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Chapter VI: Punishment

Isabella sprinted for the safety of the main hall, her heart pounding with fear. She didn’t know where she would run to, as the guards would never let her leave, but anywhere was better than being alone with the king like that. Her hopes of escape were dashed as Lady Theda materialized before her, like a specter emerging from the shadows. In a blur of motion, the cruel woman wielded a stick, tripping Isabella and sending her crashing to the ground with a cry of pain.

Pain lanced through Isabella's body as she hit the hard floor, the impact knocking the breath from her lungs. Before she could gather her wits, Lady Theda loomed over her, her expression a mask of cold indifference as she yanked Isabella roughly to her feet.

"Get up, you pathetic little whore," Lady Theda spat, her voice dripping with contempt. "Where do you think you’re going, huh?”

With a savage motion, Lady Theda delivered a stinging slap across Isabella's cheek, the force of the blow sending shockwaves of pain reverberating through her skull. Tears welled in Isabella's eyes as she tasted the metallic tang of blood on her lip, her spirit battered by the cruel hand of her captor.

Isabella and Lady Theda were startled by the sudden appearance of the Dragon King, draped in a crimson robe as he emerged from the bathing house. Lady Theda swiftly bowed, a gesture mirrored by Isabella after a sharp slap to her neck forced her compliance.

The King's expression darkened as he addressed Lady Theda, his voice dripping with thinly veiled anger. "Lady Theda," he began, his tone cold and authoritative. "I summoned the princess, yet she dared to defy my command."

Lady Theda wasted no time in shifting the blame, her voice laced with malice as she promised retribution. "Your Majesty, I will ensure that she is punished accordingly," she declared, her eyes glinting with a cruel satisfaction. "She will learn how to behave, I assure you.”

The King's gaze flickered towards Isabella, his expression unreadable as he issued his decree. "Bring her to my chambers later," he commanded, his voice a low growl that sent a shiver down Isabella's spine. "I will deal with her myself."

As Lady Theda ushered Isabella away, her heart raced with fear at the prospect of facing the King's wrath. Alone in the shadow of impending punishment, Isabella could only pray for the strength to endure whatever fate awaited her at the hands of the Dragon King.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the Harem, Isabella found herself confined to the main hall, her anticipation mounting with each passing moment. The weight of the impending punishment hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of her disobedience.

Throughout the day, Isabella remained trapped in the suffocating silence of the main hall, her ears filled with the whispered taunts and mocking laughter of her fellow concubines. Their cruel words pierced her heart like daggers, but she steeled herself against their barbs, refusing to let them see her weakness.

As night descended and Lady Theda arrived to escort her to the King's chambers, Isabella's heart clenched with dread. The dimly lit chamber loomed before her, its oppressive atmosphere suffused with tension and anticipation.

Without a word, the Dragon King gestured for Isabella to bend over a nearby table, his voice low and authoritative as he spoke of her disobedience. "You dared to defy my command," he said, his words laced with anger. "You thought you could run from your fate, but there is no escaping the consequences of your actions."

The King lifted her dress and exposed her bare ass. Isabella gritted her teeth against the shame she felt, but kept herself composed even in the face of such humiliation.

Without warning, the King's hand tightened around the belt, and the first blow fell, the leather striking Isabella's exposed skin with a sharp crack. Pain exploded across her senses, a searing heat that spread through her body like wildfire.

Again and again, the belt descended, each strike leaving behind a fiery welt as it tore through the fabric of her dignity. With each punishing blow, Isabella fought to stifle her cries, her teeth clenched in a futile attempt to suppress the agony that threatened to consume her.

Through gritted teeth, the King's voice echoed in her ears, his words a relentless barrage of condemnation and retribution. "You will learn the consequences of defying me," he declared, his tone cold and unforgiving.

As the punishment continued, Isabella's body screamed in protest, every nerve aflame with agony.

As tears streamed down Isabella's cheeks, her cries mingling with the sting of each punishing blow, she mustered the courage to plead for mercy. "Please," she sobbed, her voice raw with pain and desperation. "Let me go, I beg you."

The King's response was as cold and unyielding as the steel in his gaze. "Get up," he commanded, his tone devoid of sympathy.

With trembling limbs, Isabella obeyed, summoning every last ounce of strength to lift her battered body from the table. But as she rose, the agony proved too much to bear, and the world spun around her in a dizzying blur.

Before she could collapse to the ground, the King's strong arms enveloped her, preventing her fall. Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, Isabella felt an unexpected tenderness in his touch—a fleeting moment of compassion amidst the cruelty of her punishment.

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