The Hunter
I saw him watching me and caught his scent, I don't know who sent him or why he is here but a hunter in a town full of vampires is not a good thing. Though i am not completely convinced that he is a hunter, he smells like one most of the time but once in a while i get a smell of something else and even for a vampire it's not a good smell. We don't get along with many species due to rival differences but, nobody gets along with this species and if it is what i get a whiff of we are all in a lot of trouble.
I tell my dad what is going on and he comes up with a plan, this guy has been watching me for a while now so i am going to be the bait and we are going to see just how far this young man will go with his watching me and wanting to protect me. He has that look on his face like he wants do whatever he can to keep me safe so we will see just how far he is wanting to take this. If he is who i think he is and he is true then he will do anything he can to save me. I just don't understand why he can't sense me or doesn't know what i really am?
My dad's guys show up early and we go over the plan, I know what time the cafe closes and what time he leaves and starts walking home so this will be easy to time just right. We get to the bottom of the stairs and the guys grab me and start carrying me out, i begin my struggle and fighting them back when i see him come running to the front of the place. You can see the panic in his eyes and the doubt of whether he should help me or not, he finally makes a decision and moves out of the door and comes running across the street. I continue to fight and play my part until my dads guard hits him and sends him flying across the street. The look of shock he got when he noticed their eyes and fangs was a surprise to me all on it's own but the way he flew so easily i am beginning to think that we are wrong and not only is he not a hunter but he is also not a chosen either like i thought. When he starts to get up a second time i shake my head no to him, I don't want him dying for now reason and trying to help me when this is all a part of a plan is not worth it. I may be vampire but i only kill when needed, he listens and stays put as the guys put me in the back of the van.
Once in the van they both give me the look to confirm my own thoughts. This person is not who we thought they were and we may have made a huge mistake. Now the guys will have to come back and take him to meet my father so he can tell whether he is actually a hunter or not. If he is a chosen one then we are fucked and he could wipe out our entire coven for revenge of being fucked with. The chosen rule the earth and keep the balance, if you upset one they can remove you and replace your ruler with a new one of their choosing as they choose all rulers and leaders for every creature there is. Selene the moon goddess creates the creatures and the chosen ones help to control and keep balance on the planet between us all. I am praying the whole way to my fathers that he is not a chosen one. If we are to perish it should be by natural causes or fighting for what we want to live. Not for making a mistake and capturing something we have no business bothering or going near. With powers beyond our knowledge and strength that is passed down through the generations there is no telling what a chosen one can actually do when they are angry.
We get to my father, and i explain what has happened. As i knew he would he orders the two that got me to go back and watch him, when the opportunity presents itself than take him and bring him here. My father wants to meet him on his own and wants to know exactly what he is and what his intentions are. I will have to stay hidden while this takes place. I know the minute he sees my father and how much we look alike that he is going to have so many more questions than he does now. Until we know exactly what he is and how this is going to play out it is better if he doesn't see me or be near me. I have a pull to him as well that i can not explain but i don't want to cause any harm to my family or to him. We just need more information and i know my father will get it from him, I just hope he gets it without having to do any harm. Chosen or not this man risked his life to save me not knowing what or who i am, and until i know it is part of some bigger plan to harm me I am going to be forever grateful for what he did.
The guys leave to go watch his place and grab him while i go wash up and lie down. I have a million thoughts running through my head and i really just need it all to calm down now so i can think. I don't sleep so i can't just ignore it either, i have to find something to occupy myself while this takes place. Maybe i will go for a late night snack, I am feeling a little hungry and i don't want to get to the stage of famished, then i attack and don't care for my foods well being. I am a vampire but not a monster.