A Lesson in Magic all 96 chapters

  1. Lesson 1- Always take a friend, the buddy system is key.
  2. Lesson 2- Crying is allowed, but shouting for no reason is not.
  3. Lesson 3- Always say "please" and "thank you"—your cuteness can only get you so far.
  4. Lesson 4- Say sorry when you've hurt someone—it helps to make things right.
  5. Lesson 5- Respect other people's property and space.
  6. Lesson 6- Be kind to others, especially those who might be different from you.
  7. Lesson 7- Ask for help when you need it—no one knows everything.
  8. Lesson 8- Keep your hands to yourself, unless you're giving someone a high-five.
  9. Lesson 9- If you make a mess you have to clean it up.
  10. Lesson 10- Nap time is non-negotiable; everyone needs their beauty rest.
  11. Lesson 11- Sharing is caring, especially when it comes to drinks or cookies.
  12. Lesson 12- Wash your hands after using the toilet—germs aren't your friends.
  13. Lesson 13- Always look both ways before crossing the street.
  14. Lesson 14- Take care of your stuff- broken toys are no fun!
  15. Lesson 15- Clothes are for wearing, not decorating the floor.
  16. Lesson 16- Don't hit or hurt others, use your words to express yourself instead.
  17. Lesson 17- Sometimes, the answer will be no, and that’s okay. It’s important to accept it without getting upset.
  18. Lesson 18- Be curious and ask questions. Exploring and learning about the world is fun and important.
  19. Lesson 19- Don’t judge others, treat them the way you want to be treated.
  20. Lesson 20- Don't play with your food, but making faces is allowed.
  21. Lesson 21- Use your inside voice or you’ll be sent to time out.
  22. Lesson 22- Get enough sleep, bedtime is important for growing up strong.
  23. Lesson 23- If you borrow something, don’t complain when it’s time to give it back. Sharing is caring.
  24. Lesson 24- When someone is doing their job, be a good helper by not getting in their way.
  25. Lesson 25- Don't interrupt when the adults are talking.
  26. Lesson 26- Always wash your hands after using the bathroom to get rid of yucky germs.
  27. Lesson 27- Don't put things in your mouth unless it's food or you've asked first.
  28. Lesson 28- Don't play with the pet's food, it belongs to them, not you.
  29. Lesson 29- Don't touch things that aren't yours, even if they're shiny.
  30. Lesson 30- Ask before borrowing someone's toys, sharing is a two-way street.
  31. Lesson 31- Only colour on paper, not on yourself or the furniture.
  32. Lesson 32- Don't talk to strangers, but it's okay to smile.
  33. Lesson 33- Feet go on the floor, not on the furniture.
  34. Lesson 34- If you want pocket money you need to do your chores.
  35. Lesson 35- No sneaking treats without permission.
  36. Lesson 36- Put your things away, or the Toy Goblin might steal them!
  37. Lesson 37- Don’t interrupt when someone else is speaking, wait your turn.
  38. Lesson 38- Use your inside voice indoors, outside voices are for the playground.
  39. Lesson 39- Always tell the truth. Lies are like wobbly blocks, they fall down.
  40. Lesson 40- Say sorry right away when you hurt someone. It’s like cleaning up a spill, do it fast, it’s much easier to fix!
  41. Lesson 41- Use the magic words: "please" and "thank you." They open doors (and cookie jars)
  42. Lesson 42- Sometimes making friends is easy, just smile and say hi! It's like opening a door to fun and new adventures.
  43. Lesson 43- If you can't reach it, you probably shouldn't be playing with it.
  44. Lesson 44- Don’t take things that aren’t yours. It’s not nice.
  45. Lesson 45- Sometimes when you fix a broken toy it isn’t exactly the same as it was, but that doesn’t mean it’s no good!
  46. Lesson 46- Good communication is talking and listening. It’s like playing catch, everyone gets a turn.
  47. Lesson 47- When you wake up, smile and get up. There’s a new day of fun waiting for you!
  48. Lesson 48- Enjoy your cake, but don’t eat too much at once!
  49. Lesson 49- Save some of your money instead of spending it all. It’s like storing up treasures, you’ll have something special for later!
  50. Lesson 50- Always play fair and take turns.
  51. Lesson 51- Don’t take candy from strangers.
  52. Lesson 52- When someone says "no," listen and accept it.
  53. Lesson 53- Running is for the playground, not the living room.
  54. Lesson 54- Always be polite and knock.
  55. Lesson 55- If you’re stuck inside, use your imagination. It’s like turning your home into a playground!
  56. Lesson 56- Smiling makes you and others happy… Most of the time.
  57. Lesson 57- It’s wrong to steal.
  58. Lesson 58- Just because you CAN do something, that doesn’t mean you SHOULD.
  59. Lesson 59- Always be respectful of someone else’s home.
  60. Lesson 60- It’s important to wear clean socks and underwear.
  61. Lesson 61- It’s not nice to talk about someone behind their back.
  62. Lesson 62- It’s okay to be scared sometimes.
  63. Lesson 63- No throwing toys, you break it you bought it.
  64. Lesson 64- Be a good friend and listen.
  65. Lesson 65- Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree.
  66. Lesson 66- Always be on time.
  67. Lesson 67- When someone is sick, be kind and helpful
  68. Lesson 68- Remember, not everything people say online is true.
  69. Lesson 69- If you see someone being left out, invite them to join in.
  70. Lesson 70- Freedom means you get to make choices, but it also means dealing with the consequences.
  71. Lesson 71- Remember to always ask first before taking someone else’s toys.
  72. Lesson 72- You should think carefully when you make decisions.
  73. Lesson 73- Always take good care of your pens.
  74. Lesson 74- Everything is better with good teamwork.
  75. Lesson 75- Always chew your food properly.
  76. Lesson 76- Always wash your hands with soap and warm water.
  77. Lesson 77- Just because your day is bad it does not give you an excuse to ruin someone else’s.
  78. Lesson 78- Knowing who to call for help is just as good as knowing how to fix something yourself.
  79. Lesson 79- If someone knocks on the door, don’t open it by yourself, always get a grown-up first.
  80. Lesson 80- Always double check your work.
  81. Lesson 81- Respect people’s bubble of personal space.
  82. Lesson 82- There is nothing wrong with being in a bad mood, as long as you don’t take it out on someone else.
  83. Lesson 83- Pets love to play, but remember to be gentle! They’re not toys!
  84. Lesson 84- Every house has different rules, follow them just like your own.
  85. Lesson 85- Medicine may taste sweet, but it's not candy!
  86. Lesson 86- If you find a cute animal, always ask a grown-up before bringing it home.
  87. Lesson 87- It’s okay if you fall as long as you get back up and try again.
  88. Lesson 88- Always clean up after your pets!
  89. Lesson 89- It’s not nice to leave people out when you do something fun.
  90. Lesson 90- Just because someone is different that doesn’t make them bad.
  91. Lesson 91- It’s not nice to make people worry.
  92. Lesson 92- Sometimes people don’t want to play, and that’s okay too.
  93. Lesson 93- Always ask a grown-up before using a phone.
  94. Lesson 94- It’s important to always ask nicely before taking something.
  95. Lesson 95- If someone else is telling a story, it’s polite to listen.
  96. Lesson 96- Sleepovers might be fun, but everyone needs to sleep sometime.