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Alpha's hated breeder

With a nod the bulky woman gestured to the hunters to follow her inside. The heavy wooden door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit interior adorned with rich items. And perhaps Lana’s death! Panic surged through her upon thinking all that, as Lana realised the urgency and disgust in the air.

She was brought to the room where so many dresses and jewellery was put on the bed for her to wear after cleaning up. She knew she had to leave but her body had no energy to get up from that bed where she had been laying.

The guards of the brothel brought her upstairs and threw Lana on the bed to let the effects of silver and wolfsbane to wear out. It was not like she did not try to get up and run for her life but she just could not move and inch other than looking around with an occasionally spinning vision.

Lana was still contemplating what to do because there was no way an alpha’s daughter would be sold to some dirty brothel. It did not matter to her from where she came, she had been known as the alpha’s daughter and she could not lose that respectful title. Lana tired and immoveable body panicked upon hearing a loud bang and growl of multiple male wolves.

The people within the building were scattering, seeking refuge in hidden corners. Their fear was palpable and it reached her too when she heard everyone’s screaming and the clattering of heels. She knew at once something was wrong but there was nothing she could do as her body was not moving.

The room was dimly lit where she had been laying, with a musty scent lingering in the air. The sound of hurried footsteps echoed outside, amplifying her growing panic as she tried my best to turn over with tears. It was the moment when Lana saw a few men handling some sex workers outside the room.

Suddenly her eyes saw a shadow coming towards her direction, revealing a burly man standing in the entrance. His imposing figure and angry expression sent a shiver down her spine. Lana instinctively knew he was not someone with whom anybody could mess with. There was something commanding about him, an air of authority that demanded attention.

There was something else in that whole moment, she could feel something stirring inside her when she saw him. Some connection which was unexplainable and stronger than anything. A magnetic moment. But who the heck was he?

He strode purposefully into the room with fingers curled into fists, his gaze scanning the surroundings with disgust. His eyes met Lana’s briefly, and in that moment, she could see a mixture of extreme anger and concern. It was as if he understood the danger lurking outside and her situation which was bad af and she could not help but panic.

‘No! I would not let myself get railed like that. No, no!’ Lana thought and wriggled like a worm to get away from that man but her body was still under the effects of wolfsbane. She could see malice in his eyes, his imposing figure was asserting dominance over hers. His scary attire and long hair were casting an eerie look along with the grim atmosphere.

Lana watched as the burly man approached her, his steps steady and deliberate. When he leaped towards her, she closed her eyes reflexively not knowing what was about to happen. Lana impatiently waited for a sword or dagger to slash her neck and a sharp pain circulating in her body.

He reached out a hand, his touch surprisingly gentle, as she could not help but feel his soft presence. When he paused after slipping his hands under her back and scooped her up in his strong arms. "Finally I have found you, princess!" Lana snapped open my eyes upon hearing his voice and looked into his stern eyes.

"You are mine now. Only mine! To keep and to destroy!" He spoke with his voice relatively low but filled with conviction and confidence. And in that fleeting moment, as chaos ensued in the outside world, Lana found strange familiarity and anger in his words which was not explainable in words.

Though the uncertainty of his words stood there along with what lay ahead, for some reason she knew her life was about to get worse. Though who was he? And why was he looking for her?

Lana was brought to the castle of alpha Sahan, after he found and saved her from the brothel. However, she was still inside the Dark Stone pack and was in the worst possible place she could think of. She stood at the front of his chambers, staring at the door, then hesitantly knocked.

The alpha’s voice came from the other side, sending shivers down her spine. Lana still could not realise that he was the same man who had eradicated her whole pack. Alpha Sahan was blinded by revenge for his own family and didn’t care at all whomever got killed in that attack. Lana, the alpha’s daughter, was the only survivor who got away from his hands when she was 12 years old.

Now six years later Alpha Sahan could finally catch her scent once again. And that led him to the brothel that night when he saved Lana. as much as he wished to kill her at that moment, the alpha could not do so. Something in his gut told him not to rip off her head and finally had his revenge up to the fullest. The alpha decided to bring her with himself until he could find out what that gut feeling was.

Lana was bathed, well fed and nursed back to health. The special treatment she got from the alpha made everyone else inside the castle angry. Every single woman inside the castle became envious of her upon hearing that the alpha had summoned her. It meant only one thing, Lana was being called for sex. Of course, why would not she be? She was taken in for breeding reasons. What else!?

“Come in!” The reply came in a curt tone as Lana stood outside the alpha’s room. His deep voice reverberated through her, as she clenched her dress. She opened the door and walked inside with her heart beating in ears. The light illuminated the room, the chambers were dipped in red and brown.

It was the most beautiful sight she had seen, but the situation wasn't exactly favouring Lana's sense of exploration and appreciation. She could only stare at the alpha who was sitting in the right side of the room. She could not help but feel uneasiness in the atmosphere. No doubt, Lana was sold as a breeder and there was no other reason why she would be called there.

The alpha raised his head finally and stared at Lana, holding the book down and watching her blatantly. All over her, his eyes crawled through her skin like hands with a burning sensation. While Lana shivered under his cold gaze which was filled with pure contempt. Lana wondered if this man would ever know what it was like to show any emotion.

Slowly, the alpha pushed his chair back, still staring at her. “Remove the robe!” He commanded in a loud tone without any emotion, Lana hesitated. His eyes flashed dangerously and he licked his lips in disgust. Lana forced her hands to move as she pulled the silk robe from her body. She could not help but feel his heated eyes on her body. Shame filled her heart as she could not help but sob.

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