not ready for that. Nobody would ever be!

The heavy wooden door to the kitchen bursts open, and two burly guards, clad in iron armour, strode in. The clank of their boots against the stone floor silences the bustling kitchen staff. Lana turned to the guards, and a hushed tension filled the room. “No!”

She knew immediately that she had been sold to the brothel. And now there was no way to escape from those sturdy guards. Lana tried one last hopeless attempt to run towards the back door of the kitchen. One of the guards, a stern man with a scar across his cheek, ran behind the woman.

Lana stopped midway when the other one blocked her way and spoke with authority. “You there! Woman! Don’t make it hard for us or yourself, you are only going to get hurt if you resist.” Lana knew that her life was over at that moment. She was sold as a virgin breeder to god knows how many wolves out there.

The woman, clearly startled, sets down her knife and slowly backs away from the chopping table. “Go to hell!” Lana lifted the knife to stab herself in the stomach as the last resort to save herself. “I will never be a plaything to your alpha!” The sharp edge of the knife almost hit her tummy, when the guard snatched the knife and almost broke her wrist.

The other guard, a taller and more intimidating figure, steps forward, his gauntleted hand reaching for the woman. “You are coming with us. Our mistress demands your presence, you filthy rogue whore. Alive!” Lana’s eyes widened in horror about the situation. How could it be? How could the moon goddess not let her live in peace!?

First her family was murdered, her pack was dissolved and the authority she once had was snatched. Lana was once the princess who was now reduced to living like a slave in some mediocre pack. Was all that not enough for her? Was being sold to some brothel as a breeder her ultimate punishment?

The woman's face grew pale, and she started to tremble. She knows the implications of being sold to the brothel. The humiliation, those hungry wolves who would eat her flesh. “No, no! This cannot be. I am a mere slave here, leave me alone!” Lana tried one last time so that they would finally leave her. “I am not worthy of being a breeder to anyone. Please!”

The guards grabbed her from both arms. “That's not for us to decide. Come along quietly, or we will drag you out.” Her life was over, Lana never knew her life would end like this. Being a breeder was an insult for her, coming from a higher pack than the one she was in. However, the moon goddess seems to be having some plans for her.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the bustling city The group of hunters dragged her all the way through the labyrinthine streets towards a discreet establishment known as "The Velvet Rose."

Their pockets jingled with the weight of the gold coins, which they had acquired earlier that day. If they could they would sell every rare and valuable substance with potent mystical properties. Be it a human or non-living thing! And one of them was a virgin woman, who was desired by the wolven men as they could only breed with virgins.

Lana panicked as they approached the brothel's entrance, the hunters were greeted by a tall, burly woman with a greying beard and sharp eyes. She was none other than the shrewd owner of The Velvet Rose. the one to whom every virgin was sold at the age of eighteen years. She was the one who launched plenty of innocent women in the filthy system.

The owner glanced at the hunters and a sly smile crept across her face. "Ah, my loyal friends, I see that you have returned with a wolfless virgin this time. hah!" She spoke in a gravelly voice. "I trust she is of exceptional quality and knows how to be obedient." She seemed to be having some plans for me, while I was cuffed and beaten up in the stomach on the way.

‘No! No! I could not let myself be sold to some dirty brothel. Hell no! I would not serve men like that while waiting for my death. Hah!’ Even dying with humiliation and rejection was better than this life which the hunters had planned for her. Only if the moon goddess would have either blessed her with a wolf or a better life. But no, she had to be cruel!

One of the hunters, a wiry man, laughed and stepped forward and nodded. "Indeed, dearie, indeed." He replied, his voice tinged with excitement as the man leaned in and kissed the brothel owner’s hand. They had a deal for bringing in rogues and weaklings? That was why the omegas and virgins had been disappearing from packs?

"We have secured a particularly good cub this time. The clients will be pleased. Look at her, she is the epitome of beauty!" The man spoke with lust dripping from his eyes. Fear and panic rose in Lana but I could not utter anything as her mouth was sealed.

The owner’s eyes gleamed with anticipation, as if she had been seeking a wolfless virgin like her forever. Maybe girls like Lana were highly sought after by the brothel's patrons for being good breeders or one night pleasure. Indeed a wolfless virgin was a rare commodity, often procured through illicit means.

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